Meeting my Crush

You Are My Girl

"Wake up, dammit!"
I opened my eyes, only to see a pretty face staring at me. "Hi, Kimmy," I said sleepily.
"Um, hello? Do you know what today is?!" She pulled me from my bed and into the bathroom.
Today is... I can't think; I just woke up. "Tell me."
She turned the shower on. "God, Rena, when did you go to sleep last night?" Then Kim turned to me and splashed cold water on my face.

I gasped and jumped a little. "Okay, that was uncalled for!" Finally, I was waking up.

"Just shut up and get in the shower!" She pushed me in the shower still fully clothed.
"Kimmy! I'm still in my PJs!" What's up with her today?
She called from outside the bathroom. "Whatever! But hurry up! You don't have a lot of time!"
"Why? What's going on today?"
"Really, Rena?" She used that are-you-stupid tone.
I thought about it for a second. Then it hit me. "Oh, my God! Today is THE DAY!"
I quickly showered and dressed myself in the clothes Kimmy picked out. She was always a fashion freak. She even fixed my face, too. I looked in the mirror one last time before we left. I don't usually wear dresses or curl my hair but today is a very special day.
It's the day I finally get to meet my crush.
"Have fun! But not too much fun!" Kim called from the car.
I waved her off and slowly made my way to the tall building. I walked inside nervously, listening to my heart beat. I had no idea what to do or where to go, so I walked up to the receptionist.
She didn't even look up from her computer screen. "Are you here for the BANA contest?"
"Um, yes."
"Okay, go down that hall and it's the third door on your left."
"Thank you." I listened for a response while I went in the direction she pointed. No reply.
When I got to the door, butterflies filled my tummy. What if they're in there? What if I came too late and they left me here? No, the receptionist would've told me, right? Then again, she did seem kind of rude. I shook my head and took a deep breath. I closed my eyes and slowly opened the door.
When my eyes opened, my heart calmed. There was only one other girl in here. Okay, so I'm not late. I took a seat at the table next to her.
"Hey," She smiled warmly. "I'm Lexi."
I smiled back. "I'm Rena."
"Who are you here for?"
"Sandeul." I said shyly. "And you?"
"Shinwoo." She sighed a loving sigh as she said his name.
The other three girls finally showed up. There's Amber, a short blonde girl who is CRAZY for Gongchan. Jennifer, a sweet girl with pretty eyes who likes Jinyoung. Kira, a spunky chick who's here for Baro. Lexi, CNU's quiet red-headed fan. And then there's me: Rena, a spaz with a love for singing.
We all conversed for a few more minutes until there was a faint knock on the door. The small conference room fell silent. Our eyes went to the door and stayed glued until, after what seemed like minutes, the door finally opened.
A familiar face appeared. A face I've seen so many times on Korean variety shows. Amber squealed in her seat. I watched as the members slowly filed into the room. As each girl saw her date, they reacted noisily. Finally, my eyes met his.
I didn't make a sound. I wasn't able to. It was like my voice was stolen. I just stopped breathing. My eyes didn't leave his face as he sat in the chair across from mine. He flashed me the most beautiful smile I have ever seen. My heart melted, then. Almost instantly, I wasn't nervous anymore. The butterflies flew away. I smiled back at him.

There's no way he can be just a simple crush.

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Chapter 15: YES!!!! *absolute fan/subscriber now* Your story was so nice T.T Oh, and there are some parts where you forgot to change names... If you ever need a poster for this story you have a willing person ;) Except it's gonna be hand drawn and scanned...