Where Are We Going?

Confessions With a Kiss


Kyungsoo's P.O.V
It's morning again! Maybe I'll skip making breakfast for today, I'm still tired. "Kyungsoo wake up." I here someone say. Might be Yuuna again. She has been watching me sleep ever since she got here. "What is it Yuuna?" I open my eyes to see who it was. Its not Yuuna, it's.... Suho. "Who are you calling Yuuna?" he pushed my head back. "Sorry, I thought it was Yuuna." I stood up from my bed. "What makes you say that," Why is he always so curious? "Well ever since she got here she's been watching me sleep, and whenever I wake up, I see her staring at me. And then she starts laughing because I was doing something that she won't tell me." Is that all, please no more questions. "Help me with some stuff," What! My eyes shot up," What stuff?" everyone knows that if they need help they have to tell me what help they need. "We're going to the beach." The beach! Everyone loves going to the beach, especially in the summer! I got up right away, quickly got dressed and went to help Suho. We are now outside, "Help me put the tents in the car." oh fine, I helped him put the tent in the car. It wasn't that heavy. "Where did you two go yesterday?" Suho looked at me then looked away, "Yuuna was going somewhere so I went with her and then it started raining so we came back." That's it? "Where?" he sighed, and we grabbed another tent, "We went to the park." Oh yeah, I remember. I saw her and she told me that she was going to the park. "Oh." and we packed all of the tents. "Only three tents. Should I grab one more to you and Yuuna could be separate, "Yes please!" I also need to get a lock she she won't stare at me. We grabbed one more. "We're done, let's go inside." and we went inside. "We're going today so make lots of food. Yay food! I love making food! I'm gonna make some kimchi some udon soup, Miso soup, other foods!
Baekhyun's P.O.V (Bacon)
(Bacon's Dream) ~*Run Channy run! The monster's behind you!* *I-I can't I can't move! Help me Bacon!* *I'm coming Channy!* *You will never be able to get him* Yuuna's the monster?*~ BOOM! I'm out of breath, hot and sweating. I look down to see if Channy's there, he is. My channy's safe! The worst dream with him ever! But why was the monster Yuuna? Maybe she's trying to get him away from me. No that can't be, it's only just a dream. I need some water down stairs. I open the door and see the light on downstairs, "Kyungsoo's probably awake' I whisper to myself. I go down the stairs into the kitchen, "Hey," he turns around, "You're sweating as hell. What happened?" he gave me a napkin. "Bad dream." he chuckles, "What happened in your dream?" I threw the napkin away, "There was a monster coming and me and Channy were running away but Channy stopped and said that he can't and needed help but in the end the monster was Yuuna, "Why me?" we heard Yuuna by the stairs. Oh crap! She heard me. "I don't know, it's just a dream anyways." she went back upstairs into the bathroom. I guess I'll use it after her.
Chanyeol's P.O.V (Channy)
*Yawns* now I'm awake. "Bacon wake up." I look on the top bunk, "He's gone." Where's my Bacon!? I run around the room to go look for him. I run down the stairs into the kitchen, "Kyungsoo, where's Bacon?" I say in a rush, He looks at me, "He just left to the bathroom. He told me to tell you that if you were awake early." Oh really? Well that's good that he's still here, "What's the matter Channy? Need some bacon?" Yuuna laughs. "That's not funny," she walks away, "I know. He woke up because of a bad dream." He did! No way! I have to protect him! "Who else is awake, Kyungsoo put the packed food on the table, "Suho is too." I didn't know that he would be awake this early? "When did he wake up?" weird. "He woke up when I wake up." No! the time! Never mind. I went upstairs, then came back down, "What's the packed lunch for?" Are we going somewhere? "Where going to the beach, the one we went to last year, and camp there for 2 weeks." Really great! "Great! I'm gonna pack right now!" I went upstairs to pack.
Yuuna's P.O.V
Why is Suho awake? Oh yeah.. the trip. I've never been on a trip to the beach before. So excited, "You better get packed too." Kyungsoo said. Oh yeah, "Okay." I went upstairs to pack. ~5 minutes later~ I charged everything. folded my clothes nicely, and double checked. I carried my bag clothes downstairs, and my other bag, So called purse. "I'm done." I went to the living room where Channy and Bacon were fooling around. "What about Sehun?" They stopped and looked at me. "He woke up minutes ago. He's in the bathroom right now." Oh, nice to know. "Is everyone ready!" A voice echoed into the living room. "Lets go" Channy and Bacon ran past me, "I followed them, but walked instead. "We got everyone." Suho said. We picked up our bags, "I'll get that," Sehun picked up my bag while my bag-purse was around me. "Thanks." we kept walking, "No problem." I wanted to make a joke, "You're a man now." He put the bags into the back."Wow thanks." We laughed.
Channy's P.O.V
I need to go to the bathroom ,"Make sure everyone went to the bathroom."We all went inside. ~2 minutes later~ "Let's eat before we go." Kyungsoo said, "There are still leftovers from last night. We sat in our chairs and waited for Kyungsoo to set the food. "Lets eat!" the food was set and we ate like pigs. ~after eating~
I'm so full! Now we can go! "Lets go!" I dragged Bacon to the car. "Let's sit together!" Bacon said with a girly voice, "Don't we always." I said romantically. "Where's uncle?" we looked at each other, "I don't know? He always drives for us." A car pulled up. It's uncle, "Hi guys! Help me with my luggage," we went out and put another tent in with his bag. "Let's go!" I screamed from the car. "Coming!" Yuuna replied back. She came outside and saw the uncle, "Hi." she came up to him and bowed, "Well, what a pretty lady. Are you coming?" She blushed a little, "Yes I'm coming." he bowed back, "Are you friends with them?" "Yes I am." Bacon said from the window, "She's Jong In's girlfriend." she looked at Bacon then Yuuna, "Really? Well okay." he went inside the house. Wow, he just said that? I though he was gonna say, "Congratulations! His first girlfriend that he asked out." or "Well you must be lucky." but he said that!? I don't think he's satisfied with a beautiful girl like her.
Suho's P.O.V
"Let's go," I see uncle, "Hi Suho." he's here, "Hi uncle" I bowed to him and he bowed back, "Nice to see you again," well you see me every year, "Me too. It's a good thing that you got my call." and we went outside. The rest followed. "Get inside the car, we're going." we went inside. I sat next to Yuuna, she's sitting by the window. My heart beats loud. I watch her turn on her mp3 player and put her earphones in her ear. She looked at me, took out one piece and pointed it to me, "Want to listen with me?" Should I? "Sure" I put the earpiece in my ear. We're listening to TVXQ's Mirotic. we got off the driveway and took off and then the part ~I got you under my skin~ was coming up, I pointed to Yuuna, "I got youuuuuu-uuu under my skin," she laughed, and I laughed with her. That was kind of funny, then she switched the song. Did she not like it anymore because of me? ~e-e-electric shock~. Minutes later, the mp3 player turned off. "It's off." she sighed, "It died." I took out my earpiece and she put her mp3 player away. "So," uncle said looking at Yuuna from the mirror, "You're Jong In's girlfriend?" she looked at uncle, "Yes I am," "If he's not here then why are you with his friends," she looked at Kyungsoo, "Kyungsoo saw me and then I went to there house and stayed there." That's not the real story, she forgot about me. I told her to stay for a month. "You stayed without asking?" she looked at me, I looked at her, "Suho told me to stay for a month." "Okay then. Just checking." Uncle went back to driving.~Night time~ we are still driving. So tired. I was about to fall asleep then Yuuna's head fell on the window. That must have hurt, "Get her head fixed," Uncle told me. while the rest were sleeping. "But that'll be weird, she will think that's weird too if I put her head on my shoulder." he sighed, "It's okay. Be a gentleman." I did what he told me, My heart was beating faster and louder every time I move closer to her. I gently moved her head on my shoulder. This is so awkward. I sighed in relief. I was getting kind of sleepy, then I fell asleep.
Uncle's P.O.V
I can't believe he did it. So nice of him. He fell asleep pretty fast. I looked at the mirror to see Suho and Yuuna, They would make a good couple. I wonder why Jong In picked her. Everyday he calls me and tells me that a girl asked him about again and blah-blah-blah. Maybe she asked him, but she doesn't look the type. I think he did. I look back into the mirror. Sehun's such a baby, using Kyungsoo like that's his mom. I keep driving.
Bacon's P.O.V
(Bacon's Dream) ~"Run Channy run! The monster's behind you!" "I-I can't I can't move! Help me Bacon!" "I'm coming Channy!" "You will never be able to get him" "Yuuna's the monster?" "Mwahahahaha!" Yuuna takes Channy away, Channy's trying to not cry, "Bye Bacon." he mouths to me. "No Channy!"~ BOOM! awake again. With the same dream. I'm sweating like crazy. I look at Channy who is sleeping on my shoulder. I grab a napkin and wipe off my sweat. "Bad dream?" uncle says to me, "Yeah." I breath heavily, "What happened?"I told him what happened in my dream. "hmm..." I waited for his reply, "Something's up with Channy. He's usually really brave, but this one he isn't." "Do you think Yuuna's trying to get him away from me?" please don't let it be that, "No," that's good, "He likes her," what! He can't! "I can't believe it." He looks at me from the mirror, "Who else do you think likes her out of your friends?" How am I suppose to do that? "I know that Jong In does, he's been always talking about her ever since they dated. I think Suho, because ever since the incident, he's been acting strange around her." I look at Suho. Yuuna and Suho's heads are touching! "How did that happen?" he looked again, "I told him to do that. Her head hit the window." Really? Going back on task now, "and obviously Channy likes her." is that all? I know that I don't like her even though my heart flutters a little when I walk pass her. "That's all." I think, "Not you?" "No." Of course I don't. I went back to sleep and had a better one.
Sehun's P.O.V
I'm awake now. It's still night time, I see uncle driving, murmuring to himself, "What are you talking about?" He stops murmuring. "I'm talking about Chanyeol," Why is he talking about him? "Why? What happened to Channy?" he sighs, "Do I have to tell you?" What do you think!? I always wonder about things, "Yep" I say in a serious voice. "Well..." he sighs again, "Baekhyun had a dream about Chanyeol being tooken away by a monster and the monster was Yuuna, so he asked me why Yuuna was the monster and why Chanyeol wasn't able to move even thought he's strong." What a dream Bacon had. I stared at Bacon, then back at uncle, "So what about Channy- I mean Chanyeol?" a stop light came, "Chanyeol is starting to like her, little by little." Really? I don't even like her, well as a friend but I never even get to spend time with her, or see her. "So that's it?" he drove again as the light went green, "Yep, and the other's might start falling for her too. Baekhyun says that Suho might like her because he acts weirder around her than the others." Really? I better ask him some question later. I'm still kind of tired. I went back to sleep.
Yuuna's P.O.V
I'm starting to wake up, *yawns* that was nice. It's morning. My eyes start to open and I look up and see Suho sleeping, like he's staring at me, but sleeping instead. Is that really him? I jump and hit the top of the car, "Aigoo!" Suho wakes up. We look at each other, then look away. Did I really sleep on his shoulder? I thought I slept the other way. I looked back at him, "um," we both say, "You can go," we say it again, "Go first." he says. "Sorry," I blush a little, "I-It's okay." I look around to see if we were still driving, no ones here. "Where's everybody?" he looks around, "I don't know," we look out the window, we were at the beach and the tents were already fixed. The only bags left in the car was mine and Suho's. "Let's go outside with them," we went out and opened the back. he grabbed his first, a diary fell out, "Whats this?" I grab it out of the car, "That's mine." he tries to take it. "I want to read it." I run around with it, "Give it back." I stop in between the cars so we couldn't see the beach. "I'm trapped." I raise the book higher and higher so he couldn't reach it. I hit the car and he lands in front of me. We look at each other in the eyes, my heart beats faster, and thumps louder. He stands back and blushes, he looks away. "Here," I give him his diary." I put it in his n=hands and walk to the beach, out of the parking lot. His eyes, they were so... so real. Like, like he likes me. I could hear calmness in him but in me I see nervous and shy and  like, I didn't know what would happen. What's wrong with him? Or is it me?
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Chapter 14: what ?! this is the END ?! NO WAY >,< SEQUEL SEQUEL!!!!
Chapter 7: what's mean the banana thig ? O_O ???
Chapter 6: arrghh!! i want Yunna with Suho :P change this story!!! :P hahahahhaa~~~~ update soon!!! :D