
You Are My Girl

As a pumishment from our manager and producers, I wasn't allowed to touch Rena for the duration if our final group date. I was okay with that, but after that kiss, my lips were longing to touch hers again.
"Where are we going today, Sandeul?" Rena asked cheerfully.
"The zoo."
"Really? I love the zoo!" She began figeting excitedly in her seat.
"I almost wish we weren't going." I sighed.
"Since we're always so busy, we rarely get days off. And we've only been to the zoo once before. Channie loves the zoo, so I wish he was here now to have fun with us."
"You really do love your brothers."
I gave her a smile. "Not just them." I didn't say more because the camera man was right in front of us.
She understood stood me and quickly brushed her hand against mine. The action surprised me because she knew that we weren't supposed to be touching. She pulled her hand away and looked back out the window. My hand tingled where her fingers were just seconds before.
I heard laughter coming from the front of the bus. Kira and Baro were taking silly selcas of themselves. I felt jealous. Baro told me what had happened on their date. Why couldn't our camera man have stopped us before we kissed? Because of that, I wasn't able to fully enjoy my last date with Rena.
Baro tapped his cheek and Kira eagerly placed a kiss where he motioned. I looked away, jealous that they were able to show their affection for each other. Manager hyung thought that Baro was just doing fanservice, but the five of us knew that he really liked her. And she liked him.
I sighed, feeling frustrated. We pulled into the zoo parking lot just in time. I followed Rena out of the bus and did my best to not hold her hand.
"We're gonna split up into two groups. Baro and Shinwoo hyung will be one group and Sandeul and I will be the other." Jinyoung announced. I knew he chose those groups so he could keep an eye on me.
We went our seperate ways and we started walking towards the reptile building. Jinyoung had his arm around Jennifer's shoulder and they were chatting happily. I looked at Rena, sending her messages with my eyes
"I know, oppa." She whispered. Then she shrugged and changed the subject. "So do you like snakes?"
We explored most of the zoo in just two hours. Rena really does love the zoo. Before it was time to meet up with the others for lunch, the girls stopped to use the bathroom.
Jinyoung pulled me aside. "You know why I picked us as a group, right?"
I nodded. "You wanted to make sure I don't make any more mistakes."
"Right." He looked at the camera man. "Can you give us a minute?"
He nodded and turned off his camera. "That's all it takes?"
"You just gotta work with them, Sandeul-ah. But back to what I was saying. I needed to make sure you were able to contain yourself."
"I'm not a three year old, hyung. I don't need you to be my appa."
"That's not what I'm trying to do. I just don't want you to make anymore mistakes."
"I'll be okay, Jinyoung. I've learned my lesson."
"How can you be so sure that you won't make the same mistake twice?"
"Why do you keep saying mistake?!" I was starting to get angry. "Why are you so against us?"
He looked surprised at what I said. And even a bit hurt. "Sandeul-ah. I'm not against you and Rena." His expression softened a little. "In fact, I fully support Sanna. It would make me a hypocrite if I didn't accept you two, after all you've done for me and MiYun*." He placed a hand on my shoulder. "I just want you to be careful. Relationships are a complex thing for us idols to maintain."
I smiled slightly. "Thanks, hyung." Then I gave him a quick hug. "Sanna?"
"Sandeul and Rena." He laughed.

"What are you looking for?"
"I'm looking for something to buy Channie."
I smiled and followed him to the stuffed animals. He was such a good hyung. I liked that about him. He was so caring and supportive. Actually, they all were. That's why I love B1A4.
"I'll get him this, and this, and this... Oh! And this!" By the time he was done pulling things from the rack, his arms were full of little furry creatures.
"Mm. Mm mmm mm mmmmm mmm."
I laughed, pulling the cat ears out of his mouth. "What?"
"I said I got this for you." He nodded his head towards the cat ears in my hand.
"What, this?" I put the headband on.
"Now you look like a tiger." He grinned at me.
"Grr!" I grimaced at him, trying to be scary.
He laughed. "You're too cute to be scary. Stop trying."
I huffed and handed the cat ears back to him, then walked out of the gift shop. "Hey, wait!"
He started chasing after me, stuffed animals still in his arms. "Hey! You have to pay for that!" The store clerk called after him.
"Oh!" He ran back and dumped the animals on the counter.
I laughed at him. Pabo, I thought. But he's mine. And I wouldn't want him to be any other way.

*MiYun is a character from my B1A4 oneshots.

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Chapter 15: YES!!!! *absolute fan/subscriber now* Your story was so nice T.T Oh, and there are some parts where you forgot to change names... If you ever need a poster for this story you have a willing person ;) Except it's gonna be hand drawn and scanned...