First Date

You Are My Girl

"Where are we going?" I whined. He had us walking for ten minutes in silence.
"Be patient, Rena. We're almost there." He looked at his phone. "I think."
"Please tell me you know where we're going."
"I know where we're going."
I sighed in relief. "Good."
"I'm just not sure how to get there."
I stopped in my tracks. His hand slipped from mine and he turned to face me. "Sandeul-"
He cut me off. "No, today I am JungHwan."
"Fine." I glared at him. "JungHwan, let me see the map. I can help."
"No, I want to find it myself. Today, I am in charge." Even with that stern voice, and those goofy glasses, he looked so utterly adorable.
I smiled and poked his cheek. "You're cute."
"I am?" He asked, shocked at how easily I said it.
"Of course!"
He looked down at me, searching my eyes. But what for? I gazed back with the same level of intensity. If this was anything like a movie, this would be the scene where the love interests share their first kiss. But despite this camera following us, this isn't a movie; we had to watch everyhing we say or do. And Sandeul and I are only "dating" for a week.
I sighed sadly and looked away. "Let's go, JungHwan."
"Wait." I turned back. "Can you grant my wish now?" He smiled excitedly, looking like a dork in those glasses. It was really cute, so I nodded.
"You have to call me oppa from now on."
Oppa? We're not that close... Are we? "A-are you okay with that?"
He nodded. "Say it." His eyes pleaded to mine. "Please?"
I couldn't resist that look. "Let's go... oppa."

I stood there smiling widely, watching her walk away from me. She stopped and turned back around. "Are you coming?"
I quickly caught up to her and grabbed her hand. She looked away from me, but I knew she was blushing. "Rena, what's in the bag?" She was holding a large gift bag.
"I've already told you, oppa. It's your present."
"Can I see it?" Aegyo time. "Please..?"
"No." She shook her head sternly.
I stopped and gave her the best puppy dog look I could manage. "Please, jagiya!"
Her face softened and she looked away. "Okay, oppa. But not here."
I smiled to myself triumphantly and held back the strong urge to kiss her. My aegyo never works on the members. "Let's go in there!" I pointed to an ice cream shop and pulled her inside.
We sat down at a table and she set the bag down. "Here you go, oppa."
I snatched the bag and tore away the tissue paper. Inside was sitting a yellow duck plushie. I gasped then pulled it out and cuddled it. "Jagiya, I love it!"
She looked down at the table and spoke in a soft voice. "Whenever you feel lonely, you can just hug him close to you. Then hopefully, you'll quickly feel better."
I set my duckie aside and enveloped her hands in mine. "Rena?" Slowly, she peeked at me. "Thank you so much. I'll love him forever." And I'll love you, too.
"Oppa..." She started. But when I smiled at her, she seemed to have lost confidence in what she was going to say. "Never mind."
"Ice cream is good for your throat. Eat up!"
"Are you sure?"
Honestly, I had no idea. I just wanted to appear smart. "Of course!" Then I stuffed another spoonful of rainbow sherbet in my mouth. "Especially for a singer."
"But I'm not a singer."
"You should be. You sure sounded like one the other day." I said casually. But she didn't respond. She just stabbed at her ice cream. "You okay?"
"Yeah, it's nothing."
"Nothing?" She gave me a soft smile, but I didn't believe it. "Rena, tell me what's wrong."
She stopped poking at her ice cream and looked me in the eye. Then she sighed. "Well... I really love to sing. It's the only thing that makes me happy. But..." She hesitated. "My mother really doesn't want that for me."
"Why not? You're a great singer!"
"She wants me to do something more "rational" with my life. She doesn't think that I'm good enough..." Tears were running down her face. "That's why I live with my friend, Kim. My mother wouldn't allow me to study music at a university, so I just left. And I haven't seen my family since that day."
I didn't know what to say. I just stood up and walked to her side of the table. I knelt down in front of her and grasped her hands again. "Rena, look at me." She turned her tear-streaked face towards mine. I wiped her tears away. "Your mother is silly for not allowing you to do something that makes you happy. But she's still your mother and no matter what happens, she'll always love you."
She nodded. "You're right. Thanks, oppa."
I stood up and pulled her in for a hug. She felt warm in my arms. I held her closer to my chest and kissed the top of her head. I felt her heartbeat quicken. "Come on, jagiya! Let's go."
We gathered our things and headed out of the ice cream shop. Then I remembered, I still had no idea where we were. "Rena, wait here!" I ran back inside and asked the guy at the register for directions. I showed him the map on my phone and he pointed out the way for me.
Then once again, we started walking towards our destination. I held her hand as we walked. It felt good. It felt right. Like her hands were specially crafted to fit perfectly into mine. I smiled at her and she lightly squeezed my hand. I felt my heart skip a beat at this tiny action. This irressistably beautiful girl standing next to me was mine for the day. I only wish it could be forever.

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Chapter 15: YES!!!! *absolute fan/subscriber now* Your story was so nice T.T Oh, and there are some parts where you forgot to change names... If you ever need a poster for this story you have a willing person ;) Except it's gonna be hand drawn and scanned...