Fun, Fun, Fun

You Are My Girl

"Good morning!" I said as I walked into the small conference room.
Amber and Lexi were the only ones in the room. I sat next to Lexi and she greeted me with a relieving smile. "Thank God, you're here!"
I laughed. "Why?"
She glanced at Amber who was furiously texting on her phone. "I tried being nice and asked her how her time was with Gongchan."
"And she went all fangirl?" I finished for her.
She nodded. "She's completetly obsessed with him! I don't know why he chose her."
I laughed again. "So do you know what we're doing today?"
"Well, it's the first solo date. That's all I know."
We spent the rest of the time discussing possibilities for today's activities. While we waited, the rest of the girls showed up. The room quickly became filled with the sounds of spazzing fangirls. Then finally, the members came filing in.
"Today's first solo date is Jinyoung and Jennifer." Jinyoung rose and led her out of the room. We all turned back to the manager. "The rest of you will be participating in a scavenger hunt. Each couple has a specific item that they need to find." He distributed maps to us. "From each check point, you will get a hint to your next stop. The first team to bring their item back wins."
"What happens when we win?" Shinwoo asked.
"The winning team gets a special lunch prepared for them, while the losing teams have to cook their own meal."
"When can we start?" Sandeul asked anxiously.
The manager waited a few seconds. "Now!"
Everyone jumped out of their seats and ran out of the room. Our first stop was a physical challenge. I let Sandeul handle that. He did thirty push-ups while I watched. I couldn't stop myself from checking him out. I hope the camera guy didn't record that. The next few check points held riddles and various psychological tests.
"Look! The next stop!" We sprinted to the lady, waiting to give us our challenge.
"Your challenge is to show a personal talent."
I smiled at Sandeul expectantly. He shook his head. "I really wanna see you perform a talent." He stepped back and the camera guy came closer, waiting.
"I guess I'll sing?" I took a deep breath. I never sang in front of anyone before. I closed my eyes and sang a verse from "Halo" by Beyonce.
When I opened my eyes, Sandeul was staring at me wide-eyed. I smiled nervously. He embraced me in a tight hug and began cheering happily.
The lady gave us directions to where our item was waiting. We decided to walk there. "I didn't know you could sing so well."
I blushed. "I don't usually sing in front of people."
"You should! You're amazing."
I smiled to myself. He thinks I sound amazing. We held hands again. As we walked along, we let our hands swing back and forth. Then a fountain came into view. Perched at the edge was a little blue teddy bear.
We ran to it and did little happy dances. Sandeul picked up the bear and kissed it on the nose. He held it to my face and I kissed it, too. We hugged, feeling proud of ourselves.
He turned to the fountain. "Let's make a wish!" The camera guy gave us two quarters. Sandeul bowed and thanked him then gave me a quarter. "You first."
I closed my eyes. "I wish our time together will never end." Then I kissed the quarter and tossed it in the fountain.
He looked into the camera. "Awww!"
I blushed and lightly pushed him towards the fountain. He closed his eyes and made his wish. He spoke in Korean, so I had no idea what he said. He kissed the coin and tossed it in.
"What did you wish for?" I asked as we walked towards our finish line.
"Nothing." He said, smiling secretively, and hugging the teddy bear. I didn't ask anymore, but I knew it would bother me forever.
We were halfway to the end when Lexi and Shinwoo appeared. We stopped and took one look at each other, then sprinted to the finish line. We reached the manager seconds after they did. They cheered and hugged, while Sandeul sighed and threw down the bear. I hurriedly picked it up and cradled it in my arms. I'm keeping this thing.
Shinwoo and Lexi left while we waited for the other two teams. Soon they arrived and we were driven to a pizza place. They led us to the kitchen and showed us around. Then we started working on the pizza.
Sandeul and I were in charge of making the pizza dough. We started out okay, then it broke out to us throwing the ingredients at each other. When we came out of the kitchen, we were both covered in flour.
While we waited for our pizza, we talked about random things. "Besides B1A4, which idol group do you like?"
"Who do you like most?"
I thought about it. "Lee Joon and Cheondung (Thunder)."
"You like me more, right?"
"I'll tell you who I like more if you tell me what you wished for." I teased. He nodded in agreement. I studied his face. "I like you the most!" He flashed me a dazzling smile. "Okay, your turn!"
He looked around. "Oh! Look, the pizza is here!" Just then, the server brought the pizza to our table. The couples grabbed their slices and began eating, but I just eyed Sandeul. He got out of telling me something again. He handed me a slice. "Eat!" He said with his mouth full of food.
I ate out of spite. When we finished, we boarded the bus and drove back to the company building. Our group activity ended for today. I really didn't want it to end.
I wanted to spend more time with my Sandeul... My? I just want to be with him a little longer. But mostly, I wanted to know what he wished for. I said my wish so why won't he tell me what he wished?
This is gonna drive me crazy.

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Chapter 15: YES!!!! *absolute fan/subscriber now* Your story was so nice T.T Oh, and there are some parts where you forgot to change names... If you ever need a poster for this story you have a willing person ;) Except it's gonna be hand drawn and scanned...