Splish, Splash, and a Kiss

Confessions With a Kiss


Kyungsoo's P.O.V
I hear Yuuna and Suho. "Where is my tent?" Yuuna opens up my tent, I stand up. "Do you know where my tent is?" Of course I do. I helped set them up, "Follow me. and Suho," he looked at me, "Your's is on the left to mine." he walks to his tent and I lead Yuuna to hers. "Here we are," we stop at a clean, blue, non-see through when there's light. 'Thank's." she pats my head and s it and goes inside. "It's roomy." she smiles at me, "You can go now." she zips up her tent. Now I can go back t o my tent. As I walk back I start to get a weird feeling. Why do I feel so weird? As I keep walking to my tent, I feel weirder and weirder. My heart beats loud and fast. What's going on with me? I go inside my tent, zip it and lay on my sleeping bag. What's this weird feeling? What's happening to me? I grab my water bottle and take a big drink. So refreshing. I change into a plain t-shirt and knee-lengthed pants. "I'm gonna take a walk outside." I go outside and walk towards the beach. I breath in, smelling the freshness of the air, letting my sandals touch the soft sand. Letting out my arms in the air, cool wind runs through my fingers. "What are you doing?" I turn around and see Sehun. "Getting some air," How did he get there? "I'm pretty sure." I was really ,"sure, say whatever you want." Sehun runs to the water with a bucket, "What are you doing?" he comes back with a full bucket of water and splashes it all over me. "I got you!" he starts running away, "Come back here!" I chase after him. we keep running and I grabbed a bucket and filled it, we went back to the water and played in the water instead.
Bacon's P.O.V
What's that noise? I and look through. I see Kyungsoo and Sehun playing in the water without me!? "Channy let's go!" he looks at me, "Do what?" I put on my sandals, "Let's play with the others, in the water." he got up right away, "Lets go!" he put on his sandals and we left. "Wait for us!" Channy yelled. We went into the water and plashed each other, "What about Suho and Yuuna?" we all stopped, "Let's go get Yuuna!" Channy said. Then I just remembered, he likes her, but I'm trying to forget about that crap. "Let's go!" we ran out of the water and went to Yuuna's tent? "Yuuna?" Sehun said, "Yes?" she ped her tent and looked out. "Let's go!" we grabbed her by her arms and legs, "What are you doing?!" We threw her in the water, "That was funny." she splashed Sehun, then we started splashing each other. Channy stopped, "Whats wrong?" I stopped, "Suho. We still need him. He's the water king." Sehun went out of the water, "He's only good at water balloons, and will only play if we use water balloons." we all came out. "I packed some!" Channy said and ran to the tent. Oh yeah I remember, while we were packing we packed water balloons." Channy came back, "We don't have a hose," Yuuna blocked the sun out of her eyes. "I know!" Sehun said. We followed.
Suho's P.O.V
What time is it? I look at my ipod clock, it's 2:00 pm. What am I going to do, I'm gonna take a nap. I fell asleep. (Suho's dream) ~in a foggy place~ "Yuuna where are you?" I keep walking, "I'm over here." I hear her whisper echoes, "I don't see you?" wind passes me and I turn around, "That's because I'm not actually here." she comes up to me and stabs me with a knife. I fall to the ground, I look up and see her in a towel with wet hair, "Join me." she comes closer to me, but I don't see her face~ BOOM! I'm out of breath, I feel my sweat drip down. I look back at my ipod clock, it's only 2:30. "Why did I have that dream?" she was in a towel, with wet hair. She looked like, when I saw her in the bathroom. Why am I having dreams like this. "Suho?" I hear Sehun at the tent, "What?" I and look out, "Let's play water balloons." I'm awesome at that game, "Sure." I go out and zip it back out. ~at the beach~ "Now I make the rules, since I'm a pro at this game. first rule: you can't go near the tents or you'll wet them and you'll have to sleep outside. Second rule: you cannot hide behind other people, third rule: that's all!" We all got into position by the big tub of water balloons, "1...2...3...go!" we all threw it at each other, I threw it at Yuuna, so did Kyungsoo. We grabbed more and kept running and tossing and missing. I looked at Bacon and Channy, "So funny guys." Channy had three in each hand and slammed it on Bacon's head. ~Splash~ I got wet, I turned around and it was Yuuna, "run!" she ran away,"Come back here!" I chased after her, she grabbed .We stopped, she turned around and kept laughing, she's so cute when she laughs. I threw one to her and I hit her, "I got you!" I started laughing. She ran to me, what is she gonna do? She knocked me over and slammed 2 water balloons on me, "Look at that big boy!" she laughed and grabbed some more. "Yah!" I ran to get some water balloons, "I'm strong too." she smiled, "I know you are, I saw those abs." Oh yeah, she did. "I'll get payback for you too." I started chasing her. Then Sehun hit me, "Got the master!" he ran away. "No one ever get's the master!" and I ran after Sehun instead.
Yuuna's P.O.V
I turn around while running, Suho's gone. I stopped running, I'm going to break the rules. I went to hide behind the tents. I walk pass Kyungsoo's tent. I get jerked inside. "ah!" I fall inside and is on the ground. I look up, "What are you doing?" he looks at me, all soaked, "Shhhhhhh. Just hide here." I sit up. "You broke the rules you know." I look at him, "I know, you did too." we laugh. He looks at me, I look at him. "Yuuna," What is he doing? "I feel weird whenever I'm around you, whats do you think is happening?" I don't know! I'm just a girl. "I don't know. If you want to do something then tell me." he comes closer to my face, "I want to kiss you." he kisses me on my lips. His soft lips on my lips. He likes me, I know it. He wraps his arms around me. What is he doing now? I feel that I want to kiss him back, but I need to control myself. I end up with my eyes closed, feeling this goodness around my body. He lets go. I open my eyes. "Sorry, I lost control." he ruffled his hair. Well now I know that he likes me, "It's okay. You did what you had to do." I turn around and blush, "We better get out before they see us." we got out carefully, no one saw us. After that, we acted like nothing happened.
Sehun's P.O.V
"Guys stop." we all stopped, "What?" Channy said. "Where's Yuuna and Kyungsoo?" Suho looked worried after I said that. "Help me Suho!" Yuuna ran to Suho, the king of water balloons. "She's a fast runner." Kyungsoo said out of breath. She stuck out her tongue at him. "Where did you two go?" Suho looked at Yuuna. "We ran all the way to the end of the beach and came back." she smiled, "Yeah, it felt like I was in school still." Kyungsoo stood up. "You got beat by a girl!?" Bacon started cracking up. "That's not funny." he looked serious. But what did they actually do?
Channy's P.O.V
We got done playing with water balloons. "I hate picking up the pieces of the balloons on the ground," I look at my pile, "I don't have much anyways." I look at Yuuna. "So tired," she sits on the sand. I walk up to her, "You can take a rest," she stood up, "It's okay, I'm your friend too." she went back to work. I wanted her to take a break but I didn't want to force her. ~after picking~ "So tired," I went back to my tent and changed. Bacon came in, "Where did uncle go?" well everyone knows where he always goes, "He went to the spa nearby." he layed down on his sleeping bag, then looked at me, "What do you think of when you see Yuuna?" that's kind of hard to answer, "well..." I have to keep it a secret, I don't want to lie, but I have to, "Well... I think of her as a friend." he sighed, "you sure?" no but yes, "yep. I'm tired, I'm going to nap." I layed on my sleeping bag. Sorry Bacon, I lied to you. I fell asleep.
Kyungsoo's P.O.V
What am I going to tell her? She already knows that I like her now. I kissed her! She has a boyfriend too! Jong In's going to kill me. I need her to keep it a secret.
I went to Yuuna's tent, "Yuuna?" I whispered. She ped it, "Come in." I came in. She was already changed and her hair was put up in a bun. "Can you... keep it a-" "yes." I looked at her, "Thanks." She even has a boyfriend. "Sorry," she smiled at me, "It's okay." I wish that never happened, I should have... "What time is it?" she looks around for her cell phone. I look at my watch, "It's almost 3:00 pm." I walk out of her tent and go back to my tent. As I walk in I see Suho. "What are you doing here?" I zip my tent. "Where were you just now?" he kept staring at me. "I went to the bathroom." I at lying. "I just came back from there," crap! Can't do anything anymore, "I went to..." what should I say, "I went to Yuuna's tent." I sighed. I'm screwed now. "What were you doing there." his voice gets more serious. "I went to check on her, to see if she's okay." That works, kind of. "What did she say?" gosh! Why is he so curious. "She's fine." I looked away, and he left. I'm so mad now. I want to kiss her again, but I can't.
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Chapter 14: what ?! this is the END ?! NO WAY >,< SEQUEL SEQUEL!!!!
Chapter 7: what's mean the banana thig ? O_O ???
Chapter 6: arrghh!! i want Yunna with Suho :P change this story!!! :P hahahahhaa~~~~ update soon!!! :D