Looking Forward

You Are My Girl

"Sandeul-ah!" A voice called from behind me. "Look!"
I sat up from the floor of our practice room and headed over to the laptop, where Jinyoung and Baro were. They were on an American website and a video was playing. "Yes, hyung?"
They moved out of the way and turned up the volume. I collapsed on the couch, still tired from practice. But when I heard that voice, I bolted right up. On the screen was that beautiful face I've been dying to see ever since we left America. Rena.
"What is this?!" I pushed Baro out of the way and squished my face to the screen.
"It's a national singing competition in America." Jinyoung said as he slowly moved me away from the screen. "Everyone is saying that she has a good chance at winning."
"Yeah, she's in the finals hyung!" Baro said excitedly.
Although I was extremely happy for her, I felt a little disappointed. "Why didn't she tell me?"
"When I talked to her yesterday, she said that her schedule conflicts with yours. So that's why the both of you haven't really spoken in about two months."
I turned to Kira. "Then how is it that she has time to talk to you?"
"Well the main reason is that I'm not an idol."
I sighed. She was right. The sixteen-hour time difference was bad enough, but now that we're both busy, juggling our careers and relationship, we don't really have time for each other. Baro was lucky that Kira came all the way to Seoul with us.
I looked back to the screen. She was singing a song that complimented her voice perfectly. I couldn't help but smile. The camera zoomed on her face and she was wearing the necklace. The little yellow duck was dangling from her neck. My heart ached for her. She looked so happy on stage. She didn't look scared at all... I wish I could hug her.
She finished singing and was now being interviewed by the competition host.
'Anything you'd like to say to your fans?'
'First... I never thought I would ever have fans.' She laughed. 'But I'd like to thank everyone for their support. And if you all continue to believe in me, I promise that I won't disappoint you.'
'Now, we've learned that you used to have severe stage fright, but after your time on stage, we all know that this is certainly not the case. How did you overcome it?'
'Well... Someone... Very special to me helped me realize how much I actually love to sing and that I shouldn't be afraid to show my talent to people.'
'Is there anything you'd like to say to that special person now?'
'I doubt he's actually watching this.'
'He?' He looked at the camera, raising an eyebrow.
'Yes, he.' She smiled slightly. '...If you're watching this... I miss you. And I wish I could see you right now... Are you proud of me? ...Remember our promise.' She held up her pinky. 'Saranghae.'
The video ended there. I replayed the last two seconds countless times... She loves me... She loves me... She loves me! I held the laptop close to me. Now I really wish I was with her.
I checked the time and it was after six in the evening. So it would be after two in the morning, her time. "Aish, Rena..." I whispered to myself. Why can't she be with me?!
At least I know she loves me, she knows that I love her, and right now, that's more than enough.

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Chapter 15: YES!!!! *absolute fan/subscriber now* Your story was so nice T.T Oh, and there are some parts where you forgot to change names... If you ever need a poster for this story you have a willing person ;) Except it's gonna be hand drawn and scanned...