Girls, Girls, Girls

Five Shining Boys

Hyesha || Min Joo || Ki Young || Minjung || Soo Hyo 


“Mini, you were with Minho hyung?” Taemin asked as Min Joo opened the door and entered the café. Shooting had finished and she had returned to the café to get a few things she had left.

Min Joo looked at Taemin and thought to herself for a few seconds before nodding her head with a smile. “Yeah. We’re going out tomorrow.” she told him as she looked around the café, looking for her bag.

Going out? “Oh? Do you like him?” Taemin asked, slightly annoyed.

Min Joo turned to look at him, surprised at his question. Why? Is he jealous? Min Joo shook the thought from her mind. “Well…yeah. He’s a nice guy. Plus he’s your hyung, so there’s nothing to worry about.” Min Joo spotted her bag and quickly rushed over to the counter and slung it over her shoulders before heading over back to Taemin.

“So you like his type…even if he’s my hyung, it doesn’t mean you have to go out with him…” Taemin softly mumbled to himself, annoyed.

“Hm? Did you say something?” she asked him after failing to make out what he had mumbled to himself.

“Nothing! Enjoy your date.” he said, nearly snapping at her. Seeing the surprised look on Min Joo’s face, he quickly smiled at her. “I’ve got some other things to take care of, so I’ll be going first.”

“Mm okay. I’ve got some things to do too. See ya.” she waved him goodbye with a smile and headed out of the café and rushed back home. Taemin’s smile slowly disappeared as he thought about the date that would take place tomorrow. 


“Where are we going? It’s still so early, I don’t think the shops are open yet.” Ki Young groggily asked Jonghyun as he led her by the hand. It was 8 in the morning, and he had called her earlier at 6, asking her to get ready and to meet up with him.

“We’re not going shopping.” Jonghyun said with a smile on his face. Ki Young looked at him, confused, but she was interrupted before she could open . “Just follow me.” he said with a grin as he continued to lead the way.


“Oh, Hyesha! What are you doing here?” Onew asked, surprised at the sight of the girl with the dark brown hair in a hoodie and jeans.

“Hm? I should ask you the same question. This is my school.” she answered back as she dropped her bag and word search book onto the table and sat across the boy. “What are you doing here?”

“Ah. I used to come here before I transferred over to SM Academy, so I came back to…take a look? I didn’t think you’d be here.” he smiled at her. “You come to school on the weekends?”

Hyesha giggled at his question and shook her head. “No. I’m not that dedicated to school. I have a science project I need to work on, and everything I need is in school. Plus it’s due on Monday, so I figured I should get started.”

“Oh? Then I can help you.” he offered willingly, and the look on his face told Hyesha that he wouldn’t take no for an answer, and so she agreed to it.  And even if he didn’t have that look on his face, who would be so stupid as to reject an offer by the one and only Lee Jinki of SHINee?


"Sorry I'm late. Traffic." Min Joo appologized as she stopped in front of Minho, hoping that she had not offended the young idol. 

Minho merely smiled and shook his head. "It's alright. I didn't wait long." 

She smiled back at him before she started to look around. She had never been to this particular park before, despite having lived in Seoul for a long time and she wondered to herself why she had never been there before. It was beautiful with all the colours and smells, and she knew that Stella and Taemin would have loved the place. 

...Wait!! Why am I thinking about him right now? I'm on a date with Minho right now, and this has nothing to do with Taemin.

"So what are we doing today?" she turned to him, hoping to get Taemin out of her mind.

“That’s the observation deck up there.” Minho said as he pointed up a small path surrounded by green flora.

“We’re going there?”

Min Joo received a simple nod and a smile from Minho as he held his hand out to her which she took, letting him lead the way up.



Key turned to look at the girl whose hands he was holding and stopped walking as she did. “What?”

“Nothing. I was just wondering. During the past four years, was there anything that you regret?”

“Why the sudden topic?”

Minjung simply shook her head with a smile. “Just wondering.”

Key looked away from her and stared at the river. “If I had to say what I do regret, well…I guess it would be how I sealed away my feelings for the sake of my dream.” He now turned to face her with a gentle smile on his face. “Sealing up your feelings is troublesome. If you don’t let them out, they’ll continue to question you for your entire life.”

Minjung stared back into his eyes before giving him back a smile. “For me…it’s that I didn’t hold onto you tightly enough.”

Key smiled at her and shook his head lightly, earning him a puzzling look from the girl.

“If things had turned out different, I’m not confident of how things would be now. In a way, I’m glad at the way things turned out in the past. Because at least now, you’re by my side once again.”

Minjung blushed at his words and immediately felt the heat from her face. “Ahh…so cheesy.”

Key laughed at her cute response before turning back to face the front, only to be greeted by a familiar face.

“Oppa, are you dating her?”

Minjung immediately looked up  at the girl standing in front of the two of them, and Key and Minjung immediately let go of each other’s hands.


“Oh yeah, I got something for you.” Jonghyun said as he drove the car. “It’s in the bag at the back.”

Ki Young turned around in her seat and managed to spot a cream coloured shopping bag, and she reached out to take it. “What is it?” she asked as she looked into the bag, and she immediately fell silent when she saw what was in it.

“Like it?” he asked her, his eyes not leaving the road.

It’s the couple shirt… “When did you get this?” she asked him as she examined it. It was the exact same shirt that she had seen just a few days ago.

“It’s a secret. But do you like it?” he smiled.

Ki Young chuckled, nodding her head. “Of course. Thank you!!”

Jonghyun’s smile widened at her response, and he pulled to the side of the road. “Go change into it in the toilet there. I’ll wait for you in the car.”

“Ah? Okay. Wait for me.” she quickly got off the car and rushed to the women’s toilet. When she was done, she rushed back to the car, now in the white shirt that Jonghyun had given her. Seeing her in the shirt, Jonghyun smiled to himself.

Ki Young got into the car and smiled to him. “So? What do you think?”

“It looks great.” Ki Young smiled at his response, and came to notice that he had removed his hoodie to reveal that he had been wearing the matching shirt underneath it all along.

“Ahh, you’re wearing it too!!” she exclaimed, somewhat surprised.

“Hm? Of course. Couple shirts are for couples.” he smiled at her before turning back to the road. “Let’s go.”


“Let’s take a break, shall we?” Onew said, breaking the silence that had slowly built up over time.

Hyesha looked up from the desk and gave him a smile and nodded her head in agreement. They had been working on it for hours, and she could definitely use a focus break. “Why not? We’re almost done, and I can do the rest myself. What’d you have in mind?”

“Mmm…” he scanned the room for something he could use, and when he saw some lemons in one of the cabinets, he quickly ran over and took two into his hands, a beaker, and a Bunsen burner.  “Shall we use this and write down our feelings? I always wanted to do this in school but never did.”

“Ahh…we’re not supposed to use fire when there’s nobody around…but…I guess it’s okay?” she giggled. Both took a lemon each and squeezed out the sour juice into the beaker until they were satisfied. It didn’t take Onew long to finish his, seeing as he had quite a strong grip, and when Hyesha was done with hers, she took the paintbrush she had been using earlier and started dipping it into the juice. “No peeking, okay?”

Onew gave her a big grin and nodded, and immediately followed suit and started using his paintbrush. When both were done, they stared at each other and smiled.

“Let me try this first.” Onew said as he started up the Bunsen burner. He took a deep breath, wondering if it would work, and he slowly held his piece of paper over the fire.

“…I don’t think it’s working.” Hyesha said slowly as she watch a black patch on Onew’s paper form. “Try mine.”

She handed him her paper as he withdrew his from the fire, and he held it over the fire once more. Again, nothing appeared other than a black burnt patch of paper, and for one second, he allowed his eyes to leave the paper to get a look at the girl’s confused face.

“Yah!! It’s on fire!!” Hyesha started shouting as she watched the paper burn, immediately jumping out of her chair.

Onew, startled from the sudden shout, looked to the paper he was holding up to find that it had caught fire, and immediately jumped out of his chair, just as Hyesha did. Although panicked, he was laughing, and quickly stomped on the paper to put the fire out. When it was finally out, the two looked at each other for a few seconds before bursting out in laughter.

Hyesha turned back to the table to find Onew’s paper had also caught fire when Onew jumped out of his chair which resulted in the paper getting in contact with the Bunsen.

“Yah, it’s on fire again!!” Ahh...whatever he does, it's Onew condition.


“Are you usually very shy?” Min Joo asked, curious.

Minho let out a modest, shy smile and nodded. “When I first met you, it was very awkward because I’m not used to talking to strangers and I’m usually awkward with them. So I was scared that you would misunderstand because I didn’t talk a lot.” 

Min Joo giggled and shook her head. "It's fine. I know someone like that. Taemin is kind of shy like that too. I mean, he..." Min Joo stopped talking when she realised that she had started to talk about Taemin, and she looked at Minho to find that he had a confused look in his eyes. I can't keep this up. This whole time, I've been thinking about him...

"You must be quite close to him." Minho smiled.

"Y-yeah...Umm...Listen. I...I only actually came on the date with you because I...wanted to see how Taemin would react." Min Joo started. She couldn't believe what was coming out of , but she knew that she wasn't lying. "Because the truth is...I like him." she now looked up from the ground to see how Minho would react. From the way he had been talking and acting, she had guessed that he had some feelings for her, and she could not bear to lead him on anymore. "I...I'm sorry..."

"Don't be." Minho smiled at her. "It's alright."

Min Joo looked at him, surprised. She had expected him to be...angry? After all, who wouldn't be after finding out that they had been used? "Thank you. I should probably get going." 

Minho simply nodded with a smile and Min Joo made her way down the track from which she had just walked up. When she was out of sight, Minho fell onto his knees and let out a small laugh. "How pathetic. I was dumped before I even confessed."


The sky started getting darker as the sun started to set, and Key was dropping MInjung back at her house.

"You think she bought it?" Minjung asked Key. 

" least I don't think she'd tell anyone. I mean, stars meet up quite often and there was no evidence anyways." Key said, trying to reassure the girl that everything would be fine. "And I don't think Hanna would be the type to spread rumours."

Minjung smiled at him and nodded. Hanna did seem to be a nice girl when she met her before this, and as Key had said, even if she did spread it, there was no physical evidence. As she was caught up in her thoughts, she broke free of them when she felt a familiar pair of soft lips on her own, and she felt her cheeks getting hot when Key pulled back from the kiss he had just given her. 

" should..probably get...going now. Your brother would be worried." Key said, blushing slighly as well.

Minjung nodded and bid him goodbye as she got out of the car and rushed back into the house. Seeing that she was in the house, Key drove off, smiling to himself, while Minjung watched him drive off from the window.


“Let’s take a break.” Jonghyun smiled as he gestured towards the fountain in the centre of an enclosed garden, feeding small streams bordered by flowers and fresh herbs. They had spent most of the day walking around the park, and it was already getting dark. Both Ki Young and Jonghyun walked up to the fountain and took a seat, and he started looking into his bag until he found what he was looking for.

“Here. I want you to listen to something.” Jonghyun said with a smile as he gently put the headphones on the girl.

The music played and she recognized the voice that was singing. She turned to face him and was immediately greeted by his smile, which she slowly returned with one of her own as the song played on. She looked back to the ground and smiled as she listened to the voice and the lyrics of the song. It was a love song. Ki Young stared into their shadows spread across the pavement and gently smiled as the song played.

“What?” Jonghyun asked as he bent forward to get a better look at Ki Young’s expression.

“This voice…it’s so strange. When I’m lonely, it makes my heart feel warm. When I’m excited, it makes my heart race. And when I’m sad, it makes me want to cry.”

“Then what is it making you feel now?”

She smiled gently to herself before she turned to face him again. “It’s a secret.”


“So…how did the date go?” Soo Hyo asked Min Joo. She had called the girl first instead of Minho, afraid that it had not gone as well as Minho would have hoped, and she didn’t want to make him talk about it.

“I…I told him that I like Taemin. But I don’t think he liked me that much. I mean…he didn’t seem to be too sad when I told him.” Min Joo said with an apologetic voice. It didn’t matter whether he had actually liked her or not, she still felt bad for having used him for her own selfish reasons.

“…I see. Thanks. I have some things to take care of first, so I’ll talk to you later.” Soo Hyo said before hanging up on the girl. That idiot! You didn’t have to push yourself so hard. Think…think…where would he be at a time like this?

As she stood there, thinking of all the possibilities, she remembered that Minho had always gone to the abandoned dance studio in a street close to the dorm whenever he wanted to be alone.  She immediately took off and started running towards the dance studio, ignoring stares she was getting from the people she was running past by.

“…Please be alright.”


"Thanks for helping out with my project. I always feel kind of bad for taking up so much of your time." Hyesha said as she walked down the hallway next to Onew. 

"It's alright. I like spending time with you." Onew smiled at her, causing the girl to blush.

Ahh...why is my heart beating so fast? He can't hear it, can he? Aish, calm down!!

"Ah, do you have a ride home?" Hyesha asked him, changing the topic.

"Yeah. I already called my manager to pick me up. Do you?"

She nodded her head and smiled. "My sister is picking me up. In fact..." she trailed off as she scanned through the glass doors. "...I see her right there!" She turned to the idol and smiled. "Do you want me to wait with you until your manager comes?"

Onew shook his head and grinned at her. "No, it's okay. You should go first."

"Mmm...okay! I'll see you next time. I don't think my sister would want to wait for long anyways." she smiled at him as she headed towards the door. "Bye!!"

Onew waved her goodbye and watched as Hyesha ran towards the car that was waiting for her. 


Soo Hyo rushed to the room and slowly started to slow down as she approached and came to a stop when she was right in front of the door. She clutched her hand, thinking about what she was going to say to him. What could she say to make him feel better? That was something she had been told that she was great at, but all she really knew what to do was to listen. She sighed at the thought of her being useless, but decided that it wasn’t the time for her to think about what she could and could not do. She pushed the solid double doors wide open to find the room dark, barely lit by the moonlight shining through the window. She scanned the empty room until she spotted a lonely figure in far right corner of the room. He was sitting down on the floor with his back against the wall, and his legs straight in front of him. Soo Hyo stood there, staring, as the doors behind her slowly closed, and when she heard the doors close behind her, she walked up to the figure and sat down beside him silently.

“I was worried if I would do good today.” the figure said without any prompting from the girl. “I took her up to an observation deck. I thought that the view up there might make it a bit more romantic.” he continued with a slightly disheartened chuckle towards the end.

Soo Hyo kept quiet and turned to get a look at his face, and the disheartened look on his face broke her heart more than she thought it would.

“I had even planned out what I was going to do up there.” he continued with a small smile. “I was going to ask her to close her eyes, and then, I’d kneel down in front of her and recite her a poem. Do you want to hear it?”

Soo Hyo gave a small nod, and Minho managed to catch it from the corner of his eyes.

“My flower

You are my flower

Not because you are prettier than other flowers

You are my flower

Not because you are more fragrant than other flowers

You are my flower

Because you have already blossomed in my heart”

Minho shook his head slightly as he finished reciting the poem, giving a small laugh. “It’s so cheesy, isn’t it? It seemed like such a good idea at the time. But when I think about it now, it seems so stupid.”

“It’s not.” Soo Hyo managed to get out. “It’s not stupid...It's perfect..."


End of chapter!!

What did you think?

I know it's been a long time since I updated.

So I made this chapter longer than I usually would.

Been kind of busy with Uni and everything.

Even wrote this in one of my lectures. 

Hope you liked it!!

And hopefully the next chapter won't be too far away.


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LeeEunhee_ #1
clicked random story and it lead to this, gonna read this soon~
Chapter 25: please update soon? c:
Chapter 25: Ohhh Key has to watch out for the big brother!
Sappy Jonghyun~
Gotta give Sulli points for not beating around the bush!
Well sorry not all of us are giants like you Sulli :P
Return of the poppies!! Haha
Go Onew go!
Hmm what does Minho have planned? Teehee
Chapter 25: ALL THE ROMANCE HURHUR :-D and I think sulli and min joo make cute rivals hahaha I'm so weird
Chapter 25: IM SO CURIOUS YEA~ Lol. ><
Chapter 25: more sweet together :DDDDDDDDDDDDD <3
Chapter 25: o.o Sulli is........ hahahhaa. and i agree with Min Joo! Taemin's not an item to be owned! :p
Awww. Jonghyun saying that he loves Ki Young~~~ hehe
:O what happened to Hyesha? ><
hehe, good luck to Key when he meets Minjung's brother~~
ooo.. i wonder what Minho's planning hehe.
Chapter 24: Typical competitive Minho
Aww SooHyo and Minho are so cute together!
Unlike Min Joo I would slowly walk back out the door not wanting to deal with my mom XD
Eh Minho you can be scary sometimes o.o
Taemin worse. timing. ever.
Can't wait for the next update :D
keykim #10
Chapter 24: You updated!!
Haha, angry Sulli is surely going to cause some problems!
And drama!!!
Love it <3