...and the winner is...

You Are My Girl

I stared at my cell phone screen, wide-eyed and speechless. Is this really happening?!
"Hey, what's wrong with you?" My best friend, Kim, asked from the other side of the couch.
I handed her my phone, still unable to speak. She read the e-mail and when she finished, she gasped. "You won?! That means he watched your video!"
Finally, I found my voice. I screamed and tackled Kim into a hug. "He picked me!" I don't know how many times I repeated that, but I finally stopped when our neighbor came over to ask me to shut up.
"Well, you're doing it, right?" Kim asked after I calmed down.
"Of course! How can I not?"
"Well," She handed me my phone. "This e-mail says you have to call this number within 24 hours to confirm it. If you don't call, your spot will be given to someone else."
I quickly dialed the number and confirmed my spot for the BANA's Date With B1A4 Contest. Wow, I won. Well, so did four other girls, but I won a special date with Sandeul! I wonder what we'll do. Will he like me? Will I like him? Well, duh! He's Sandeul!
"So what is this whole contest for anyway?" Kim interrupted.
"B1A4, you know, the K-pop group? They're gonna debut here in the US, soon. So as a little gift to all the American Bana's, they held this contest. The winners get to "date" their favorite member for a week. And at the end of the week, is their debut stage. All we had to do was film a video about which member is our favorite and why. The members personally selected the girl they wanted to date for a week... And Sandeul chose me!"
"Well, he must've really liked whatever you said... or did... in your video." She teased.
"I didn't do anything!" I threw a pillow at her. "I just said why I like him."
"Why do you like him?"
"Come on, Kim. You know this!"
"Oh, right." She started imitating me. "He's sooo cute! And his voice is AMAZING and we share the same passion for singing! It's like we're made for each other! And he's SO CUTE!"
"Okay! Stop!" I started blushing. "I don't even know if he can even speak English that well."
"Maybe there'll be a translator."
"Well, they're supposed to be learning English for their debut. But, I guess they'll have one just in case."
I sighed. In just a few weeks, I'll be meeting my biggest K-pop idol crush. What if the language barrier is too big? What if I'm too shy? Is this even really happening? What if I'm dreaming?
"OW!" I screamed.
Kim bursted out laughing. "Why did you slap yourself?!"
"I needed to make sure this is real!" I said, rubbing my cheek. "And apparently, it is."

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Chapter 15: YES!!!! *absolute fan/subscriber now* Your story was so nice T.T Oh, and there are some parts where you forgot to change names... If you ever need a poster for this story you have a willing person ;) Except it's gonna be hand drawn and scanned...