Love Should Go On

Five Shining Boys

Hyesha || Min Joo || Ki Young || Minjung || Soo Hyo


“What’s with all the…cameras? Are they filming something? I mean, it’s obvious they’re filming something. But are they filming something big? Like a show or something?” Min Joo showered her manager with questions as she gestured towards the cameras in the café.

Her manager gave her a smile and nodded. “They’re filming a drama. They’re using the café as a main setting.”

She looked around the café and back to her manager. “Are they going to pay us?”

“Of course. They’re even going to pay us more if we agree to be extras. But if you don’t want to, you’ll still get your regular pay.”

“Ahh…I’m not too sure about appearing on television though.” she said hesitantly.

“If that’s a problem, you can talk to that guy there.” her manager said as he pointed towards the man in blue and green. “He’s the director.”

“Ahh, got it.” she slowly walked towards the director, taking a look around the place as she made her way through the café that was now crowded with filming equipment and their respective users. Just before she could call out to the director, something, or rather, someone, caught her eye.

Taemin? What’s he doing here? No no…wait…is the drama that’s going to be filmed here his??

He was talking to a girl she recognized as Sulli, and when he saw her staring, he immediately gave her a wide grin and rushed over towards her.

“Mini!!” he shouted as he swiftly ran towards her, easily making his way through the people and equipment. “Guess what? We’re going to be filming here!!”

“Yeah, I just heard. Why didn’t you tell me?”

“I just found out yesterday. I guess I could’ve told you but I wanted to surprise you. So? Are you going to be an extra?”

“I…” she stopped when she caught Sulli giving her a glare from the far side of the café. What’s she glaring at? Jealous? She doesn’t like Taemin, does she? …Does she? OMG!! She totally does!! But…they’re going to be acting together...And that means…romance? Damn! And…what about kiss scenes? Ughh!! What am I going to do? What if something develops from this? Think!! Think of something!!

“You…? What?” Taemin interrupted her thoughts, wondering why she had stopped and remained silent.

That’s it!!

“I’m doing it. I get paid more and I get to see you work, so that’s a great deal!” she said, grinning widely. That’s right. Just accept it and keep an eye on them. Plus I get paid for it anyways, so why not? Being on TV? Meh. Not like anybody pays attention to the extras in the background. Doubt I’d get any screen time anyways. Let’s just see what she’s going to do. No way is she getting Taemin all to herself.


“Good job Soo Hyo. See you again next week.” a man said as he gave the 17 year old brunette a small applause as she got off the stage after finishing her song.

“Thank you. See you next week.” She gave a polite bow and walked over to her bag and picked it up. She took her phone out of her bag and saw that there was a missed call. Minho. She sighed but at the same time, smiled to herself, and called him back. It rang for a few seconds before it was answered. “You called?”

“Ah, yeah. How are you?” Minho asked her over the phone.

“Fine. But you don’t have to beat around the bush. I know you’re calling to ask about the meeting.” she smirked as she said it, knowing she was right. “Well? Curious?”

She heard a nod as Minho answered her with a yes, and she shook her head slightly to herself. “Well, she’s everything you described her to be. But, if you knew that she’s friends with Taemin, why didn’t you ask for his help instead?”

“Oh that. He doesn’t know, and right now, you’re the only one who knows, so I went to you. I just don’t want to make things weird if I tell him that I like his best girl friend.” Minho explained. “But how was it?”

“Normal, I guess? And don’t worry. I was nice.”

“That’s great. Hey listen. I have to go now. I’ll talk to you later.”

“Yeah. Talk to you soon.”

She hanged up and sighed to herself one last time before she left the place. So he just called to ask about her. Boy would the fans go even crazier if they knew that their flaming charisma has a thing for Taemin’s best friend now that Jonghyun’s dating Ki Young.


“So…what now?” Ki Young nervously asked her manager who just got off his 100th phone call since the fake scandal was released earlier in the morning.

Jung Pyo turned to her with a stern look plastered on his face. “You can start going on dates. That’s what. Just go where people can see you where they’ll be able to take photos of the two of you. But not to places that are too crowded. You can talk to Jonghyun goon about that.” He turned away from her, answering the next phone call which was probably from another reporter.

“Hehe. Tough luck.” Hanna giggled over Ki Young’s shoulders. “Unnie, good luck with the raving fans.” She turned back to her laptop and scrolled through the comments on the page. “But looks like there’s some fans that quite like the pairing.” she commented. “Like this one. It says ‘Let’s be supportive of their relationship. Love is love. As true fans, we should wish them happiness and hope that they will be happy together.’ Isn’t that sweet?”

Ki Young smiled at the younger girl, and headed out of the room.

“There’s someone here to see you. She says she knows you. Sung Hyesha? She’s in the third waiting room.” a man said to Ki Young the moment she walked out of the room.

“Hyesha? Yeah, I know her.”


“AHHHHH!!!!!” Hyesha screamed at the top of her lungs when she read the news. “They’re dating?! Ugh how did I NOT see this coming?” she wailed to herself. Of all the SHINee members, why did it have to be Jonghyun? Then…was that why he and Ki Young-unnie were together alone that day? Because they’re dating?

She sighed to herself as she scrolled through the comments. As expected, everyone was shocked at the news. They had hardly been seen together even though they came from the same company, and then, just out of nowhere, they’re dating. How did they manage to keep their relationship a secret? She reached the end of the comments, and there had been a mixture of different opinions on the new couple. Being a ‘true fan’, Hyesha decided to leave a supportive comment as well.

Let’s be supportive of their relationship. Love is love. As true fans, we should wish them happiness and hope that they will be happy together.

She submitted her comment and left the laptop and headed downstairs. Her father was out, as was her mother and sister, and so she decided to stay home and she began working on her word search puzzles. After a whole hour, she found that she hadn’t even completed half of the puzzle, and she pulled her hair back in frustration. She had been thinking about the scandal, and she could not concentrate on anything else.

I can just go and ask for an explanation, right? I mean, we’re friends, right?

She decided that she would not be able to relax without a proper explanation in person and immediately made her way out of the door.

She eventually reached the company’s front door and managed to coerce her way into a waiting room after convincing the guard that she was a friend. She was led to the third waiting room. When she was left alone in the room, she took a quick glance around and she took a seat and leaned back into the couch,  waiting for Ki Young to arrive.  


End of chapter~

Sorry I didn't include Minjung in this chapter.

As compensation, next chapter is coming up very very soon!

Hope you enjoyed it~

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LeeEunhee_ #1
clicked random story and it lead to this, gonna read this soon~
Chapter 25: please update soon? c:
Chapter 25: Ohhh Key has to watch out for the big brother!
Sappy Jonghyun~
Gotta give Sulli points for not beating around the bush!
Well sorry not all of us are giants like you Sulli :P
Return of the poppies!! Haha
Go Onew go!
Hmm what does Minho have planned? Teehee
Chapter 25: ALL THE ROMANCE HURHUR :-D and I think sulli and min joo make cute rivals hahaha I'm so weird
Chapter 25: IM SO CURIOUS YEA~ Lol. ><
Chapter 25: more sweet together :DDDDDDDDDDDDD <3
Chapter 25: o.o Sulli is........ hahahhaa. and i agree with Min Joo! Taemin's not an item to be owned! :p
Awww. Jonghyun saying that he loves Ki Young~~~ hehe
:O what happened to Hyesha? ><
hehe, good luck to Key when he meets Minjung's brother~~
ooo.. i wonder what Minho's planning hehe.
Chapter 24: Typical competitive Minho
Aww SooHyo and Minho are so cute together!
Unlike Min Joo I would slowly walk back out the door not wanting to deal with my mom XD
Eh Minho you can be scary sometimes o.o
Taemin worse. timing. ever.
Can't wait for the next update :D
keykim #10
Chapter 24: You updated!!
Haha, angry Sulli is surely going to cause some problems!
And drama!!!
Love it <3