She's My Beautiful Target

You Are My Girl

I want to get her something special, something to keep me on her mind. But what?
"What about this?"
I turned to Baro, holding a pair of pink studded headphones. "Mm, that's nice."
He sighed. "Hyung, I need your help."
"I have to find my gift, too! Ask Jinyoung hyung to help you." I walked away from him and started searching around the store.
What can I get her? Aishh, why were we assigned this kind of mission? It's too hard. How was I supposed to find the perfect gift to give Rena in just one hour? What if I give her something stupid and she's disappointed? What if she gets me something better than what I get her?
"Channie. What's up?"
"Have you found a gift yet?"
"No." I sighed. "Have you?"
He shook his head. "If Shinwoo hyung was here, he could help us. But he's on his date."
"Do you want to go to another store?" I asked him.
He nodded and bounced out of the store. I followed behind, looking into different store windows. Then I found the perfect place.
"Channie! Here!" We stopped in front of a little antique shop. Maybe the perfect present was in here. I walked inside and greeted the store clerk. Channie went in the other direction with the camera man following him.
What would Rena like? Something cute. Like her. I walked over to the small clothing rack and started browsing through them. What about this dress? It was an aqua blue color and it was strapless.
I could picture her wearing it. A beautiful smile plastered on her face, hair blowing slightly in the breeze. Those gleaming brown eyes looking into mine, fingers intertwined. I blushed at the thought... But when I return to Seoul, she'll wear this dress out, and there'll be other guys feeling the way I do when they look at her. I immediately put the dress back.
Should I look at jewelry? I was met at the jewelry counter by Channie and the camera man. "Are you ready, hyung?"
"Not yet. I want to look here first."
"Okay, I'm going to purchase this." He held up a small plush bunny and walked to the counter. The camera man stayed behind, filming me.
"What should I get?" I said aloud. My eyes trailed over the mess of rings, bracelets and necklaces. They were all nice, but none seemed to be good enough. I almost gave up when a tiny yellow object caught my attention. Hanging on a necklace rack was a silver chain with a small yellow duck hanging from it. "Cute, huh?" I held up the necklace to the camera.
It was cute. A little round duck with shiny black eyes. She'll love this! I know it. It was just her style. Cute and small. And it represented my nickname. Psyduck or as she called me once, Sanduck. I smiled, imagining her accepting my gift. She'll smile, then hug me happily. I'll hug her back, then our eyes will meet and then...
I snapped out of it. "What?"
"What are you smiling at?" Channie laughed at me. "Rena?"
I blushed and rushed past him. "Let's go, Channie!"
I sat at the table, anxiously waiting for Rena to show up. I haven't seen her all day. In fact, none of us, except Shinwoo, had seen our dates yet. We all started our day looking for our gifts. Just then the door creaked open. Immediately, my eyes searched for hers. My stomach did a little flip at the sight of her. She was gorgeous.
"Hello." She smiled and took a seat next to me. "What are we doing today?"
"We're making clay sculptures." I pointed to the blocks of clay in front of us.
We worked in silence for half the time, working intensely on our pieces. I decided to make an angel figurine. Angels wear halos and "Halo" was the first song I've heard her sing. I tried peaking at hers but she wouldn't let me. When I tried looking, she covered it with her hands and said, "This is my heart, Sandeul, and I don't want you to see what's inside." It made me even more curious.
Finally, we finished with our pieces and set them out to dry for an hour. While we waited, we talked. I asked her lots of questions. Mostly because I wanted to be able to look at her without appearing creepy. Today, she was dressed casually. No dress, just shorts and a tee. But even then, she was still just as pretty... Is this normal? Liking a girl this much even though we've met a few days ago? Already I feel a strong attachment to her. She makes me feel different inside. Like the feeling of pure joy when I sing, but one million times more.
Everything about her draws me in. Her calm and quiet aura. The way she looks me in the eye when she speaks. Her smile and laughter. The way she tries to hide from the camera man. Her warm hand in mine. But mostly, her explosion of passion and power when she sang. After hearing her voice, I knew that there was no way I could let this girl be just a fan...
"Can I ask you a question now?" She smile sweetly. I nodded. "What did you wish for at the fountain?" She said immediately.
I looked down at my hands. Should I tell her? I mean, she did say that she wished our time together wouldn't end. But our week is slowly ending already. Soon, I'll be back in Seoul, on the other side of the world, busy with promotions and other activities. She'll move on and forget about me. She'll probably even find someone else to love.
That last thought made me sad. I wanted to spend more time with her. I wanted to hear her beautiful voice again. I wanted to make her smile. I wanted to stay with her just a little longer.
I need to tell her before she slips away... Just not yet.

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Chapter 15: YES!!!! *absolute fan/subscriber now* Your story was so nice T.T Oh, and there are some parts where you forgot to change names... If you ever need a poster for this story you have a willing person ;) Except it's gonna be hand drawn and scanned...