The Incident

Confessions With a Kiss


Yuuna's P.O.V
Well since I'm done eating, I'm going to go home and get my stuff. Since Baekhyun's busy then I'll go by myself. I put on my shoes and open the door.
"Where are you going?" Kyungsoo walks up to me.
Crap! I forgot that he was still in the kitchen, "Um, I'm going to go home and get my stuff..then come back." I gulp.
"But you don't even know the way back, I thought Bacon was suppose to come with you? Stay here, I'll be right back."
"Oh, okay." and he walks up the stairs. I wait for a few minutes. I here footsteps down the stairs, "Sorry Yuuna, I forgot about you." It sounded like Baekhyun.
"It's okay Bacon," I smile, his eyes widen, "How did you know my nickname?" he comes closer to me.
I back up a little, "Well um, Chanyeol said bacon, and Kyungsoo said bacon too. So I'll call you Bacon too." I laugh.
He ruffles his hair, "Well sure.Now lets go." and we walk out the door.
He looks in his bag, and brings out a marker, "This will help you if you're lost," he walks up to a wooden pole and puts down my name, "If you're ever lost, look at every wooden pole." and he does that all the way to my house, Well, this is my home." he goes inside and looks around.
"I'm going to my room. Stay here." and I walk to my room. I pack all of my thing I need, even my mp3 player.
Bacon opens my door just as I closed my bag, "You done?" I turn around, "Yep, let's go now."
Chanyeol's P.O.V
Why is Bacon and Yuuna taking so long? I miss Bacon!
"We're back guys!" I hear Bacon! "Bacon I missed you so much!" and I run down the stairs and hug Bacon.
We hug each other tightly, "I missed you to Happy virus!" I look at Yuuna, she laughed.
"Let's finish the game." I tell him, "Lets go!" and we run up the stairs to me and Bacon's room.
I wonder what they did? "What did you two do?"
He looks at me, then the gem, "We walked, I put signs around wooden poles so she knows her way here and to her house."
"What does her house looks like?"
"Its not that big. Its pretty and organized. She told me that her parents were on vacation with her aunt without her."
"Wow! Thats nice."
and we kept playing.
Sehun's P.O.V
Just got done using the bathroom. I walk out the bathroom and hit someone, "Ow!" I fall down.
"Oh I'm sorry Sehun," it sounds like Yuuna, and it was.
"Its okay, I get it all the time by them." she helps me up.
"Um... Is there a room where I can stay?"
Hmmm.... is there? Well since Jong In and Kyungsoo share the same bed, and Jong In's not here, Then she can share rooms with Kyungsoo until Jong In comes back. "You can share rooms with him" I point to Kyungsoo.
She turns around to where I pointed to, "Kyungsoo? Why?"
"Since Jong In's not here, and those two share rooms, then you can be a sub for Jong In."
She pats my head, "Okay then. Thanks." and walks up to Kyungsoo.
Kyungsoo's P.O.V
Yuuna's walking towards me, "So um... I guess you're sharing rooms with me."
She smiles, "Yep, until Jong In comes back."
It's going to be awkward when we go to sleep, "Let me show you around the house." I lead her around the the house.
"And this is Me and Jong In's room," we walk inside.
She looks around, "Where so I sleep then?"
"You can sleep on the top bunk" (all of the rooms have bunk beds except for Sehun and Suho's room).
"Okay," she puts her stuff on the top bunk the climbs up to it. "It's nice,"
"You can take a shower first, since you're the only girl around here," I say to her shyly.
"Okay then," she opens her bag and starts taking out her clothes. I leave the room.
Suho's P.O.V
I exercise in my room while Sehun games on the computer. 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10. Ugh! so tiring and sweaty, I'm gonna go take a shower now, I grab my towel, "I'm gonna take a shower Sehun."
"Okay" Sehun keeps playing.
I open the door and close it, I walk to the bathroom, the light are on, must be Bacon. I wiggle the door knob, its not locked. I open the door and I see Yuuna wrapped in her towel. holy crap! I close the door. Did I just see that? Her eyes were like an owl!
~Flash back~
I open the door and see Yuuna wrapped in her towel, her eyes widen really big. I close the door.
~Flash back gone~
Yuuna's P.O.V
What was that? Was that? So embarrassing! It's a good thing that I'm in my towel. My heart thumps fast. I quickly change into my clothes and wrap the towel around my head. I open the door and poke my head out. I look around. Is there anyone out there? I walk out. I go into my "vacation room" and close the door, I turn around and see Suho walking back and forth, talking to himself quietly. "Um"
He looks up, "Oh" he tries to act normal, "H-hi Yuuna." he walks to the door.
I turn around to him, "Are you okay?"
He turns around and smiles nervously, "I-I'm fine." and opens the door, "Sorry about the incident." and he walks out.
I smile then chuckle a little.
Suho's P.O.V ~again~
So embarrassing! I should have remembered that she's here! How am I suppose to face her again? I walk down the steps into the living room. Everyone's at the living room, laughing, without me! Sehun looks at me, "Sit down Suho," I sit down on the couch next to Sehun. "What are you guys talking about?" What are they talking about anyways? Did Yuuna tell them?! "You okay Suho?" Yuuna asks me. She talked to me! What am I gonna say to her?! I'm too embarrassed to even talk, "I-" I gulp down the lump in my throat, "I'm fine," she smiles, "Is it about the incident?" They look at her then me, "What incident?" the rest say at the same time. "tell us, please!" Sehun starts pulling my arm,"Please!?" he starts doing his aeygeo at me, which didn't work for me. Then they all started doing it, it was funny. Channyeol was showing his happy virus, Kyungsoo was widening his eyes then smiling, Bacon was doing his eye smile, Sehun was doing the "buing buing" and the bunny, and Yuuna was laughing the whole time, making fun of them."Okay, okay" they were getting kind of annoying. They all go back to their serious faces while Chanyeol was giving me his evil smile. I looked down to my feet, "I-I-I-"
"He saw me wrapped in my towel just as I got out of the shower then he closed the door." Yuuna interrupted. We all looked at Yuuna with a shocked face, "Really!?" Kyungsoo says.
Yuuna looked at me, "Yes" I'm heating up bad, I'm starting to sweat and blush. I look back down as they all turn back to look at me. I sit up and walk away, still looking down. So embarrassed, even she could say it! She's so brave. I hope they don't tell Jong In about this.
Sehun's P.O.V
I clap my hands really loud which made everyone look at me, "Since its late then I'm going to bed." they all look at each other, "Yeah me too." we all get up and of course Channy and Bacon would be running up the stairs. I open the door to me and Suho's room, I still have questions about him. I close the door which made Suho look at me from his bed, He pulls his covers over his head. "I know what you're going to say." really? How did he know? "What question?" he pulls the covers away from his head, "about the incident with me and Yuuna," Wow, how did he know? "You're right. Was she skinny?" He looks at me, "What type of question is that?" hmm? I don't know really. "I don't know, a random one." he sighs, "Yeah, she's skinny. She has your skin type." Really? My skin type? I look at my skin. "Is that all?" I have a couple more, "Nope," he looks at me again, "Does she look pretty with her wet hair after her shower?" he sits up, "Why do you ask such weird questions?" Why do I? "I don't know, I'm just curious." He looks up, "I guess. It looks like a shower of rain poured on her." Really? Weird, "Okay um... What body parts did you only see?" He looks at me, "What a ert Sehun," my mouth widens, "I'm just asking!" Jeez. "Okay, Okay... I saw her-" wait! "Make the body parts specific," he chuckles a little, "This kid," he clears his throat, "I saw her skinny Sehun like arms. Her skinny legs, the top part of her chest, a-" wait! "Really!?" He looks mad, "Yeah, really. And her head. Done?" Hmmm.... am I? Maybe one more, "One more," he sighs,"Would you fall in love with her?" he looks shocked, "No!" he picks up his pillow and throws it at me, "Well since you like girls easily then I thought you would. Remember what Jong In told us?" He looks confused,"No," Seriously? He has bad memory, "Well remember when Jong In told us that he fell in love with her at first sight?" he thinks for a while, "Oh yeah I remember that, but that's him, not me. I'm different." I guess they are a bit different. "Well that's all." and we get ready to sleep.
Baekhyun's P.O.V
Me and Channy are laying in our beds. I have a few questions for both Yuuna and Suho, "Hey Channy?" he looks down from his bunk, "What?" I look up at him, "I wondered what actually happened to both of them." "Me too, but its late so maybe tomorrow at breakfast." sure, "okay then, I guess." I hear Channy laughing, "Suho's gonna blushing whenever we talk to him, or when he looks at us and her."
We laugh. Then sleep.
Kyungsoo's P.O.V
*Beep-beep-beep-beep* I turn off the alarm, time to wake up and make breakfast, I turn around to the wall, "Jong In you wanna-" Oh yeah, I remember, Yuuna sleeps on the top bunk now. "Who are you walking to?" I turn and to look and she's right in front of me, staring at me, closely. "You sleep well?" she smiles at me. She looks like she's already dressed up and brushed. I sit up from my bed, "It's nothing," she stands up, "Get dressed." she starts to walk to the door, "You look cute when you sleep." she smiles at me then walks out the door. I do? She looked at me when I was sleeping? When? How? She's creeping me out, like Chanyeol. I grab my towel and go to the bathroom.
~minutes later after the bathroom~
Now I feel fresh. I wonder what Yuuna's doing. I walk down the stairs and walk into the kitchen, I see her looking into the fridge and she takes out a Popsicle, takes off the wrapper and throws it away. "Hey," she smiles then on her Popsicle, "Hi, you know that that's Baekhyun's last Popsicle." she popped the Popsicle out of , "It's okay." and puts it back in. Well he's gonna be mad at her for sure. "I'm going to make breakfast before they wake up, wanna help?" she bites off a piece of the Popsicle, "sure, just wait until I finish." and she eats bit of Popsicle until there was only the stick, "Now we can start." 
We wash our hands then bring out bowls and ingredients, "I-I can't reach the bowls again! I guess I have to get a stool." Yuuna walks up to get the bowls, she brings the bowls down in my hands, "What a shorty," she laughs. Yeah thanks, I know I'm short. If only Jong In was here then he could have done ir for me, maybe.
Yuuna brings out the eggs, "I got the eggs," and we made more food, like, udon soup, and one of Yuuna's recipes.
After we finished cooking, I was getting ready, "Want to say "Breakfast" really loud with me?" she looks at me, "sure" okay! "You ready?" she smiles, "Yep" "on the count of one, two, three, Breakfast!" we both say together loudly. Then we hear doors opening and feet running down the stairs, "Yay!" Sehun says in excitement. I sit down in my chair.
Yuuna's P.O.V
Saying that was fun, we should do it again sometime. Well I see everyone except for Suho, where is he anyways? "Where's Suho?" I ask the Sehun. He looks up at me then gulps his bite, "I think he's still sleeping," and keeps on eating. "Maybe he's still blushing like a girl!" Chanyeol says in excitement which made Bacon laugh, only.
"I'll go check on him." I get out of my seat and walk upstairs into his room. I open the door and see him, just with his covers over his head, I walk up to him and pull away his covers slowly, "Peek-a-boo", I smile at him. He looks at me and takes off his earphones, "What?". I sit on Sehun's bed, "Come eat breakfast," he sits up from his bed, "It's okay, I can eat that on my own time." What happened to him? When I first met him in this house, he was very nice and respectful, but now he's like...too respectful, shy,etc. "Are you okay?" I cross my legs and wait for an answer,"I'm fine," he looks kind of sick, I walk up to him and feel his forehead, "You're fine." he puts his hand on top of my hand, "Your hands are warm," Yeah I know that they're warm, but what is he doing to me!? "Um...Yeah, I guess they are." I blush a little. He looks up and smiles at me, "Lets go eat," he lets go of my hand and he get up and walks out the door. What was he doing just now? I felt my hand. Why did he touch my hand and say that? Does he like me? and I follow Suho down the stairs.
Suho's P.O.V
Her hands are warm. Why did I say that anyways? Do I like her? Maybe I do, a little. I think I'm falling for her. What am I going to do now?
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Chapter 14: what ?! this is the END ?! NO WAY >,< SEQUEL SEQUEL!!!!
Chapter 7: what's mean the banana thig ? O_O ???
Chapter 6: arrghh!! i want Yunna with Suho :P change this story!!! :P hahahahhaa~~~~ update soon!!! :D