Red, Gold, and Gray

Steps? I don't think so.....


~Narrator POV~


The anticipation of meeting the secret man made you so excited that sleeping wasn't an option during that night.


You laid your head on the table as your mom started to make breakfast. “______, did you get enough sleep last night?”


“Yeah, mom,” yawn, “I just hate waking up so early.”


“Alright, sweety.”



School wasn't very much better. There are two sides to the whole school...


You were either a Red or a Gold; however, they called you Gray. You were the loner of the school since you transferred there exactly four months ago. You hated people who tried to make you pick a side, but out of all the people you hated the most was the leaders.


Youngmin and Kwangmin.


The fan girls split the school into two groups. Red is Kwangmin, and Youngmin is Gold.


“_______, can you move a little,” a voice from behind you.


You turned around to see Youngmin standing behind you. Instead of moving, you grabbed your books and walked away.


~Younmin's Pov~


I watch her walk away. She wasn't like the other girls at school. She pushed everyone away ever since she came here four months ago.


The more she pushed everyone away, the more I wanted to talk to her. She was different, the good kind of different.


~Normal POV~


You walked down the hallway, a large group of girls surrounded a certain classroom. Ugh, these idiots. Thankfully, it wasn't the blocking the art room.


As you squeezed through the crowd, you noticed the red head bands and bracelets. Kwangmin was obviously in there. Unless he got cloned.. (Oh god no)


The art room was completely empty when you entered the room. Just the way you liked it. You pulled a small sketch book out of your bag and sat on a stool in the corner. There was a clear picture of a family portrait that was taken years ago. About when you were seven and a half.


You were about half way done with it when someone walked in. Glancing up, you saw a dark headed boy lock the door frantically before kneeling underneath the door.


It sounded like people were running down the hallway. Fan girls found their prince.


You quickly zoned back into the art world when you placed an ear bud in your ear and hit play to some music. Your foot tapped along to the beat.


Kwangmin's Pov~


I looked over and saw her sitting on a stool quietly. She didn't really look at me very much. Her eyes were fixated on the drawing she was working on. I guess she's gray.


Youngmin talks about her like she's a goddess or something. She's quiet, smart, and cute, according to Youngmin. I don't see anything special about her. A potential fan girl is what I see.


Maybe she fakes it, so she can have all the attention of my brother. Well, she's not gonna get me any time soon.


She might have my brother fooled, but under that beauty is a monster ready to rip my poor brother's heart out his chest.

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