This Is What Caused It

Confessions With a Kiss


Suho's P.O.V
~after breakfast~
I'm full now, what was that other recipe, it was pretty good, "Hey Kyungsoo?" he turns around as he puts the dishes in the sink, "What?" "What was the other recipe? It was pretty good." Kyungsoo smiles, "Oh that! Thats Yuuna's recipe. She told me that her mom taught her the recipe." I go back to regular, "Oh,".
I go to my room, Sehun's not here, probably hanging out with Channy and Bacon. I sit down and turn on my computer, I sigh. I hear the door open and I turn around to see who it was, "What do you wa-" Its her again. "Can we talk?" she closes the door behind her. I wanted to talk to her too but she can go first, "sure, take a seat." I pull out a chair next to me and she sits down. "What do you want to ask me?" I look at her, she looks serious. "Are you okay?" Ugh! She tells me that all the time! "I said I'm fine" I kind of raise my voice at her. Her eyes shoot wide open, "Sorry to scare you." I look at my screen. She shakes her head, "Its okay," she smiles a bit, "I know how you feel" she pats my head then stands, "That's all then." as she was about to walk I pull her hand down, which made her sit back down, "Just ask me what you want. I'll answer every question." I don't want to be mean to her, I told her to stay for a while too so I better keep my promise.
She sighs, "Well...ever since the incident, you've been acting weird to me." I know, its because..."Yeah I know, I'll try to get back to myself." she comes closer to my eyes, "Its like your real self is locked inside a cage and the fake one is out which is making you act like this and you're struggling because of something, do you know what that is?" Hmm.. do I? "No, what is it?" her eyes are still close to mine, "Your struggling to get out of the cage, but there's something that needs to unlock it-" I know! "A key." she backs up, "That's right, a key. But the key doesn't understand why it needs to be open, do you know why?" No I don't at all, "No."
"Its because the real you isn't telling the truth to the key." She's right, I'm locked inside a cage but I need her help but I cant tell her the truth. "I'll try harder to get myself." she smiles then pats my head, "You're a good boy" heh heh, I am? "Want to take pictures with me?" she smiles, "sure" I pat my lap, "Sit here"
she laughs, "Am I suppose to?" well, "Yeah!" we laugh and she sits down. She's not that heavy, "You ready?" I pull out the computer Cam. "Yepp!" we smile, "Say Cheese!" *click*
We take funny, cute, pretty, handsome, other pictures. "Lets give Jong In a video," I click the video button and it starts recording, "Hi Jong In, hows China?" Yuuna waves to the camera, "Hi Jong In! Its me, Yuuna." oh yeah she's with us, "Oh yeah Jong in? She's staying with us for a month if you dont mind, we get along with each other very well." I think I'm back to my real self now, I feel free. "I'm gonna bring the others here. Stay here Yuuna." I run out the door.
Yuuna's P.O.V
Well since he left then I'll give him a message, "Hey Jong In. I miss you very much. When are you coming back? You havent called me or texted me yet." I point to the camera, "Make sure you do that! I love you."
"A video for him?" I hear Chanyeol say. "Yeah for him." Suho replies back, "I cant wait until he comes back!" Kyungsoo says in excitement.
"Hurry guys!" I yell to them. They all come in and huddle around Suho's computer where the video is still recording. "Come back soon Jong In!" Kyungsoo says.
Other messages were being said, I liked Bacons and Sehuns, "Buy me bacon when you come back!" "and some bubble tea.".
We finished our video by saying "We all miss you!"
"Lets all take pictures." I say, "Sure" Channy says. "I call sitting by Yuuna!" Sehun sits next to me. I look at Suho on the computer screen, he looks kind of jealous. "Cheese!" and I take the picture. We took a lot of photo's, even funny ones.
~after taking photo's~
I'm still in Suho's room and everyone left except for Suho. "That was fun," I tell him because I was bored. "I guess." he smiles at me. I walk toward the door and exit. I go to my room, no ones inside. I walk inside and go to the top bunk, where my stuff is, I open the bag and take out my cellphone and turn on my laptop. I go on Facebook. I look at my notifications, "The video for Jong In" I didn't watch it cause I already knew what happened. Maybe I should add them, so I added all of the boys, Suho accepted first, then Kyungsoo, then Sehun, then Chanyeol, then Baekhyun. I already have Jong In as a friend. I took some pictures of me smiling only and posted them on facebook. 'Suho Likes Your Photo', 'Kyungsoo Likes Your Photo'. Wow! they're fast. 
Bacon:Let's play truth or dare!
Channy: Not again.
kyungsoo: I'm going to my room
Sehun: ok
Yuuna: I'm in the room too kyungsoo.
kyungsoo: I know
~Kyungsoo walks in the room and sits down on his bed.
Yuuna: I see you kyungsoo!
Suho: lol
Bacon:Lets play truth or dare!? In or out?
Channy: In!
Kyungsoo: sure
Sehun: sure, for fun
bacon: this is real!
sehun: okay,okay fine
Suho: Yuuna?
yuuna: IN!
Suho: I'm in too then.
bacon: ok then! I go first since i brought it up! truth or dare Yuuna?
suho: why her first?
Yuuna: Its ok. truth
Chanyeol: Go bacon! go bacon!
bacon: thx channy <3! okay. are you a .
~Why does he ask me this!?
Yuuna: uhh...yeah.
channy: lol
kyungsoo: O.O
channy :derp face
bacon:your turn channy
channy: truth or dare Suho?
Suho's P.O.V
channy: truth or dare Suho?
Suho: umm....
~Why does he have to ask me this!? I'm scared if that when I say truth he will say "who do you like right now?" and I hate doing dares!
Suho: dare
sehun: your first dare, wow! O.O
kyungsoo: stop copying me 
channy: I dare to a fake banana in front of yuuna. MWAHAHAHA
yuuna: ......
~I get off my seat and walk out the door to Yuuna's room, I open the door and see kyungsoo on the top and Yuuna on the top. "Yuuna come down here" Kyungsoo starts to laugh. Yuuna comes down and stands infront of me, she blushes. So embarrassing. I do the dare. "What a !" she pushes me to the door, Kyungsoo starts laughing so hard. I blush and run back to my room.
kyungsoo: lol, rofl,lmfao! so funny!
suho: lol
yuuna: what s
Channy: lol
Sehun: lol
Bacon: lol hahaha
channy: your turn kyungsoo
kyungsoo: truth or dare suho?
suho:me again?
kyungsoo: yes
~Let me guess he wants me to do that again.
suho: dare
kyungsoo: since Yuuna's on the floor with her laptop, do the banana thingy in front of her again! NOW!
~*sigh* I guess. I go back into their room, Yuuna covers her face but still looks, "No!" she runs around the room. I chase her around the room. I got her cornered, she starts laughing, "So gross". she's so cute like that. I did the dare, again. and run back into my room. That was cute. my face starts to get red.
kyungsoo: lol that was funnier! okay sehuns turn.
sehun: truth or dare Channy?
channy: truth
sehun: who do you love more, your mom or baekhyun?
Channy:...... Bacon!
Yuuna: so mean
kyungsoo: O.O
sehun: your turn suho
~What should I do?
suho :truth or dare kyungsoo?
kyungsoo: dare
suho: I dare you to do the banana thing to Yuuna.
yuuna: Not again!
suho: wait until we all get to the room
~I rush to the room where everyone else was. I see Yuuna laughing and trying to run but not running. Kyungsoo does the banana thing to Yuuna, "You guys are s!" Yuuna laughs. She pushes down Kyungsoo and does the banana to kyungsoo. We all start laughing really hard. then we went back into our rooms.
yuuna: s!
kyungsoo: sicko!
yuuna: lol
suho: okay yuuna's turn
Bacon's P.O.V
yuuna: truth or dare bacon?
bacon: dare!
yuuna: Tell channy that you hate him.
bacon: why!?
yuuna: now!
~I start to fake cry to Channy, "I'm sorry Channy but, I hate you!" Channy's eyes widen.
I go back to my computer
bacon:I did it.
yuuna: good
channy: why bacon?
bacon: its okay it was just a dare, I still love you <3
channy: yay! <3
Suho:I guess we're done, right?
bacon:nope. jong in just logged on.
yuuna: really?
Suho: I call dibs!
channy: darn
suho: truth or dare jong in?
jongin: dare
suho: do the banana to someone.
jongin: Just a sec
~A few seconds later
jongin: okay
suho: who did you do it to?
jongin: Kris, he just stared at me.
yuuna: who's Kris?
Bacon: do it to someone else!
jong in: okay
jong in: I did it to Luhan. he hit me with his soccer ball.
yuuna: oh 
jongin: gtg now.
~after facebook finished~
Chanyeol's P.O.V
That was fun, I'm bored, Bacon doesn't want to play with me. I wanna go pick on Sehun but he's out with Kyungsoo. I play games alone, which isn't fun without Bacon. I want to pick on Yuuna, lets see if it works. I run to Yuuna's room, "Yuuna where are you?" I close the door behind me. "Right here." she's on the top bunk. climb up and stay behind her. In do the banana and make groaning noises, "Gross!" she closes her laptop and climbs down while I just jump off, I keep doing it in front of her, "ah! Sicko! Get away!" she starts run around the room and I chase her still doing it. She laughs, "!" she opens the door and runs to Suho's room while I chase her.
Yuuna's P.O.V
What a ! "Suho save me!" the is attacking me!" Channy walks in doing the banana thing. Suho stands up, "What are you doing to her?" Channy stops, "playing around with her, its fun!" and he does it again, walking towards me, "Ah!" I run around the room, "You're grossing me out! Stop it!" I keep laughing, "Help me Suho!" he laughs and watches, I run behind Suho and hide behind him. "Where aren't you helping me." he laughs, "Its funny." and he keeps laughing. He turns around and does the banana a few times to me, I push him, "So gross!" he and Channy laugh. "I run back to the room and lock it. The door knob joggles, "darn! she locked it" Chanyeol says, and I hear him walk back into his room. I open my laptop and write down *What a bunch of s*.
Suho's P.O.V
That was cute and funny. Shes very playful. Once you meet her she's very nice but once she gets used to you then she act like a real friend.
"We're back! Sehun and Kyungsoo say. "Yay! Now I can pick on them!" Chanyeol says with excitement.
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Chapter 14: what ?! this is the END ?! NO WAY >,< SEQUEL SEQUEL!!!!
Chapter 7: what's mean the banana thig ? O_O ???
Chapter 6: arrghh!! i want Yunna with Suho :P change this story!!! :P hahahahhaa~~~~ update soon!!! :D