The Library?

All is Fair in Love and Shakespeare

  Ch: 5 The Library?

The poster is all thanks to Angela @lemon swirls! Apply here!!!! 


Seohyun’s POV

I looked out the window, shocked at how fast summer had passed us by. The rain tapped its gentle rhythm on the windowpane and small streaks of water ran down the sides of the glass. A light tapping on the door woke me from my reverie.


My door swung open without much effort and Jessica unnie stepped in.

“There’s a strange boy downstairs, asking for you.” She winked. Huh? Strange boy? I racked my brains for a clue to who it could be.”He’s pretty hot too.” Ok… strange.

“Thanks unnie.” I rolled my eyes and tucked my hair behind one ear. Getting up from the window seat, I walked out the door to find out whom the mystery person… or should I say “hot guy” is? At least, I tried to. Jessica unnie was holding onto my arm as if she was drowning and I was the lifeline.

“You don’t expect to go down like that do you?” She asked impatiently. I looked down at what I was wearing. My hair was pulled into a ponytail and I was wearing a comfortable, pink, hoodie and sweats.

“What’s wrong with what I’m wearing?”

She sighed again as if to say that I was truly, hopeless.

“Seo Joohyun-ah… you’re never going to get married.” She sighed before dragging me towards the dressing table. I sighed giving up before my arm was wrenched out of its socket. I massaged my shoulder while she set to work.

“Since I don’t have much time… so we won’t be able to change too much. Just a little hair and makeup.” contemplated Sica unnie as I closed my eyes in defeat. Whatever comes will come. Hopefully, it’ll all end up well.

Yonghwa’s POV

It was probably a bad idea to come here. I looked around at my surroundings, noting the majestic set of stairs, (Did you hear me? A set of stairs. Why would someone need two stairs going to the same landing? Then again, this gigantic house probably needed a symmetrical set to support it.), the expensive, what looked to be genuine masterpieces of art hanging on the walls, the soft expensive carpeting and the elegant, mahogany, leather and polished glass furniture. I could see my reflection in the lamp and the ceiling was two times my height.

Then I looked down at what I was wearing, a navy hoodie and faded jeans. I obviously didn’t belong in this finery. Her mother, or sister or whatever was wearing a black dress made of obviously expensive material. I considered leaving. Who was I to think that I could just barge in to her world like this? The poor weren’t made to cross the line that separated them and the rich.

Besides why were they taking so long? Probably to purposefully embarrass me as if to point out I don’t belong.

I had made my mind up to leave when I heard footsteps coming down the stairs. I turned to see Joohyun and her sister walking down. She was dressed differently from her sister. I breathed out a sigh of relief to see that she was in hoodie and jeans too. She looked surprised to see me.

Seohyun’s POV

Aish, I should have guessed…  

Aigoo… Ottoke?

Jessica’s POV

Convinced that they did actually know each other and that he wasn’t some random stalker, I pulled off a classic big sister move (AN: I’m sure you readers will thank her for.)

“Seohyun-ah? I need to go pick up some groceries before Aunt comes back and I’ll be taking your car ok? I’m saving the little bit of gas left to drive to the gas station and get a refill.” I said dangling the car keys at the tip of my fingers.

“Aigoo… typical Sica unnie.”

It hurt my big sister pride. I frowned as I left the room. I wasn’t that incompetent. Of course I was lying about the car.

“U-unnie… yah! You can’t just leave…” Her voice trailed off as she figured out I either couldn’t hear or pretended not to be able to hear. They have a term for this right? Selective hearing impairment. I chuckled as I locked the door and walked to Seohyun’s car.

Seohyun’s POV

I mentally smacked my head. Sica unnie… I strongly suspect that was not the case. Sica Unnie’s car was her pride and joy. Well, after her wardrobe. I turned back to Yonghwa. There was an awkward silence between us and it was emphasized by the size of the room.

“You have a big house…” He broke the silence.

“You jealous?” I smirked.

“Yes…” He said, with a serious look in his eyes, “And no.”

“Why?” I asked curious and motioned for him to sit. He sat down somewhat stiffly.

“I’m jealous because you’re house is beautiful. It’s gorgeous. It looks like a dream house out of a magazine.” He sighed and ran a hand through his hair. He looked up at the chandelier. Light from the tall windows glinted off the crystals dangling from it. “But that’s the problem with it. It looks like no one lives here. It’s a perfect, perfect house but it doesn’t feel like anyone’s. There’s just one family picture.” He pointed to a gigantic, a little-smaller-than-life-size family portrait of umma, Jungshin, Jessica and me Joohyun. (AN: Wow, they’re like one of those families where all the kids have names beginning with the same letter.) I sighed, remembering that Appa had bailed on the portrait day last minute to attend a meeting.

“You have no idea.” I whispered quietly.

Yonghwa’s POV

So who was I to lecture her on a perfect home, or a perfect family? Seeing that I had neither? 

“So… why are you here?” She asked. The topic must have stretched out of her comfort zone.

“Did you miss me?” I joked trying to lighten the atmosphere.

“As if.” She snorted and rolled her eyes.

“Actually, Ms. Seo Joohyun,” I said standing up, “You were booked for a date with a certain Jung Yonghwa.” She laughed.

“How come I don’t remember agreeing to any such thing?” My grin shifted for a moment. She hadn’t forgotten had she?

“Just kidding.” She laughed again. Her laughter resembled the tinkling of Christmas bells, inspiring the same kind of happiness. “But how are we going to get there?” She frowned and a crease appeared between her eyebrows. “Sica unnie took the car.”

“No worries,” I grinned. “You’re going to enjoy how we’re going to get there.”

Sunwoo’s POV

Hyung, hurry up! (AN: Aigoo… so cute~)

Victoria’s POV

I looked at the library. The building wasn’t old but it had a classical structure with white pillars supporting the brick red walls and white roofs. It was big too as if it expected many people. I had spent awhile last week here trying to recreate a classical feel, and then a modern-vintage feel with my camera. (AN: Those of you who like photography out there, yup that’s Toria’s hobby!) I walked up the steps, my trench coat swaying with every step. I closed my umbrella upon reaching shelter and shook it dry. The weather had changed awfully fast.

“Going in?” A familiar voice made my heart skip a beat. I turned to see Minhyuk-ssi. He walked over to the door and held it open for me. “Ladies first!”

Smiling, I stepped into a cavernous room. I was pretty sure it would echo, if I yelled but everyone was quiet. How were we going to read to kids in an environment like this.

“Wow.” Sighed Minhyuk-ssi as he ran his fingers over all the book spines that lined the shelves that fanned out with a focal point in the center. It was pretty much completely silent.

“Do you like books?” I asked.

“Mmhmm… they’re my friends!” He smiled.   

Yonghwa’s POV

Ah… the wind felt so good.

“Stop going so fast! Do you want us to die?!” screamed Joohyun. I chuckled. It was probably her first time on a motorbike. In response, I gunned the throttle and went even faster. She shrieked. “Please…”

“You”ll get used to it.” I obliged by slowing down slightly. “What time is it?”

“Um…” she looked down at her delicate, wrist watch. “A little past two.”

“Crap. We’re late.” I increased our speed and roared down the rood that led to the library. “Don’t worry kids, Yonghwa hyung is coming~” I heard a snort from behind. =.=


“Anneyonghaseyo everybody. My name is Cindy and I’ll be the librarian in charge of the Reading Club! I hope you guys have a wonderful time.” Said a friendly-looking in her librarian in her mid-thirties, as smiled warmly but Yonghwa thought that her smile was kind of fake. “Why don’t we start with a little introduction from each of the big buddies?”

“Anneyonghaseyo, Seo Joohyun imnida. Please call me Seohyun everyone!” Seohyun “unnie” waved and bowed. Beside her Minhyuk who had jostled Yonghwa for the spot next to Seohyun smiled brightly.

“Anneyonghaseyo! Minhyuk imnida. You can call me hyung or oppa!”

“A-anneyonghaseyo.. Victoria imnida.” Smiled Victoria trying to make up for the slight stutter she had begun her introduction with. After her, it was Yonghwa, sighing and seriously doubting his own mental stability for signing himself up for something like this. He brightened when Sunwoo waved at his hyung cheerfully. At least now he would be making up for all the lost time he should have spent with his dongsaeng. 

“Anneyonghaseyo. Yonghwa imnida.” His voice turned out a little on the flat side though he tried to look slightly enthusiastic. The introductions continued on. In all there were 9 volunteers and 19 of the little guys.

“Since it matches out pretty evenly, we’ll let the little guys choose. Is that ok?” Before Victoria, who knew better could protest, the 45h and 5thgraders had swarmed them Thank goodness, the kids area was separate form the adults reading area. If not the glares they received, could have potentially killed them.

Yonghwa smiled at his dongsaeng but didn’t seem to know what to do with the other billion or so little girls swarming around him. Minhyuk on the other hand was smiling and giving out free sunshine, making everyone feel at ease. Victoria, who had just a day ago demonstrated “stage-fright” was now in her element and coaxing reluctant kids to pick up a book or two. Seohyun had her hands full as well. With the books, the kids kept handing to her. Minhyuk noticing that she needed help, immediately went over. Unfortunately, his group of kids followed him too. Nevertheless, he received a grateful smile.

Victoria turned a corner to put the books her group had been reading back when another kid came running around the other corner. Suddenly he tripped on the edge of the bookshelf and fell. She immediately rushed over to check if he was alright. To her surprise, the kid just smiled and said,

“Mianheyo, Victoria Unnie. I was running too fast.” Aigoo, she thought, what a cute little kid.

“Sunwoo! Are you ok?” Yonghwa had turned the corner too.

“Neh, I’m fine hyung.” He waved before running off to find his books again.

“So the Jung Yonghwa-ssi is such a caring guy eh?” teased Victoria.

“Aniyo… that was my dongsaeng, Sunwoo. Thanks for checking on him.” With a wave, he left too.


Seohyun’s POV

Eh? Where did Yonghwa go with the book?! I saw Victoria at the end of the bookshelf. . I smiled and sneaked up on her.


She just blinked. Awww…

‘Anneyog Seohyun-ah.”

“Victoria, you didn’t tell me you signed up for this.”

“You didn’t tell me either.” She accused. I shrugged.

“It was kind of a last minute decision.” I grimaced and explained how Yonghwa had coerced me to go to the library with him. “He threatened to stake out on our lawn! Aunt would have a fit.”

“Hehe.. someone likes you.” She teased.

“Pfft, him? He’s got all those girls running after him. Back to the topic Victoria-ah. “

“Well… I’m here because I thought it was interesting?” My eyebrows rose when I realized it was a question. “I needed the English credit and I thought it would be good experience working with kids.”

“Victoria-ah… It’s no good lying to me because I know you in and out. You are in no way failing English unless you count a 98% last year a fail. This year has barely started anyways. And as for the experience you’ve already had tons.”     

“Well… a person can always have more can’t they?” I gifted her with my best disbelieving look. “Arasso, arasso. I’ll tell you ok?” She sighed. “I saw Minhyuk sign up for it so I thought I’d give it a try.”

I looked at her in shock. Minhyuk? What the h8*ll did he think he was doing seducing my best friend?

Ok… I’m done. Sorry for not updating.. in forever? Sorry sorry *9o degrees bow*

Thank you everyone for the support!

Remember the poster I made before, yeah well, it was the photo one of my awesome subscribers, blueebabby edited (you know the blue and pink words?) I just added the story title, border and name. See how hopeless of a graphic artist I am?

Anyways, the drama is building~ And it’s all Minhyuk’s fault! *points accusing finger*

My new poster is awesome is it not? I didn’t make it. Don’t have the skills. ^^


Mmhmm… it’s mInhykkie! And Joohyun was forced to say yes. But she didn’t end up spending so much time with Yong.


Yay! New reader! Well I’m still not sure about Seohyun being a princess. What do you think? I might conduct a poll on that.


No prob and I’m updating now. I still need to study. O.o


Thanks so much for the support! Here’s the update and hope you liked it!


Thanks and my story misses you too! :)


You lazy pig! Go write and study!!!!!!!!

Hehe… so yup! Please anticipate the next chapter!

Subscribe and comment!

You guys brighten my day,


p.s. I am now a co-author of a supernatural b2st fic so check it out!

And I’m going back to my Shinee fic soon too:

Thanks guys! :)

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I'm so sorry for posting this in here. I can't seem to private message you.

Hello. This is Merki589. Are you interested in joining the annual YS Fanfic Project? I am gathering YS writers that are willing to join. :) To know further, you can click on the link below. You can contact me here, Twitter, LINE or Kakao for your response. User id is Merki589. Thank you!
imamoymoy #2
Chapter 18: noooooo. just keep going with yongseo pleaseee... :(
UMakeTheSunComeOut #3
New and old readers, please read the last chapter first and let me know which idol I should write the story about. I'm sorry about my absence and thank you so much for your support. :)
Chapter 17: I hope you can update this story again :(
yeah ! that would be great i'll wait for the next chapter update soon
UMakeTheSunComeOut #6
Hi:) Are you a new subscriber? I don't think I've seen you in the comment box before. Thanks a ton~
Actually, I'm taking that into consideration for the next chapter.. stay tuned :) Thanks for the suggestion. kinda did realize that it's been 16 chapters without any serious yongseo action... mianhae
i like your story but wouldn't be better if you add a kind of skinship a hand holding or a kiss even accidentally kiss cuz what is ssen that it's a yongseo story but she's affected more to other guys
UMakeTheSunComeOut #8
:D Thanks for your encouragement~! I'll do my best to get the next chappie out asap
Thank you~
YAAAY!!! Wait! Haven't read yet. heehee~
Directly commented! To let you know how happy I am~
K! Bookmarked! Will read later~~ ^___^
UMakeTheSunComeOut #10
Thanks a ton~ I know it's been such a long time but... aish, I've been so busy. I think I'll start working on the new chappie today! Wish me luck!
Aww you're sweet. Thanks a lot :) Thanks for coming back and telling me you miss it. Thank you for appreciating the time and effort it spends to write chapters and break through writer's blocks.
Thanks for the encouragement! Yes! Fighting to everyone! >n< cuz we all need it don't we? I'll start working on it today. If not I'll finish up by tmrw. I can do this XD
silent or not, thanks for being here for me anyways.
I <3 you guys
And please anticipate chapter 16!