
You Are My Girl

"We're about to start. Would you prefer to wait backstage or watch the performance from the audience?"
"I'd rather watch from the crowd." I said nervously.
"Okay, well you can make your way through those doors when you're ready."
I nodded and watched their manager walk away. I felt so nervous. I had no idea why because I wasn't the one performing.
I could hear the screaming fan girls through those doors. Most were screaming for Jinyoung and Gongchan but I could hear my Sandeul's name in there. I admit, it made me jealous. But have any of them spent a week with him? Have they kissed him? Were any of them in a secret relationship with him? No... Well, I'm not sure I'm in a relationship with him either but after that kiss, how can I not be?
"Rena, annyeong!" Sandeul smiled at me happily.
I smiled back. "Annyeong."
He wrapped his arms around me. "I'm glad you're here. Will you wait backstage?"
"No, I'm watching from the audience."
He let go of me and looked at me, confused. "Why?"
"I wanna see you perform normally."
"Aish..." He said under his breath.
"What? Do you not want me to watch?"
"No, I do! I just feel nervous already and knowing that you'll be watching makes me even more nervous."
I laughed. "I'm nervous, too. But I'm not sure why."
"I should see if they'll let you sing." He joked.
"No! Tonight is your night. Don't let me ruin it!"
He put his hands on my shoulders. "There's no way you can ruin this night. With you here, it's almost perfect."
I felt myself blush. I pulled my eyes away from his and took a step back. Just then, he was called to stage. The crowd beyond the doors, went crazy as the lights lowered.
"Good luck, oppa. I'll be watching." Then I slipped out the door.
A security guard escorted me to my seat next to Kira and Lexi. Spotlights shone on the five idols as the opening for "Beautiful Target" began. My eyes scanned their faces until they found him. Sandeul's eyes met mine and he winked.


While performing each song, it was hard not to look at Rena. Whenever I would glance at her, her smile was hard to look away from. But it gave me energy to keep going. And I needed my energy to perform our singles, "Beautiful Target" and "Baby Goodnight," in English. The fans went wild for the English versions! I don't know how I'm still able to hear after tonight's show. But finally, we finished.
"Oppa!" Rena came skipping towards me. "Congratulations!"
I hugged her. "Did you enjoy the show?"
"Of course!" She said excitedly.
I had the sudden urge to kiss her again. She must've had the same feeling. Our eyes met and she held my gaze. I leaned in and closed me eyes, waiting to feel the touch of her soft lips. But it never came. I opened my eyes and she was looking away from me.
My heart dropped. Didn't she want me the way I wanted her? I touched her cheek and she just pulled farther away.
"I'm sorry, oppa. I just can't do it." She shook her head.
"Why not?" I tried to meet her eyes. "There's no one around."
"That's not it, Jung Hwan."
JungHwan? Why is she so serious all of the sudden? I felt a lump begin to rise in my throat. "Then tell me what's wrong."
She looked in my eyes and I could tell that she was fighting back tears. "You want me to wait for you and I said I'd wait. I said I'd wait for you as long as it takes." Her eyes pleaded with mine. "But are you going to wait for me, too? I don't want to waste my time waiting for someone who has already moved on."
"Ah, Rena." I enveloped her in my arms. "I thought you would know by now."
She clung to my chest. "Know what?"
"Of course I'd wait for you. I wouldn't want anyone else but you. That's the reason I kissed you, the reason I tried so hard to impress you."
She peaked at me. "Really?"
I nodded. "I'm always gonna be waiting for you, Rena." She pulled away from me and placed her hands around my neck. I realized what she was doing and wrapped my arms around her waist. She stood on her toes and my eyes closed. And we kissed for the second time.
This kiss lasted just a few seconds than our first. But it was totally different. This was more than just a display of affection. It was a promise.
I opened my eyes and smiled at her. Her hands rested on my shoulders and she stood normally, smiling sweetly. "You promise?"
I held up my pinky and she wrapped hers around mine. "I promise."

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Chapter 15: YES!!!! *absolute fan/subscriber now* Your story was so nice T.T Oh, and there are some parts where you forgot to change names... If you ever need a poster for this story you have a willing person ;) Except it's gonna be hand drawn and scanned...