I'm breaking every rule for you

Love Game


Eun- Mi POV

- We’re so disappointed in you.

I sat in the kitchen with my gaze facing the table.

- You’re grounded and you’re only allowed to have your cellphone with you at school.

I just nodded.

- You really violated our trust.

- I’m sorry mom.


As soon as my dad had given me my phone and dropped me off at school I texted Seung-Hyun and told him what has been going on.

“So I won’t be able to see you? When are you allowed to go out again?”

“I don’t know…”

“You can’t be serious… What am I going to do now?”

“Concentrate on work instead of wasting your time with me haha.”

“My time with you is what makes me being able to work hard.”

I smiled.

“But what about your playstation? Can’t we talk there?”

“No computer or ps. I’m basically allowed to go to school, eat, do homework and sleep.”

“That …”


I’ve been grounded for a week and I’m about to die from boredom.

It was late and I couldn’t fall asleep because I was simply too bored. I heard small knocks on my window. I figured it was some branches or something so I ignored it. I heard it a few more times so I decided to check what it was. I opened the window and all of the sudden someone pushed themselves in.


Someone covered my mouth and muffled my screams.

- SH! Be quiet it’s me Seung-Hyun, he whispered.

- What are you doing here?!

There was knocks on the doors.

- Eun-Mi, are you okay?

- Yeah! I dropped a book on my foot, sorry for disturbing you!

I heard how she walked away.

- Wow, it’s impressive but scary.

- What?

- How quickly you come up with lies.

- It’s just plain scary that you force yourself into some ones bedroom.

- It’s not just someone.

I closed the window and he sat down on my bed.

- You really need to go soon since I have to sleep.

- Can’t I just stay here tonight?

I laughed.

- Seung-Hyun, this is something you are supposed to do for someone that you like.

I sat down next to him.

- I like you.

- I like you to, but I mean, someone you really like. Like girlfriend material.

- I like you.

- You can’t joke around about stuff like that!

- I’m not.

- Whatever, you can’t take anything serious.

Seung-Hyun’s POV

I realized how I pressed my lips against hers and she pushed me off.

- What are you doing?!

- I like you. I’m serious, I really like you.

- Don’t joke around like this. It’s cruel.

I kissed her again and this time she returned it.

- I’m not joking. I want to hold you, I want to kiss you without making a scene. I want to be able to sneak into your room and it will be seen as a romantic act.

- Seung-Hyun, don’t make me fall even more in love with you if you’re just going to joke with me.

- I won’t hurt you I promise.

She looked down and giggled.

- You really like me?

I kissed her again.

- I really like you.

Before she could answer there was another knock on the door.

- Quick, under the bed!

I threw myself at the floor and rolled under her bed.

- Come in!

I heard how the door opened and closed and how someone came in and sat down next to her on her bed. She the night lamp.

- I’m sorry if I were harsh the other day.

- Dad it’s fine. I’m really tired so can we talk tomorrow?

- Just let me finish this. I was worried when you stayed out every day after school meeting some guy. You never know what they are after. And you are my only child.

- Don’t worry, he’s not like that.

- Still, I don’t want you to see a man who doesn’t have the courtesy to introduce themselves.

What did he think I was? Some kinda monster that would eat his daughter alive?

- Dad, please. Can’t you just meet him before you say that?

- Enough talk for today.

I heard how he walked away and I slowly crawled up again.

- So do you think he’ll allow me to come over for dinner?

- If he do it’s probably just an way to lure you here so he can behead you himself.

- He sounds like a swell man.

She turned off the light.

- Are you trying to hint something, I said and smirked.

- No, it’s just that I can’t stand seeing your face.

- Wow, you really have some nerve.

I laid down in her bed.

- What are you doing?!

- Laying down?

I pulled her down and into me.

- Wow, you really have some nerve, she said and copied my dark voice.

- Ha! You erted woman! I said and copied her. She giggled and buried her face into my chest.

- Acting like you didn’t want to lay next to me and now you’re cuddling. You don’t have to play hard to get.

She turned around with her back facing mine.

- Hey, I can’t kiss you now.

- Good.

I kissed her neck instead.

- Behave or I’ll scream.

I chuckled and took away her pillow. She raised her head.

- What are you doing?!

I quickly replaced it with my arms, she giggled and laid down and I put my arm around her waist.

- Good Night.

- Good Night.

I waited till she had fallen asleep before carefully replacing my arm with a pillow. I kissed her forehead.

- I love you, I whispered and carefully sneaked out again. 

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finish this in one seating... love that u portrayed the bingu side of Tabi... U had me smiling like an idiot all the way...
ShadowQueen789 #2
I believe this is the third time I've read your story, so I bestow upon you interwebz huggles. I have never in my life re-read a story, let alone three or four times (I've actually kind of lost count). It's seriously THAT good and I can't wait for you to update the sequel. :3
thebunny11 #3
I finished the whole story in one sitting. I have always admired stories with big words and elaborate descriptions. Your story is nothing like that, very simple and straightforward, but very honest and super cute! I love the honesty & cuteness you injected in this story. On some chapters, I had to stop reading to curl up in a ball and giggle and blush. Normally authors would describe TOP in a charismatic way, ignoring his cute and childish sides. However, in this story you potrayed his character like he was a real person that I have met. I really like everything about this story! Thanks for your efforts!
that was so good. definitely worth reading
Love this!! so sweet.. go to d sequel now.. ^^
KYAAAAAAAAA~~~ The ending was so sweeet <33
Thank you Thank you Thank you x100000000000 <3 You are so cute/wonderful/amazing and you warm my heart <3
ShadowQueen789 #8
It's so good~ So amazingly wonderful I had to reread it! Man, I love this story...
Ahahahahaa~~ kyeoptaaaaa~~~<3<br />
I loved this story!!<br />
I feel bad that I wasn't there while the story was growing though... =( <br />
~Ri Yeonnie-ah
Ashazeki #10
Haha cute story i love it