
Five Shining Boys

Hyesha || Min Joo || Ki Young || Minjung || Soo Hyo


“Soo Hyo?” Hyesha called out to her friend. “What’s wrong? You’ve been spacing out the whole day.”

“Huh?” Soo Hyo snapped out of her wandering mind and quickly regained her composure. “No, I just have…a lot going on my mind. But more importantly, what about you? It can’t be easy with all the harassing. I’m really sorry I can’t really do anything to help.”

Hyesha smiled at her and shook her head. “It’s fine. It doesn’t bother me.”

As the two girls slowly headed towards their class, they heard a loud call for Hyesha from outside the window, and decided to take a look. Hyesha pushed open the window and leaned out, looking for the person who had been calling her. Without realising it, someone had been targeting her from above, waiting for the perfect moment.




“Hanna, what are you doing?” Ki Young asked as bent down and reached for the milk in the fridge.

“Nothing. I’m just…trying to figure something out.” the blonde replied, her eyes not leaving the computer screen. “Are you going out today?”

“Probably? I have some errands to run, and then I’m going to stop by the studio and practice.” Ki Young replied as she grabbed her bowl of cereal and sat down beside her duet partner. Curious as to what had been occupying her friend the whole morning, she leaned in towards Hanna and watched her computer screen.

“Park Minjung? Isn’t she the current model for DOHC?” Ki Young said as she took a spoonful of her cereal into .

“And Missha. And was also model for Skin79, Etude House, TonyMoly, Skin Food, Andew, and Banila B in the past. And she was featured on last month’s Nylon, and has also been featuredon Vogue, High-Cut, and CeCi. Says on her profile that she’s just a part-time model but the girl works for big names.”

“Wow. You sure…did your homework…” Ki Young said, taken aback at her friend’s knowledge of the girl’s past works. “Any reason why you’re so interested?”

“Nothing.” Hanna turned away from the screen to face her friend and smiled before turning back to the screen in front of her. “She’s just…interesting.”


Min Joo let out another sigh as she absentmindedly scoured the very same pan she had been scrubbing for the past thirty minutes. A sudden tap on her shoulder brought her back to the present and she turned around to find her manager.

“Minhyuk, do you need something?” she asked him, eager for more work to distract her from her thoughts.

“Yes, I need you to stop scrubbing that pan and ruining it.” her manager said as he took the pan out of her hands and placed it in the sink. “Cleaning is not your job. Now come with me.”

He took her by the wrist and led her to the empty staff room and sat her down on one of the wooden chairs before taking his own seat in front of her. He leaned forward and examined her face before letting out a sigh. “What’s wrong? This is the first time seeing you so quiet, and it’s freaking me out. So talk to me. What’s on your mind?”

Min Joo widened her eyes in surprise, but quickly shook her head as an answer to his question. “I can’t. It’s…girl problems.”

Minhyuk got up from his seat and walked out of the room, only to return with a potted plant in his hands moments later. He handed them to the girl and looked down at the tiny girl in the chair. “I thought you’d say that, so instead of talking to me, talk to these flowers and just let everything out. Nobody’s going to disturb you here, so feel free to say all you want. I can’t have you going about the café in your current state. Take however long you need, and when you’re done, come and find me outside.”

He left the room, leaving a confused but grateful Min Joo alone with the potted red poppies. She sighed as she looked down on them, and gently balanced them on her lap.

“Hello…again.” she greeted the poppies, remembering that she had talked to them before. “Remember me? Well…you’re not the exact same flowers I talked to, but seeing as you’re the same species, I think you’d know who I am. I mean, you guys can do telepathy and all that right? Or exchange information with each other through your pollinators? But anyway, will you listen to my story?” she paused, almost as though she was waiting for an answer, but just as one would expect, the flowers didn’t make a sound, but to Min Joo, silence meant that she had their consent.

“Well, you remember Taemin, of course. Well…he’s like a star to me. He’s so bright that I can’t see him, and so far out of reach even though he’s so close. Everything about him just feels so distant, and I don’t know why. Is it because he’s just someone out of my reach?”

Min Joo continued to spill her feelings out to the listening flower, not knowing that her manager had been listening to her on the other side of the door. As she continued, he smiled to himself, and quietly left the scene, hoping that this would return Min Joo to her former self.

But as he left the door, an unknowing figure found her way to the room while looking for a private room for herself. As she approached the room, she heard Min Joo’s familiar voice coming from the room, and decided to listen in. 


Minho collapsed to the ground, tired and exhausted. He had been practicing their new dance routine since morning, and his body had finally reached its limit. Lying down on the cold hard ground alone, he began thinking of the events that had taken place yesterday; something he had wanted to avoid. He let out a frustrated groan and hit the ground with his hand that had been rolled into a fist. The sudden vibration of his phone informed him that he had received a test, and he immediately took it out of his pocket, hoping that it would be able to distract his thoughts.

Hey. School’s over. How are you feeling? Up for a game of soccer?

A smile broke across his face and he silently thanked her in his mind as he replied her text. When the message was sent, he closed his eyes and smiled.

“How do you always have such perfect timing?”

The door suddenly creaked open, and Minho turned to find Hanna and Ki Young standing at the door.

“Oh, oppa were you using the room?” the blonde asked, not wanting to disturb her senior.

“No. I was just done.” He quickly got up from the ground and smiled at the two girls. “You can use it.” He walked out of the room and headed straight for the shower room, and the two girls started warming up for practice.

“So…” Hanna said as she stretched her leg. “How was the date yesterday?”

Ki Young looked at Hanna and frowned, not knowing what she meant. Hanna had never asked her about her dates with Jonghyun before, and was curious as to why she would ask now. “It was…okay.”

“Just okay?” Hanna asked as she got up and started stretching her arms. “Nothing special happened?”

“…No? Or maybe…I guess? I don’t know…” she trailed off, not knowing what to say. She couldn’t keep anything from Hanna, as she knew her best.

“You like him, don’t you?” Hanna said, now walking off to the music player to get the music started.

“W-What?!” Ki Young couldn’t understand what she was hearing. She and Jonghyun had no feelings for each other, and the scandal was all a fake, so how could she possibly like him? “You do remember that the scandal is a fake? It’s all a lie.” she said calmly, trying to regain her composure.

“Yeah, the scandal may have been a fake. But that doesn’t mean that your feelings are a lie.” She said, turning around to face her shocked member. “Feelings develop, you know.”

Ki Young remained silent, trying to figure out how she could argue back with her partner, but she couldn’t find any words. Seeing her friend being so troubled made her feel guilty, and Hanna sighed as she walked over to Ki Young and shook her out of her thoughts.

“Hey, you don’t have to say anything, alright? Let’s just start practice.” Ki Young looked at Hanna and sighed in relief and nodded.

Do I really like him? 


“Hello?” Hyesha asked as she put the phone to her ear.

“Hello. It’s me.” Onew said over the phone. “What are you doing?”

“Oh, nothing. Just working on some school work.” she replied as she put her pen down and leaned back in her chair. “You?”

“I just finished doing a radio show. I-“ he was interrupted by the sound of Hyesha sneezing on the other side of the call, and he immediately got worried. “Are you sick? Are you okay? Do you need anything?”

“Ah, that. No, I’m fine. It’s just a cold. Don’t worry.” she said, sensing the concern from Onew’s voice.

“Are you sure? Then I’ll let you rest. I’ll talk to you next time.” The two said their goodbyes and hanged up, leaving a worried Onew on one end and a sick Hyesha on the other.

Oppa shouldn’t worry so much. Ahhh…who would’ve guessed that someone like him would worry over someone like me.


Sulli paced back and forth around the café, thinking about what she had overheard earlier. It definitely wasn’t what she had expected, but the information she had gained could be used to her advantage. She turned and saw Min Joo talking to the café’s manager, and the sight of her smiling made her smirk as she thought of all the possible ways she could use what she had just learned.

“So Minho oppa likes that girl but she likes Taemin oppa…this is going to be interesting.” 


Okay, here's the next chapter.

Sorry for not having updated in a long time.

Have my exams in a few days Q.Q

Well...hope you enjoyed it. 

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LeeEunhee_ #1
clicked random story and it lead to this, gonna read this soon~
Chapter 25: please update soon? c:
Chapter 25: Ohhh Key has to watch out for the big brother!
Sappy Jonghyun~
Gotta give Sulli points for not beating around the bush!
Well sorry not all of us are giants like you Sulli :P
Return of the poppies!! Haha
Go Onew go!
Hmm what does Minho have planned? Teehee
Chapter 25: ALL THE ROMANCE HURHUR :-D and I think sulli and min joo make cute rivals hahaha I'm so weird
Chapter 25: IM SO CURIOUS YEA~ Lol. ><
Chapter 25: more sweet together :DDDDDDDDDDDDD <3
Chapter 25: o.o Sulli is........ hahahhaa. and i agree with Min Joo! Taemin's not an item to be owned! :p
Awww. Jonghyun saying that he loves Ki Young~~~ hehe
:O what happened to Hyesha? ><
hehe, good luck to Key when he meets Minjung's brother~~
ooo.. i wonder what Minho's planning hehe.
Chapter 24: Typical competitive Minho
Aww SooHyo and Minho are so cute together!
Unlike Min Joo I would slowly walk back out the door not wanting to deal with my mom XD
Eh Minho you can be scary sometimes o.o
Taemin worse. timing. ever.
Can't wait for the next update :D
keykim #10
Chapter 24: You updated!!
Haha, angry Sulli is surely going to cause some problems!
And drama!!!
Love it <3