chapter 35

the good wife


changmin couldn't concentrate with what the nurse was saying , he felt lost and couldn't remember what happened " the doctor is coming and your family too ,your wife would be very happy " joohyun ,she must have been worried . he wondered how long he had been sleeping ?. the door opened , three doctors came in holding folders " nurse kim ,stay with the family .they are waiting outside " the nurse nodded and went out to let the doctors do their examination .
joohyun went back and forth; the waiting was too difficult to handle -fifteen days without seeing him - the nurse came out of his room smiling to her " you'll see him in moments ,the doctors are examinating him " joohyun nodded ,her grin never leaving her lips " arraso ,is he okay ? " 
"he seems to be alright " .joohyun sat down with a long sight ,her heart beats grew fast ,she put her hand on her chest to hold it back . Mrs and Mr shim were radiating from joy ,chanyeol in the other hand seemd disturbed . " did you call her parents ,I mean sooyeon's parents ? "asked Mrs shim.
" yes and they told me thay have been trying to reach her too but in vain ,they are out of the country " answered chanyeol with a shaky voice .at that moment the doctors went out of the room finaly ,joohyun jumped from her seat " can we see him ? " 
"yes of course but after that I need to speak to you about his state " joohyun frowned - is changmin really okay ?- hopfuly yes . 
changmin couldn't wait to see his beautiful joohyun ,it must have been hard on her those fifteen days ( when the doctrs told him that he had been in a coma for fifteen days ,he was petty shocked ) , he tried to move his body but his legs are numb so he just shifted his torso and adjusted his blanket and then when he raised his head _like a bright sun that blind you _ joohyun's face apeared in front of him ,god her smile ! he couldn't remember seeing this smile before .he grinned back at her and held his hand to her " hyunnie " his voice hoarse .joohyun looked at changmin and felt her body revived _ she missed his smile ,her name on his mouth _ she got closer to his bed and sat facing him .he took her hand in his " baby " it was hard to speak now ,but changmin tried his best to comunicate with her " my lovely husband " emotions overflowed through joo hyun and she couldn't hide her teary eyes until a little drop left her eye , changmin swept it with his thumb still smiling lovingly at his wife " I can't believe you still are here with us ,I missed you so much my dearest changmin " changmin wanted to kiss her so much but his position didn't help  " I love you joohyun-ah ,no matter what I always come back " joohyun sniffed and nodded " I love you too ,so much " .they were lost in their little world and they almost forget about the others " ahem " mr shim cleared his throat to get their attention "it seems that our lovebirds are back "comented Mrs shim teaseing her son and wife. joohyun blushed and bent her head while changmin giggled " glad you are back hyung ,you made us pretty worry " changmin gazed at his brother and saw in his eyes that he really is glad to see him _he was worried about me ,maybe it is a start to rebuild their relationship_ "thank you chanyeol-ah " .joohyun couldn't get enough of her husband , she kept touching his face ,arms ,chest and changmin noticed that  " I'm really here hyunie " she bit her lip and nodded "I'm just very happy oppa " 
" she was scared son ,like the rest of us .she is stronger than she seems and I just discovered " remarked Mr shim , everyone nodded at his statement .changmin's mother wanted to tell him about joohyun pregnancy but thought that maybe it was a little early , she stood next to her son's bed and caressed his black hair ,he turned to her smiling " oemma .." 
"I almost lost my handsome son ,thank god for answering a mother's prayers " for the first time in his life ,changmin felt as he really belonged to a real family ,not an adopted one and for that he the most grateful. 
yunho debated as to tell yoona the truth or attempt to lie to her ,between his two options the second one seemed the safest at least for now " so ?" repeated yoona ,yunho swallowed " I am fine yoona ,I want you to be sure of that " yoona raised her eyebrow and yunho knew that she didn't believe him but she didn't say anything about .instead she got up and adjusted her suit " alright yunho ,I am not going  to dig in it any further " she got closer to him and gave him a half smile " for now at least , if you need me you know where to find me or call me " .when she finaly went out of the house ,yunho collapsed on the sofa with an audible sigh -he had to be careful from now on because yoona will cause some trouble soon- 
it was late in the night when chanyeol went to check on jessica at her house , he used the keys that gave him the gatekeeper
 of her building ( he tols him that miss jung didn't went out of her house for two days ) he fumbled with the keys ,until he found the right one to open the door . the house was silent as if nobody was there ( for a moment he thought that mayeb jessica wasn't at home ) "sooyeon-ah are you here ? "he called out -no response - he walked fruther in the house and turn on the light of the living room -nothing suspicious ,he opened a door -the kitchen ,nothing here too - the next door was the bathroom and the last one was the bedroom ,he Switched the light his eyes roamed the room until he found jessica's lying figure on the bed ,she was fast asleep peacefully or she seemed to be " sooyeon-ah ? "she didn't budge ,he got closer and crouched on the bed to give her a little shake -nothing- he tapped her cheeks in vain " sooyeon sweetheart answer me ,I'm getting scared " he shook his head in frustration but then his gaze fell on a bottle that was  on the ground ,he took it and read the tag 'Duloxétine'* and the bottle was empty " " cursed chanyeol ,what was jessica thinking ? 
   did she try to end her .... life ? 
    *duloxetine : The main uses of duloxetine are in major depressive disordergeneral anxiety disorderstress urinary incontinence, painful peripheral neuropathy,fibromyalgia, and chronic musculoskeletal pain associated with osteoarthritis and chronic lower back pain. It is being studied for various other indications. (it is used  as a pain killer in many cases ,any overdose can be mortal ).
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love_tao #1
Chapter 48: YESSS it's been so long since i've come back to this story but i still remember this so vividly;; i read this story really religiously several years ago and it actually means a lot to me and my shipping/fan phase (please don't ever take it down). i'd love to see a revised version of this just to see it again^^
Chapter 47: My feelings are all over the place. I really love this story.
It's sad because is ending I'll miss this soooo much
Please continue writing, you are a great writer!
Changseo is love!!
Chapter 1: it is a nice chapter
please write more
julie-61 #4
Chapter 47: I really love this story i'm going to miss it for sure.
Hope you can continue to write more stories in future.
Thanks you for completed this story I really enjoy it so much.
And thanks again.
kimi_jae #5
What a great story, you are a great writer. I really like Changseo.
Chapter 47: Awwwww poor Seo and yoogeun!!!
Chapter 45: Siwon and Changmin pali!!!
Chapter 25: must be Yunho!
eunixw #9
Chapter 45: Someone save Jessica and SeoHyun! Quick!!
zarifah95 #10
Chapter 45: Feeling really sad bout Jessica. Looking forward for your last chapter :'). I will miss you sooooo much, author-nim! Please continue writing, I love all your fanfics!!