I Love You More Than The Sun (Yuuna's P.O.V)

Confessions With a Kiss


(My alarm goes off) *beep. Beep. Beep*.
I press the off button and stretch. I remind myself that it's school time before I fall asleep. I look at my clock and its 6:20. "Oh no! I got to get ready for school! I don't want to be late!" I grab my school outfit and run downstairs like a cheetah into the bathroom, slam the door and lock it.
I'm all done getting dressed for school, I grab my school bag and look at my cellphone "Aigoo! It's 6:50!" I run out the door and run as fast as I can to school " I hope I'm not late!" All of the sudden right when I reach the school doors, the bell rings.
"No! I'm going to be late for class! and there's a test going!" I run inside "Why do we have such a big school!"
10 minutes later I stop at my class, get inside quietly and come up to my teacher "uh, sorry teacher that I was late."
" Where have you been huh? Sleeping?" The bell rings for the next class " I'll see you after school"
I sigh "Aigoo"
After all classes were done it was gym. changing my clothes into my gym outfit, My shirt is to big but my pants are fine. I'm running with the rest of the group. I'm in the middle running when all of the sudden I rolled my ankle and fall to the ground. Holding my hands on my ankle in pain.
My crush stops and comes toward me " Do you need help?" he holds out his hand.
I look up at him and holds his hand and he pulls me up. he brings me to the nurse and stays with me until I leave. We went into the hallway and no one was there but the two of us.
"Thanks" I told him looking down.
"Your welcome, and I didn't get your name. What is it?"
"uh, I am Yuuna, Park Yuuna"
"Nice name"
" My name is Jong In, Kim Jong In.
" Well I got to get to class now, Jong In" I blush a little but he doesn't see it.
"Okay, see ya"
"yeah, okay"
School is over and I just remembered that I have to do the test. I walk into the classroom looking down and when I looked up I saw  Jong In sitting in the back all alone.
" Oh, its you."
He looks up at me and smiles at me.
" Hey Yuuna!" the teacher yells
I sigh " Oh, hi teacher? I didn't see you there" I mumble madly.
 The teacher hands me the test and I sit down in the front.
Jong In looks up at me and smiles a little then gets back to work.
 After we finished the test we were back out into the hallway alone again. I look at the clock and its 8:30 pm. "Aigoo, It's already past dinner time" I sigh
Jong In puts his hand around me " I can walk you home if you want me to?"
" Uh, Its fine I can walk home myself, well see you tomorrow."
He leaves and looks back as I'm walking home and looks back again.
I arrive at home " I'm back!" I say quietly. But when I looked no one was there. I go to my room, lay on my bed and fall asleep. The next day I wasn't late for school. Jong In came up to me when it was time to go outside.
" Here"
I look up
" An invitation to my club" He hands me the invitation and leaves to his friends.
I look at the invitation card sitting on the bench alone.
School is over and I run outside but then Jong In held my hand fast and I got jerked back into Jong In' arms.
I look at  Jong In and sees him staring back at me. I back away about a foot and says " What is it?"
" Are you coming to the club tomorrow?"
" uh yeah of course I will."
" Okay thanks Yuuna" and smiles at me just before I left.
I arrive at home just before dinner starts, eats as fast as I can and run to my room. I get clothes to choose what to wear for the club.
Two days later. " There's no school today and the club starts at 2:30pm. I can't wait!"
Its 2:00pm "I should go early so I wont be so late when it starts. So I left early to Jong In's club.
" So this is his club?" I went inside and just stood there until I saw Jong In. I waved to him and he waved back. I ran up to him and said "Am I early?"
" No not at all Yuuna. You're right on time"He turned around going to my side and said "These are all of my friends"
I was shocked, 13 guys standing right in front of me. "Uhh...h-hi" I waved to them slowly.
"Lets party!! One of the guys said and everyone was dancing like crazy and drinking.
I stood at the bar with cold lemonade on my hands while watching the 13 guys and Jong In dance. I was smiling and laughing at the guys because they were dancing really funny, it made me laugh. The guys saw me laughing so they danced some more just to make me laugh and have fun. Hours later, the guys are drunk and knocked out, except for one, Jong In. I went into a room and Jong In followed. I sat down on the bed with my knees to my chest.
Jong In ruffled his hair and said with a shy voice "So did you have a good time Yuuna?"
" Yeah I did" I smiled a little.
Jong In smiled and went to the other bed and was talking about How we first met while I layed down and fell asleep all scrunched up into a ball.
Jong In turned to look at me and when he looked at me I was sleeping. I woke up and looked at the time. It was 7:32. " It's only 7?" I turned my head and saw Jong In sleeping like a little baby. It was so cute so I took out my cellphone and took a picture of him sleeping. Then I had an idea, I checked into Jong In's pockets and found his cellphone. So I took his cell phone and looked at his pictures and saw a picture of me sleeping. I went to his contacts and put my cellphone number in his contacts, and went back home.
Two days later. Its was school time. I was at school when all of the sudden BAM! I fall on the floor and look up "Aigoo! That hurt! Oh its you Jong In. Oh um, sorry Jong In.
Jong In grabbed my hand and pulled me up and ran out of the school with my hand in his hand.
" Where are we going?" I asked him.
" Just follow me and you'll see Yuuna" He smiled.
We arrived at an unknown place where it smells like nature, the sound of fresh air and birds singing, and the sun beaming down at you making you warm.
"Where are we Jong In?"
"We're at my house."
"What! No way! This a is a paradise! Wait, really?"
"Yeah of course." he looked up then looked back at me " I love the sun, its so pretty"
"Yes it is"
He comes closer to me "But I love you more than the sun"
I blush with rosie cheeks " You cant prove that."
He comes up to me, puts his hands around my waist and kisses me on the lips.
My eyes widen as I'm in shock.
He lets go of me and backs away "I did prove it" he smiles bright and holds my hand.
I look at him still blushing " Sorry but I got to go back to school now", I run out of his house and run back to school. Right when I come to school the bell rings, "sigh,really" and turns around and sees Jong In out of breath right behind me.
Jong In says out of breath "Bye, see ya tomorrow Yuuna."
"uh, yeah me too"I say with a shy voice.
Jong In winks at me like he never did before.
I walked past him and as I did that I smiled like a morning sun.
When I arrived Home I smelled the aurora of food. "Omma, Appa I'm home!" I take my shoes off and shoot to the dinner table.
"Umma, What did you make?"
She says " Just in time! I made Miso Soup." Mmm! I love Miso soup!
My dad asks me "What did you do today?"
I smile and said " I'm in love."
Both of my parents look at each other then look back at me. " Yuuna, my daughter! I'm so proud of you!" my Omma comes up to me and hugs me very tight.
"uh mom, you're gonna kill me like this" I say in a tight voice.
"oh sorry honey" my mom lets go of me and gets back to work.
After dinner I got ready to go to sleep. I looked in the mirror and thought back about Jong In kissing my lips. I touched my lips and smiled. Then went to bed.
Its the next day and I'm getting ready to go to school. As I walk out of the door I see Jong In standing right by my mailbox. "Wh-what are you doing here Jong In?"
He looked up and smiled, "Oh hey! I came here to pick you up! Lets go now."
I close the door and walk towards him "okay", he holds my hand and we walk to school.
As we arrive to school I saw a couple of girls looking at us.
Jong In takes me to the top of the school and says holding my hand "I love you Yuuna" and hugs me.
"I-I love you too", I hug him back, and the bell rings.
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Chapter 14: what ?! this is the END ?! NO WAY >,< SEQUEL SEQUEL!!!!
Chapter 7: what's mean the banana thig ? O_O ???
Chapter 6: arrghh!! i want Yunna with Suho :P change this story!!! :P hahahahhaa~~~~ update soon!!! :D