
You Are My Girl

Today is the day. Today is my date with her. I have to look nice. But not like I'm trying too hard, just enough to appear decent.
I looked at my phone. It's not even 7am yet. I was too nervous to fall back asleep so I put my glasses on and got out of bed and walked into the bathroom. My reflection showed a guy I only see at night. Lee Jung Hwan.
Why did she want to meet Lee JungHwan? Is she not satisfied with Sandeul? Am I not enough? Lee JungHwan is a good guy but is he someone that a girl like Rena would want? I tried so hard to fix everything about myself, about Jung Hwan. I became Sandeul. Everyone loves Sandeul. So why bring back Lee Jung Hwan?
I shook my head and turned the shower on. After I did my normal shower routine, I stood under the hot water, getting lost in my thoughts. I had a very special plan for today. I hope that with today's date, she'll see more of me. I hope that she'll see the side of me that I've never had the chance to show anyone else.

7am. Just a few more hours. I paced back and forth in our small living room. Every so often, I would check the time on my phone. When it finally said 7:30, I decided to take a shower. Standing under the warm water calmed my nerves a little, but when I started thinking about being with him on a solo date, I felt butterflies in my tummy.
"Sandeul, why do you have to make me feel this way?" I said aloud. I was frustrated. Mostly because I was nervous. "I feel like I'm going crazy!"
"Hey, hurry up in there!" Kim yelled, banging on the door. I hurriedly turned off the water and dried myself before I stepped out of the bathroom.
I quickly put my pajamas back on and began rummaging through my closet for an outfit to wear. I needed to look nice. Not like I'm trying too hard, but Sandeul deserved to date a pretty girl today. After all, he is going to introduce me to JungHwan.
Then a loud voice tore me from my thoughts."What happened in here?"
"Huh?" I took a quick look around and saw clothes thrown all over my room. "Oh..."
"Rena, get up." She came over and pulled me from inside my closet. "Listen to me. You need to chill the fluff out! I know you're nervous but you don't need to be. You've spent the past few days with him; you know him. The girl that he's going to see today isn't going to be any different than the girl he's seen all week. All you need to do is just be you. There's no need, or time for you to be nervous."
I took a minute to comprehend what she said to me. "You're right." I sighed. "Thanks, Kim."
She gave me a quick hug. "I'll help you pick an outfit."

Sandeul and Rena both had a very tough morning. On this day, they both felt more nervous than they ever have in their lives. Sandeul paced back and forth, recieving reassuring comments from his brothers. Rena wasn't able to keep still either. Her heart raced and her hands were shaking. Then finally, it was time to leave. The moment that they've been anticipating all week has finally arrived. But little did they know just how much one date could change their lives forever.

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Chapter 15: YES!!!! *absolute fan/subscriber now* Your story was so nice T.T Oh, and there are some parts where you forgot to change names... If you ever need a poster for this story you have a willing person ;) Except it's gonna be hand drawn and scanned...