Party Part 3


Once everyone finished performing, they all returned to talking. Everyone that performed was praised for their talent. Izzy was the only one who wasn't. It wasn't that she did bad, it was that people expected it, because of her sisters. Of course she would get the "nice job" or "You did good" as people walk by, but no solid conversation. Izzy was sitting at a table when Yoseob came up to her.

"Hey Izzy!" Yoseob exclaimed

Yoseob and Izzy have been friends since Izzy was a trainee. He was one of Izzy's only friends in Korea at the time actually.


"You did great, everyone was shocked that you could sing in English."

"Well, I am from America." Izzy said doing a chessy smile.

"True, true." Yoseob said nodding his head. "So how are things between you and Taemin?" Yoseob said giving Izzy a sly smile.

"Don't tell me you beileave in those rumors!"

Since Izzy had debut there had been 4 articles about her and Taemin "going on dates" ((They were just hanging out)).Plus another article when Suzy revieled she wanted to be closer to Taemin titled: Miss A's Suzy & 1Night's Izzy having a cat fight over Taemin.

"I don't know, theres been a lot of them." Yoseob said teasing Izzy.

"And theres been 4 articles about Key and Miki! But is anything going on between them!" Izzy said pointing to Key and Miki, when she realized they were dating now.

Yoseob looked at Izzy with raised eyebrows. "Ok! Bad exaple! But, still....Theres nothing going on!" Izzy defended herself.

"Iz, I know there's nothing going on NOW, but I know you having feelings for him and it's OBVIOUS he has feelings for you." Yoseob said looking Izzy in the eyes.

"I do have feelings for him. Like a brother or a puppy, but nothing more." Izzy said looking down at her feet, while making a blowfish face.

" For a person who reads romance novels 24/7, your really dumb when it comes to relationships!" Yeseob said and walked off.

"HEY!" Izzy yelled putting her fist in the air.

Yoseob turned around and stuck his tongue out and mocked Izzy.


Haru was standing around thanking people who complimented her for her performance until a hand grabbed her shoulder. She turned around to see L.Joe.

"You did really good today! It was impressive!" He said sticking up a thumb.

"Thank you." Haru said smiling. "Why didn't you perform?" Haru ask L.Joe

"Only Niel and I came, we figured we wouldn't perform with only two of us."

"Aww, well I would have enjoyed watching if you performed.

"Well, I can perform for you right now!" L.Joe said, taking any chance he could to show of to Haru.

"How would you do that?" Haru asked confused.

"Come here." L.Joe said grabbing Haru and bringing her up to Niel, after talking to him shortly all three of them went into a seprate room were there was a keyboard set up.

"Sit down anywhere, Haru" Niel said.

"Ok" Haru said, sitting in the seat infront of the keyboard.

"1,2,3" Niel counted off.

"Well, what did you think Haru?" L.Joe asked.

"It was really good!" Haru said shocked at their skill. "Niel your voice was amazing as usual, but L.Joe. I didn't know you could play the piano so well!"

"Thank you!" They both said at the same time bowing to Haru.


Not to long after, Yoseob returned.

"Hey Iz, come with me!" Yoseob said grabbing Izzy and dragging her into another room.

"Yoseob-what are you- Yoseob!" Izzy yelled panicking a little.

"Here" Yoseob said, sitting Izzy down in a chair and handing her a guitar, while he sat next to her.

"What is this for??" Izzy asked looking at the guitar.

"Sing another song for me." Yoseob said smiling at Izzy.


"Because.....JUST DO IT!" Yoseob said

"Alright, alright" Izzy said, Yoseob may be cute and small, but he has muscle and he can be scarry when he wants to be.

Yoseob brought his chair infront of Izzy and she began.

"That was great! Well, Bye Izzy!" Yoseob said as he ran out of the room.

"Wait-the-what?!" Izzy said confused and worried. What had Yoseob done?

Izzy put the guitar back were it belonged and exited the room.

As soon as she left people started saying things to her like; "That was great" or "Of course you sung that song *wink*"

Izzy was EXTREMELY confused. What was everyone talking about?

As Izzy approached the stage she heard.....her? Singing? Like she just was! As she started walking away from the stage she saw Yoseob talking to Taemin.

"Crap, Yoseob!" Izzy wispered.

Izzy's P.O.V

What am I supposed to do!? I can't walk up to them, what if their talking about me! That would just be awkward. I guess.....i'll....

"Izzy it's time to be a detective!" I said to myself.

As I was starting to walk behind everyone so I could get in hearing distance of their conversation I was stopped by, oh no! My sisters!

"That was really sweet Iz!" Krystal said winking at me.

"Yeah. Was that song ment for Taemin? Cause everyone thinks it is." Jessica asked, looking genuine.

"No! It wasn't for anyone! It was just me singing!" I said/yelled. I kinda exploded.

"Oh....ok...well we'll be going now." Krystal said as they both left.

I'll say sorry latter. Right now, i'm on a mission!

Once I actually reached Taemin and Yoseob, they were done talking. JUST MY LUCK!

"Hey Iz!" Yoseob yelled at me.

Seriously Yoseob?! I'm screwed!

"Uh....H-hey Seobie. Hey, Taemin."

"That song was really great!" Taemin said smiling

"T-thank you"

Well it seems like everythings ok. Seobie I'm going to get you for this!!

Taemin's POV

"Hey Taemin!" Yoseob said as he walked up to me.

"Hyung! What's up hows-" Yoseob stopped me by putting his hand up.

"So you like Izzy right?"

What? Why is he asking me this? Uhh! I don't know if I like her or not!!

"I-I don't know"

"HOW CAN YOU NOT KNOW!!??" Yoseob screamed in my face.

"I just don't know, I feel angry or weird when she sayd we're friends and I hate seeing her touching other people, but, If she were to tell me she liked someone......I don't know how I would feel." Yoseob was looking at me with a weird smile on his face.

"It sounds to me like someone really likes someone." Yoseob said as he turned around and took a step away. "Oh, if you want to impress Izzy." Yoseob said as he turned around a little. "You'll have to do something big. She's a hopeless romantic you know." Yoseob finished as he walked away, leaving me confused.

Me?! Like Izzy?! Itty-Bitty!? I-I guess I could like her. I mean she's pretty, she's tall, but pretty. She's also really cute and funny. Alright I like Izzy! But now what am I suppose to do to impress her!??

As I was standing there confused, Yoseob walked up to me again.

"Just to help you out she likes- Hey Izzy!"

She likes hey Izzy? That doesn't make any sense.

"H-hey Soebie. Hey,Taemin." I heard a soft voice from behind me. OH! CRAP!!

"That song was great!" I said giving a smile.

I am so stupid!! Uh! Hey Izzy? Really Taemin?

"T-thank you" Izzy said bowing slightly. Something seems to be worrying her. I'll get it out of her latter.

"So, uh...yeah. I'm going to go" Yoseob said as he left

 me and Izzy together. 

Hey!! New chapter!! FIRST CHAPTER OF MY SCHOOL FREE SUMMER!!! WOOO!! Anyways! I had a idea between Izzy and Taemin so I decided to wright this!! Hope you enjoy!!



 song wwas 

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Chapter 46: another updates :D
I'm so happy you updated. The chapter is so good! Hannie and Kyuhyun <3
Author-nim ^o^
I'm so happy you finally updated ^o^

I thought Hannie will be left alone as the others enjoy with their partners, good thing Kyuhyun pop out :)) Hehe...

Update soon :DD
waaa ~ can't wait for the party :D :D btw the couples are cutee XD XD update soon, nee ?? :D
Sweetbleach12 #5
Haru Haru!!!!! I'm pretty sure TOP knows where she is ;D Its really awesome to see an update! H'm another dance and we're missing someone =.= oh noes!!!!!! Can't wait until the next update!
__eccedentesiast_ #6
iudfxkjcvnfdkuvnsf the dresses are so pretty <3 WHERE ARE YOU HARU? XD
So adorable. I like it.Can't wait for more^^
__eccedentesiast_ #8
Short but cute ^^ I like it :3
Yay!Can't wait for the next chapter then:)
Whoa! Your starting it up again :D

So happy, cant wait for the new chapters :))