The Truth About.....

Confessions With a Kiss


Chanyeol's P.O.V
(Channy's dream) ~ "I'm gonna pick on Yuuna." walks to her room and opens the door, "Yuuna?" I look around, "What." her back is faced towards me in the middle of the room, I do the banana move towards and she runs, "What do you want?" she stops and turns around. She's a demon. Her eyes are red, her hair is straight down her face.~ BOOM! I wake up. Breathing really hard, thinking back to what I dreamt about. Thinking to myself, *Why did I have this dream?*, *Why was she like that?* I feel sweat dripping down my face. I'll go outside for a while, I look at my watch, it's 8:30 pm. I'll go outside and cool down. "What was that all about?" I keep thinking back to my dream. I hear footsteps coming towards me, I turn around to see who it was. "What are you doing here?" as the face got closer, it was only Suho. "Cooling off," he sat on the bench next to me, "What happened?" Can I? Did he have these dreams too? "I had a dream about Yuuna, a bad one." He looked at me, "I did too." Why am I having these dreams about her? "Do you know why we have these dreams?" "What are you guys doing out here?" we turn around and see Bacon, "Sit down." he sat next to me. "Are you having weird dreams about Yuuna?" I turn to Bacon? "Yes, about Yuuna being a monster and taking you away." Why me? "Why didnt you save me!?" he looked at me, "You couldn't move." What!? I'm strong, like.. like... something! "I had a dream that I was in a big foggy place trying to find Yuuna and once I saw her she stabbed me with a knife and she was in her towel and her hair was wet. Like the incident." Wow, weird dream. "I had a dream that I was doing the banana to her and she was turned away from me and when she turned around she was a demon." We had our mouths open. "I know who can help!" Bacon jumped up. "Who?" me and Suho said, looking at him. "Uncle! I had the dreams going first! I had them since we were still driving on the road. He told me why I had these dreams." Why am I in his dream though, "Why was I in it?" Bacon sighed, "He told me that you liked her." he looked at me, "Do you?" What!? That uncle, "Yeah, I like her." they looked at me, "When?" I looked at them, "I started falling for her when I did the banana jer..thing. "Let's discuss this tomorrow." we all went back to our tents.
Kyungsoo's P.O.V
~Next morning~ *Yawns* awake now. It's a good thing that I sleep by myself. I turn around and see Yuuna staring at me again, "How did you get here?" she smiled, "It's eight in the morning, Kyungsoo." her smile, it's so cute. I want to pinch them but I can't. She walks out, "The boys want to talk to you while I make breakfast."
Talk? I dress up and go outside. "Over here!" Sehun waves to me, I walk over. "Why is Yuuna making Breakfast in the parking lot?" they all looked at Bacon, "Sorry, it's a private talk." We went to sit on the sand with our towels. "So, did you have bad dreams about Yuuna too?" Suho told me. Dreams? What dreams? "No. What dream?" they all raised an eyebrow at me again, "You never had them?" Sehun raises his hand, "And me," Sehun looks at me, "Did you and Yuuna actually run at the end of the beach and come back?" well that's a secret, "Yes." they all looked at me, "You sure, her face wasn't red," "And yours." "She wasn't breathing that loud when she came near me." crap! I at lying. "Tell us now!" Suho started raising his voice. "Fine." they all looked serious. "We hid in my tent and I kissed her." I blushed a little, "What!?" Bacon started holding a conversation with the others, "I knew it!" Sehun said. I have to ask Sehun a question too, "Sehun?" he turned at me, "What?" "Why don't you have dreams about her?" they all looked at him, "'Cause I don't like her."
~They started telling their dreams to us~ then uncle came towards us, "Hi guys." Suho stood up and bowed, "We have a question?" they sat down with us, "What is it?" I gulped, "We are having bad dreams about Yuuna." Uncle sighed, "Tell me about each dream." They shared their dreams except for me and Sehun, "What about you two?" uncle looked at Sehun, "I never did," "So did I." Suho gave me a death stare, then looked back at uncle, "What's the meaning about these dreams we've been having?" uncle looked at them, " That is when..." when what? "When you all started liking her." he looked at Bacon, I know Baekhyun's meaning already, "I told Chanyeol." they looked at Chanyeol. "Chanyeol thats when you started liking her." he looked at Suho, "Suho your dream is weird," Suho looked at him, "Why did you see her in a towel and wet hair?" Suho sighed, "I accidentlaly opened the door and saw her wearing that and saw her like that." he looked down. He looked at me, What's he going to say to me? "Why didn't you have a dream about her." "I-" how should I say this? "I dont know," I'm going to get caught. Suho mouthed to me, "Say it now!" they kept staring at me. "Tell me the truth Kyungsoo, there are always reasons." I knew it, "I kissed her." I starting feeling sweat. He looked at Sehun, "and you?" Sehun looked, "I don't like her." "That's true, you don't...yet." Sehun's eyes widened.
Yuuna's P.O.V
I'm done. What are they doing still. It's a good thing that uncle came. I ran to get them, as I arrived I saw them sit in a circle, talking. I came up to them slowly. "Breakfast's ready." they all looked at me, with a surprised face. What were they talking about? Kyungsoo passed me and whispered to me, "I told them." he did? but he-... my eyes grew larger, " okay?" Sehun looked at me. I went back to normal, "I'm fine." we went to the parking lot. ~at the parking lot~
"This is good!" Uncle looked at me, "How did you make this?" I smiled, "This is my mom's recipe that she taught me." the rest kept eating. "Eat with us," Bacon grabbed me a paper plate. "Okay." and we ate. ~after eating~ "Yuuna," I turned around and it was Kyungsoo. I walked up to him, "What?" Was he gonna talk about the kiss? "Are you okay with it?" With what? Oh... "Yeah. You did it anyways." he rubbed his neck, "Yeah." I went to my tent. I looked at my phone, "When is he going to call me?" I sigh. ~ring-ring~ the phone rings. It must be him. I answer, "Hello?" my heart thumps louder, faster. "Yuuna? It's Jong In." It is him! "Hi!" I smile I feel like I want to cry, "I miss you," He does? "I do too, it's been a while since I've heard your voice." I'm so happy, "Me too." One tear drop falls and I wipe it off, "When are you coming back?" "I don't know, it's up to my parents." He's with his parents? "Oh," I frown a little. "I heard that you guys are at our favorite beach." This is their favorite beach? "Yeah, how did you know?" "Uncle called me." Uncle? Why him. "Suho called me yesterday." Suho? Why? "Why?" he laughed, "I told him to tell the rest to take care of you," that's sweet. "He said okay. Then he hung up." That's it?" I smile, "I love you." he doesn't reply back for a while. "I love you too." It has been a while since we've said that to each other, "I got to go." Why? "Okay." he hung up, I hung up. I started crying a little. "I really miss him."
Sehun's P.O.V
~In me and Suho's tent~ "Do you like her?" He looked at me, "Well didn't uncle say that if we had these dreams about her, then that's when we started liking her." Oh yeah, that's right. "How come you don't like her?" He looks away, "I don't know. I never did like her." he looked back at me, "But uncle said that you will!" he started teasing me. "Maybe." I looked at him, "Why did Kyungsoo kiss her?" we looked at each other, "I don't know. Maybe he didn't know that he liked her." "Then if he liked her, then why didn't Kyungsoo have dreams too?" "He didn't know that he liked her. I already told you!" he started getting mad. I wonder how that felt, kissing her. "Must have been on the lips." he looked at me, "Let's ask." we both got out of our tent and went to Kyungsoo's tent. "come in." Kyungsoo said when we almost knocked. "Kyungsoo, kyungsoo!" I said as I zipped the tent. He looked, "How did you kiss her?" he gulped, "why?" Suho looked serious, "okay, I'll tell you!" he sighed, "I told her that I felt weird around her and she said to do whatever, then I told her that I wanted to kiss her, I couldn't control myself and I kissed her." We stood really close to him. "wow!" My mouth dropped open, "so how did it feel." he looked at me, "What a ." I started laughing. "That's all." we left back to our tent. Then I wondered, Who is going next?
Bacon's P.O.V
So stressed out! So much... liking and kissing and... just to much truth! I ran my fingers through my hair. "You okay?" Chanyeol looked at me. "I'm just tired." he made a weird face at me, "But its morning." I stood up, "When is Jong In coming back?" he looked away, "I don't know. He might figure out everything." Hell yeah. "And about Kyungsoo." he looked at me, "yep. Poor guy." we laughed. "Do you like her too?" I stop laughing, "I don't know. I only had a warning about you." Do I like her? "Oh yeah. I think we all are and we'll all get to kiss her, I think." I think so too. Jong In, Kyungsoo, who's next? "I will!" Channy said confidently, "Just kidding I won't... unless if I lose control." he laughed. I know that someone's next for her. I wonder how she feels right now. "I'm going to the restroom." Channy gets up, "Yeah, to take a nap." he laughs, "Good one!" he leaves. I still laugh, "What a funny joke." Get it? Rest room, to take a rest. I started laughing to myself. "Are you okay?" Suho keeps staring at me. "Just a joke I made up." he comes inside. "Okay?" I go back to normal, "Oh yeah, Suho?" he looks at me, "What?" I clear my throat, "When did you start liking her?" he thinks, "I liked her when the next day of the incident." Weird way of liking her. "I can't believe I still remember that." he laughs a little. "Oh! Suho!" Channy comes back inside and closes the tent door, "What are you guys talking about?" we make room for Channy to sit. "When we started liking her." I put up my hand, "Not me, I asked Suho." Channy nodded, "I started liking her when I started doing the banana move to her." he smiled, "Remember the Facebook time with her, That was funny" he was laughing harder, "Remember Suho's dare!" We started laughing like there was no tomorrow. "What's going on?" Sehun came in with Kyungsoo. "Having our unforgettable memories," we all sat together, laughing about our fun memories. We were laughing like crazy. "Hi," we all stopped and looked at Yuuna. "Can I come in?" we all looked at each other, "Sit," we all scooted over to make room. There was about three seconds of awkward silence. "Want to play truth or dare!?" Channy said which made everyone look at him, "Yeah!" I quickly said. I love this game. "I go first since I said it." Channy thinks a while, "Truth or dare, Sehun?" Sehun's mouth drops open, "truth." Channy sighs, " What do you and Suho did in your tent at night?" we start laughing. "I ask questions to him and we sleep." What a funny kid he is. "I choose Bacon to go next." I knew it would be me. "Truth or dare, Suho?" he looked at me, "Why always me?" Channy started laughing, "Go!"he sighed, "Dare." he waited for my answer, "Stay topless until we get finished with this game." We started laughing, "Do it!" Sehun said quickly. We saw him taking off his shirt, Yuuna looked away, not looking at him. "Look at those y abs!" I blurted. Yuuna looked, "I remember those." Suho looked back at her. We all looked at Suho and Yuuna. "What!?" Kyungsoo looked at Yuuna, "I went in while he was still showering and I gave him payback." then out of no where Channy said, "You got owned by a girl!" we started laughing. "I choose Kyungsoo." he thinks for a while, "Truth or dare, Yuuna?" she trembles, "I don't know? Truth." What's the truth going to be? "Which one do you like best out of all of us." she looks around, "I don't know." we keep waiting for her answer, "Sehun I guess." What! We all look at Sehun, "Why him?" she laughs a little, "I don't know, he helped put by bag in the car before we left." Sehun ruffled his hair and smiled, "I know guys. I'm the best." Channy pushed him ,"No you're not."
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Chapter 14: what ?! this is the END ?! NO WAY >,< SEQUEL SEQUEL!!!!
Chapter 7: what's mean the banana thig ? O_O ???
Chapter 6: arrghh!! i want Yunna with Suho :P change this story!!! :P hahahahhaa~~~~ update soon!!! :D