And You Are?

Confessions With a Kiss


Suho's P.O.V
~After truth and dare~
I put my shirt back on, "I'm gonna go to sleep first." Sehun nods, "K". Well thanks for the comment Sehun. I cover myself with a blanket and think for a while. What will happen? When is Jong In coming back? What if he finds out? You know, those type of questions. Then I fell back asleep. ~Suho's dream~ Me and Yuuna are in a room that I think is her room, "Can I tell you something?" She looks at me, smiling, "Sure." she sits next to me. "There's this girl who I like but I don't know how to confess my feelings to her." we look at each other, "You can use me. Pretend I'm the girl that you like. Just say what you want to say." I clear my throat, "I really like you, I love the way when you smile and laugh at me. I love you." she blushes a little. "Now you can go tell her." I come closer to her, "I just did." her eyes widen and I kiss her.~ I open my eyes. "What a weird dream." I sit up, thinking back about my dream. "What happened to you?" I look to see who it was, it was Yuuna, staring right at me with her head resting on her hand. "W-why are you here?" she stands up, "Since Kyungsoo locked his tent then I came to yours." But why mine, "Oh." I sigh and lay back down. "What were you dreaming about?" If I told her she would freak out. "Um... about me." she gives me a pouty face, "You never tell me anything." Because I like you, "I know" I ruffle my hair. "Tell me." she pulls me out of my sleeping bag. "Then do something for me," she lets go of me, "Like what?" I smile, "Do aegyeo for me." she looks down, "Why?" If I only had the strength I would tell her, *Because you're cute*, "Because." she looks back at me, "Because what?" "So I can tell you my dream." I won't actually tell her. "Okay," she thinks a while. She puts her hands into fists and puts it by her face while looking down, "Buing, buing." she hides her face. "Look at me this time." she looks at me, blushing. "Buing buing" she turns around.
Chanyeol's P.O.V
*Yawns* "I'm awake." I look around and see Bacon, "He's still sleeping." I'm thirsty," I grab my water bottle, its empty. I go out of the tent and see Yuuna and Suho walking together. And they're leaving me out! "Hey guys!" I run to them. "Oh, good morning Channy." Yuuna smiles at me. It'd her first time calling me that. "M-morning." I laugh a little. Yuuna holds out a water bottle to me, "Want water?" I look at the bottle, "sure." I drank, I didn't finish it all. "Here," I hand the bottle back to her. Us three walked together. I keep staring at Yuuna. Her smile, her laugh, its so cute and pretty. She's cute and pretty too. "What about you Channy?" My thought bubble pops, "What?" Say what? "What was your embarrassing memory you remember?" I don't think I ever had one. "I don't know." Do I remember? "Oh well." we headed back to our tents. "Where were you guys?" Kyungsoo, Sehun, and Bacon stared at us. Bacon looked straight at me. I'm dead now. "We went to walk around the beach." Bacon walked towards me, "You left me." "You were sleeping." we went to our tent. "Hey, Baek?" I turned to look at him, "Hmm?" he turned to look at me. "Do you like Yuuna?" His face became a little weird, "No. Why?" he turned away. "Just saying." I turned away. "A little." I turned to look at him, "How?" He sighed, "Dreams," Really? Again? "Tell me." I came to sit by him. "Remember when we had the water balloon fight?" Of course, its a memory I can't forget, "Yeah." he looked away, "When we just started the game I was going for her, but I lost her. Then she came up to me and knocked me over with her laying on top of me laughing. Then she stopped, she made a face like a *what did I just do?* face. She got off of me and she said sorry but she still hit me with a water balloon and ran away. I didnt do anything." Wow! I am missing a lot of things. "Nice," I my laptop. "I think I like her too." I went on the internet. "A message from Jong In." he looked at my screen. It said~ Guess what Channy!? I'm coming back to South Korea! I'll be at the beach soon! And guess who's coming? Our chinese friends!! Can't wait to see you all. Tell the others about this.~ "He's coming back!" Bacon started dancing. "I'll say it." we went out. "Group meeting!" I said really loud. "What?" they all came out and huddled around me. "Jong In's coming back," they started to get excited. "And our other friends are coming with. They'll be here soon." We all looked at each other. "Yay!" "Cool!" all of those comments were going around. I looked at Yuuna, she looks really happy to get to see him again.
Kyungsoo's P.O.V
I'm so happy! Now I'm not alone anymore! I look at Yuuna. But what about...the kiss. Will I have to tell him. Maybe she can, she's strong. "Let's get some breakfast." I got out the breakfast at we ate. ~after breakfast~ "So refreshing." I grabbed my toothbrush, toothpaste, towel, and I went to the tub of water. While I was walking I saw Yuuna getting ready, she looked at me. "You washing up too?" I don't think we can do this together. "Yeah, I'll wait until you're done." I was about to turn around, "It's okay." I look at her, "You sure." she smiled, "Yeah." I went to the tub. "Wait for us!" we turned around and saw the rest coming with there stuff. "Let's do the challenge again." Sehun looked at us. "Yeah! I'm going to beat Sehun for sure!" Channy said. "What's the challenge?" We looked at Yuuna, "It's just a challenge of who can brush their teeth and wash there face the fastest and the first one wins." she smiled, "Okay lets start." We got into our positions, "Ready..set...go!" we started putting tooth paste on our brushes then started brushing. Except Yuuna, she was washing her face first, then she started brushing. I finished brushing, I quickly started rinsing my mouth. Oh no! Sehun and I are rinsing our mouths. I better be fast! I spit out the water on the grass and washed my face. Where's my towel? I grabbed my towel and wiped my face, "Done!" me and Sehun said at the same time while the others were still washing there faces. "Done!" Yuuna jumped. Channy dumped his whole head in the water and got water on us, "done!" he wiped his face and hair. "Done!" Bacon screamed. "My ears Bacon!" Sehun covered his ears. "Done!" Suho sighed. "Your always last!" Sehun pointed at him. "I know, I take my time." "Me and Kyungsoo tied."me and Sehun looked at each other. "You win then." I sighed. Sehun smiled, "Yes! Champ again!" we went back to our tents.
Yuuna's P.O.V
I'm so happy! But who are the chinese friends? Do they know how to speak korean? I know how to speak chinese because my mom's chinese, and my dad's korean. *Chinese* "Hello I am Yuuna." I'm still pretty good at my chinese. It's fading away a little, but I'm fine. I can't wait to see Jong In, and get to meet his other friends. "Yuuna?" I stop smiling. "Come in," It was Kyungsoo, he sat down. "So..." Let me guess, that thing? "What about.... You know." he sighed. "Let's keep it a secret until he finds out." he looked at me. "You sure?" I don't know, I guess I'll give it a try. "Yeah." I smiled a little. "You happy he's coming back?" I smiled even bigger, I nod yes. He laughs, "Okay then." he left. I stopped smiling. "Am I happy to see him? I guess I'm not ready, not now. I get out of my tent. Fresh air! I see Bacon and Channy playing with water guns. I walk over to them. "Hi Yuuna!" they keep running around. I sat down on a bench. I see these two girls pass me, looking at me. I see them whisper to each other. Why do they look so familiar? I thought back to see if I could remember the faces. Now I remember! They bullied me when I was young. I can't believe they still remember me. I can't believe I still remember them! I look at them walking away. "Who's that?" Sehun said right in my ear. "People I remember from the past." Sehun sits next to me. "They're pretty," I look at him, "You seriously want to go out with one of those girls that pick on people and bully them?" He jumped a little, "No!" I looked back at them. "Did they do that to you?" What am I suppose to say? I fake smiled, "No." I looked at him with my fake smile, he looked serious. "You sure?" This kid asks too much questions. "Yeah," I lied. Sorry to lie to you, I didn't want to cause problems. "Okay, I'll go ask one out!" he stopped, "How old are they?" I laughed, "The same age as us." he left. "Wait!" he already was 100 feet away from me. "Dont... ask... them out." I sighed. I'm doomed. Please reject him! Please! I was making the praying pose, just not kneeling. "What are you doing?" Bacon and Channy stopped and looked at me.
Sehun's P.O.V
I better hurry! There they are. I'll ask out the prettiest. Got to act cool. I run pass them and go the the water fountain. I turn and smile at them. They smile back, "stop." I heard one of them whisper, "He's hot." Well hell yeah I am! They came towards me, "Hi." they giggled. "Hi," I said in a nice voice. "So," No! I go. "Wanna walk with me over there." They whispered. One girl pushed the other in front. "Okay." me and the girl walked back. "So what's your name?" she giggled, "I'm Kim Ji Min." Its an okay name. "I'm Oh Sehun." she giggled some more. Which was getting annoying. Her giggle is a too girly, high-pitched giggle. "Here we are." we stopped. Yuuna looked at us. "Hi?" she made a weird smile. "I just met her." I looked at her, "Ji Min?" she looked at me, "Will you go on a date with me?" she gasped, looked at Yuuna then me. "Of course!" she jumped and hugged me. Too tight! "I'll see you tonight. I'll pick you up." she walked away. "So pretty." Yuuna laughed, "Have fun with her." she walked away, looking a little scared. "Are you okay?" she stopped walking. "Yeah." she turned back around and smiled. I came closer to her, "Tell me..." her eyes got wide. "Did she bully you before?" she sighed, "Yeah. I still hate her." she walked away. Should I even believe those words? "I-I can teach her a lesson." I said really fast. She turned her head at me, "Sure." she kept walking. But this is our first date though. ~night time~ "Are you really going?" Suho put down his book and stared at me changing into my nicest clothes. "Yes." My heart thumped faster and louder. "You're crazy." I went to Yuuna's tent and she told me everything about this chick." he shook his head, "You're crazy in love with this chick." Stop talking about her! "Stop calling her a chick." He kept reading. "Do what you want, you'll regret it anyways." I don't care for those words. Love is love. I think.
Bacon's P.O.V
"Did you hear that Sehun's going out with that girl that Yuuna hates, still!?!" I jumped all over Channy. "I know! He's crazy!" we started making fun about Sehun and Kim Ji Min. "I feel bad for Sehun." we kept laughing. "I heard that Jong In's coming tomorrow. He sent the message late. He left two days after he told me." Channy sighed. "So happy." "Me too." We see lights shining through our tent. "Probably Sehun." We waited for a voice. "Sehun? Let's go!" I high-pitched scream calls out. Me and Channy cover our ears. "Ow!" That voice of hers is annoying. "Coming." We hear Sehun running to the car. The doors close and they drive away. "Well he's gone now." I layed on my sleeping bag. "I'm going to sleep." I covered myself. "Okay, good night." Channy was still doing stuff. I fell asleep. ~Bacon's dream~ Yuuna and I were in a forest, sitting down. "I think I like someone." she looked at me, "You do? Who?" I sat a little closer to her, "Her name starts with a "Y"." I came closer. "Who starts with a "Y" name." she thinks. "I know," she looked at me and I kissed her. I closed my eyes and felt her soft lips touching mine. I let go, "You do."~ I opened my eyes. What a dream I had? I didn't know I would kiss her. I look at my watch. 9:35 pm. I fell asleep at 6:49 pm. I can't believe I still remember that. I sighed, thinking back to the dream. I kissed her, but why? I went back to sleep.
Suho's P.O.V
~Morning~ *Yawn* I look at my watch, 5:32 am. "Why did I wake up so early? I checked to see is Sehun came back. He's sleeping. I wonder how it went. I wanted to ask him but he's still sleeping. I got out from my tent and went to go wash my face. Just as I grab my towel after washing my face, I hear a voice, "Is Sehun here- I mean awake?" I wiped my face, to see who it was. It was his girlfriend. "Uhhhh..." she acted all cute in front of me which made me want to puke, "He's still sleeping, you can wait for him. He's over there." I pointed to the tents. She walked away, I kept staring at her walking. Why does she walk so... so girly? I kept wiping my face. "And that's why I like Yuuna." I whispered. I looked around to see if anyone was watching me. I looked at her car. another girls was in there. she waved at me all cute and stuff. I wanted to puke, but I didn't. I waved back. I whispered to myself, "Run!" I was walking away, saying to myself "Please don't let me go over there." "Hey you!?" I'm dead. I turned around smiling, "Yes?" I walked up to her. She smiled. "Hi." she is a little pretty, but not as pretty as Yuuna. "Hi," she came closer to me, "What's your name?" I can't be mean to a girl, or she'll get me even more. "S-Suho." she started giggling. "I am..."
Sehun's GF (Kim Ji Min) P.O.V
Which tent!? Ugh, I hate that guy. Maybe this one, it looks nice. I open it up, "Sehu-" Pissed off. "You!" I say in a popular voice. "When did you become friends with these people?" Wait! "No. When did you ever meet them?" I looked at her, she looks dressed, wearing a baggy shirt and shorts, and her hair put in a side bun. "You are so out of fashion." I go inside and zip it up. is hanging wide open. "Thanks for the welcome face I get." I smile then roll my eyes. "Talk to me! Hello, are you deaf?" She is so annoying. "Talk to me, now!" she clears , "N-nice to see you again." She sounds like she's so nice, but she's not. "Want me go get Sehun?" she looks kinda scared, that's good! "Yes! Hurry!" she leaves quickly, "Let me look around." I look at her stuff, "Ooh, a picture." I take a look. It's Sehun and Yuuna together! Making cute faces! So mad. "Why are you here so early?" I hear Sehun from outside. I put the picture in my purse. "I miss you!" I go all cute and girly on him. "Let's go!" I grab Sehun and we walk away, I turn my head and see Yuuna staring at us. I gave her an evil grin. I see a guy pass me, looking kind of scared. Well who cares.
Channy's P.O.V
"Channy, wake up!" I open my eyes and see Suho, shaking me like we're lost in the desert. "What?" *Yawns* "Miss. Annoying came!" he sat really close to me. "Just because that other girl talked to you, doesn't mean that she'll stalk you for life." I looked around. Everyone was in the tent except for Sehun. "We have to force Sehun to break up with Ji Min." Kyungsoo said in a soft voice. "Yeah." Bacon started tugging Kyungsoo, "More more!" Funny Bacon. "For Yuuna we can say." Yuuna jumped, "Sehun  said if she bullied me then he could teach her a lesson, and I said sure. He didn't even tell me what happened." she sat back down. "I don't think that'll work." I layed back down. "Why?" Suho started staring at me. "I don't know." We all started arguing about them. "Whats going on?" we stopped to see who it was, its Jong In. "Yuuna!" we froze and saw him hug Yuuna, she just stared, looking blank. "Your back!" Kyungsoo went to hug him. Then we all did. "We missed you so much!" we all let go, with Jong In's hands around Yuuna. Yuuna kept smiling. "Where's the others?" "Getting the stuff out."
Yuuna's P.O.V
I'm glad he's back. I'm just not ready for new friends. A guy came in with some luggage, "Help me Jong In." a guy with okay korean talking looked at me. Then in chinese he said, "Who's she?" he looked at Jong In. Jong In replied in chinese, "My girlfriend." I waved to him. He looked shock, "Does she know chinese?" I got kind o embarrassed, I said in chinese, "And you are?" I started blushing a little, he's kind of cute. "Luhan!" he smiled, "Nice to meet you in real life!" He looked at me strangely, "You look better in real life than in the video." He went out of the tent. "Come on, let me show the others." we all left to meet the others. "This is Kris." I looked up to see a handsome man, "So that's her?" he held my hand, "Yepp." we went to another one, "That one's Min Seok, he's korean but he lives in China with the others." Wait! There's more? "This one is Zi Tao." he looked and waved, "Hi." I said in chinese. "Nice to meet you." w had this conversation in chinese that Jong In didn't understand. "Next." we went, "What did you guys talk about?" he looked at me, "We just greeted each other." we went to another one, "This one is Yi Xing." He turned and looked at me, his skin is so.... milky! I kept staring at his skin. "Hi." I said again in chinese, he just bowed. "This one is Jong Dae. He's also like Min Seok." he turned and smiled at me, "Hi! Nice to meet you." and he was also talking in korean. So I said in korean, "Hi." we left. "That's all. You'll get used to them. They're nice." I see... I think Luhan was the name, running around. "Where's Sehun?" Channy stopped, "He has a girlfriend." he looked sad, "No! I got bubble tea for us to share." Wow. He's so.... weird. But in a cute way. "I'm going to the bathroom." Jong In left. I went back to my tent. "Hey you." I turn around and see one of the korean guys from China. "Yes." He came closer to me, "Can you help me?" I looked at the luggage, he was carrying 4 bags. "Okay, just tell me your name." He sighed, "Jong Dae." he lifted his glasses up. "Okay." I smiled and helped put his luggage into his tent. "Okay, thanks." he put the luggage down. "I got this myself."
Luhan's P.O.V
She's so pretty! But I'm still not happy, Sehun has a girlfriend. Which means that he'll leave me alone! I started crying a little. "Why are you crying?" Lay gave me a tissue. "Sehun...." he sighed, "It's okay. He still loves you." he went to his tent. I went on my phone to text Sehun. I wrote ~Sehunah! I'm here. I heard that you have a gf. :( dont leave me.~ then I sent it. "Please get me message. I went to Sehun's tent. "Hi Suho." I said in chinese. "Hi." not korean. I guess I'll just talk korean for now. "Where are you sleeping?" Suho knows where I'm sleeping. "With Sehun." he sighed, "Fine." he packed his things and left, maybe to Lay's tent. I unpacked my things and layed my sleeping bag next to Sehun's bag. My phone vibrated. "A text!" I looked at my phone, ~Text Message from Sehun~ I read it ~I know I do. I wont leave you. I'm coming back now. Can't wait~ "Yay!" Jong In came in, "What about Sehun?". I'm getting sad again. "Luhan!" I turn around. "Sehun!" we hug each other really tight. "I got bubbletea for us." He drank some, "Thanks." we kept smiling. "What's that girl's name again?" I spoke in korean. I'm still learning. "Yuuna, Park Yuuna." Wait! Park? "Park? Channy and her must be related." he looked at each other. "They're not." Oh. That would've been cool if they were. "So, I heard that your dating a girl." he sighed, "I know. She's pretty but really girly. I think Yuuna's better, she's not girly." Well I just met her too. "She's really bubbly. You'll  fall for her too." I will. That's not true. Maybe.
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Chapter 14: what ?! this is the END ?! NO WAY >,< SEQUEL SEQUEL!!!!
Chapter 7: what's mean the banana thig ? O_O ???
Chapter 6: arrghh!! i want Yunna with Suho :P change this story!!! :P hahahahhaa~~~~ update soon!!! :D