Teaser 2#

Five Shining Boys

Don't work too hard. If they give you a hard time, just tell me and I'll make sure they stop. 

Minjung couldn't help but give off a small giggle when she read the text and she shook her head lightly, laughing at his foolishness.

Don't worry oppa. They're not going to eat me. I have to go now. Talk to you later.

Right after she hit the send button, she left her phone in her open bag and ran over to the coordinator. Her brother was always one to worry about her, even over the most trivial things. While most of her friends fail to see the good in having an overprotective brother, she did not mind. Her brother was someone she could trust. He was a brother. A best friend. A confidant. Someone who had always been there for her.

She was busy getting ready for her photoshoot for a magazine, constantly changing into the various clothing styles they had prepared and taking a million photos when only one was required. She never fully understood why they had to take so many photos, but she never complained about it. It was work. There was nothing she could do about it. And personally, she didn't mind it one bit. She loved modelling. It was the reason why she became a part-time model in the first place.

She was busy posing for the camera when the sound of a ringing phone caught her attention, a long with the photographer's. Both turned to look at the coordinator who answered her phone. The photographer was crossed that he had been interrupted, but he didn't say a word as the coordinator's face lit up as she talked on the phone. She hanged up and looked at the two that were staring and clapped her hands together and smiled brightly.

"He's here!!" she exclaimed.

The photographer found a smile creeping up his face and he signalled for everyone to take a quick break. Confused, Minjung walked over to the coordinator and asked for an explanation. "Ga-Yun unnie, what's going on? Who's here?"

"Ah, that. Remember I told you that you will be shooting with a surprise guest? Well, he's here now!"

"So who is he?" she asked, curious. She had always worked alone before and was thus curious as to who her partner would be.

"Well, you'll see soon enough. He's a-" she stopped at the sound of the door opening and grinned widely. "Well, what do you know? He's here."

Minjung arched an eyebrow at the woman and tilted her head to the side to look at the door that was hidden away from her view behind the coordinator. When her eyes met the boy that was standing at the door, politely greeting the crew, she froze. It was definitely someone she had not expected to meet.

Kim Kibum.

He slowly looked around the room, examining it, until his gaze fell upon the frozen girl. Like her, he was surprised, and stood there frozen. And at that one short moment, all her feelings rushed back into her heart. The feelings she thought she had gotten rid of during the past 4 years. 4 years. 4 years, she spent trying to erase the memories of the past. Yet it all went to waste the moment she saw him.

When she realised that they were holding eye contact, she quickly looked away to the coordinator.

"Unnie, i-is he the one we're sho-shooting with?" she stuttered lightly.

The coordinator giggled and nodded her head. "Surprised? It's a big honour especially since he's such a popular guy right now, so take this chance and get to know him. Maybe you two could get something going on." she with a wink.

A slight frown started to form as she stared at the woman who was ignorant to her relationship with the idol. She let out a sigh and felt Kibum walking over, getting closer to her.

Just relax...nobody knows anything other than the two of you.

She tried to convince herself that it was all in the past, but it wasn't true. At least not for her. It had been four years since they last saw each other. Things change over time. She took a deep breath and turned to face Kibum who was now standing beside the coordinator. She gave him her best smile and tried to act as natural as she could.

"Hello." she greeted him politely.

Kibum let a soft smile slip out and greeted her back. "Hello. It's...nice to see you."


Minjung was cut off by the photographer's loud clapping; his way of getting the attention of everyone in the room. They all turned to look at him and he gestured for Minjung and Kibum to come over, which they obediently complied to. He went over the concepts and what he needed them to do and they listened attentively. It was work. Personal matters can wait. Luckily for them, the photoshoot did not include any concepts on love, and both were thus able to carry out their work in a professional manner.

The shoot ended several hours later, and Minjung was waititng outside of the studio for her brother to pick her up. She heard the light footsteps behind her and shut her eyes tightly, hoping that it wasn't who she thought it was. She felt a hand on her shoulder and she already knew that it was who she feared it was. She could still remember his touch. She opened her eyes and turned around to face the boy who gave her a smile.

"It's been a while." he said in a friendly manner as though nothing had happened between them.

She nodded and returned his smile with one of her own. "4 years. You look...different."

"I can say the same for you. You look great."

"Thanks. So...I heard you're quite successful. Good job." 

While she tried to sound as nice as she could. Kibum could hear that she was upset about something. He didn't need to ask her why.

"Listen, I...there something I need to tell you." he took a short pause before he continued. "I-"

He was stopped by the sound of a car's honk. Minjung turned around to look and found her brother waiting in the car right in front of her. She closed her eyes momentarily and thanked God before turning back to face Key with a smile. 

"I should get going now. It was nice seeing you again. Bye." she said as she rushed off into the car and gave him a small wave goodbye.

He stood there, watching as the car drove further away. 

"It was nice seeing you too..."


In the car, Minjung let out a sigh she had been holding in. A sigh of relief or a sigh of disappointment. She did not know. She was relieved that she had escaped from the awkward situation but was somewhat disappointed that she would not be meeting Kibum again. This did not go unnoticed by her brother and he grew worried as he drove on.

"What's wrong? Who was the boy?" he asked her, his eyes fixed on the road.

"...Kibum-oppa." She had not planned to tell her brother about it but she knew that there was no point in trying to hide it. He knew her too well. 

At the sound of his name, her brother's eyes immediately changed. It was now full of anger. He still kept his eyes on the road, but Minjung could see his grip over the steering wheel tighten. 

"I won't say anything. Just remember what he did to you."


"...I know."


End of the second teaser. 

I'm not quite sure about how I feel about this teaser.  The way I wrote it, I mean. 

Hope you enjoyed it. More teasers to come^^

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LeeEunhee_ #1
clicked random story and it lead to this, gonna read this soon~
Chapter 25: please update soon? c:
Chapter 25: Ohhh Key has to watch out for the big brother!
Sappy Jonghyun~
Gotta give Sulli points for not beating around the bush!
Well sorry not all of us are giants like you Sulli :P
Return of the poppies!! Haha
Go Onew go!
Hmm what does Minho have planned? Teehee
Chapter 25: ALL THE ROMANCE HURHUR :-D and I think sulli and min joo make cute rivals hahaha I'm so weird
Chapter 25: IM SO CURIOUS YEA~ Lol. ><
Chapter 25: more sweet together :DDDDDDDDDDDDD <3
Chapter 25: o.o Sulli is........ hahahhaa. and i agree with Min Joo! Taemin's not an item to be owned! :p
Awww. Jonghyun saying that he loves Ki Young~~~ hehe
:O what happened to Hyesha? ><
hehe, good luck to Key when he meets Minjung's brother~~
ooo.. i wonder what Minho's planning hehe.
Chapter 24: Typical competitive Minho
Aww SooHyo and Minho are so cute together!
Unlike Min Joo I would slowly walk back out the door not wanting to deal with my mom XD
Eh Minho you can be scary sometimes o.o
Taemin worse. timing. ever.
Can't wait for the next update :D
keykim #10
Chapter 24: You updated!!
Haha, angry Sulli is surely going to cause some problems!
And drama!!!
Love it <3