Game On

Love Game


Eun-Mi POV

I walked through the school corridors and as always no one really noticed me. There were only a few girls who noticed me and that were supreme super Ha-Ni. She and her gang would love to make fun of me for no particular reason. I saw how they stood in the hallway and they had noticed me. I felt how my shoulders dropped and my gaze was like glued to the floor. They were completely silent when I walked past them but as soon as I couldn’t see them anymore they burst into laughter.

- Girls, be nice. She is clearly to poor for plastic surgery. Some people are just made to ruin the view. Ha-Ni said and it was followed my explosive laughter.

- I’m so tired of seeing ugly girls, they should totally try to cover it up out of respect to everyone that has to see them.

I felt how my eyes burned as I hurried into class. I tried to calm my emotions down my looking out of the window. I looked at the leafs that were dancing in the wind. The wind and the leafs were so different yet they could play together just fine, why is it that only humans can’t stand something that is different from themselves? I sighted and just couldn’t wait to get home.


I dropped my bag on the floor and hurried into my room hoping that ChoomBingu was online.  I seriously need to ask what his real name is, I can’t possibly call him ChoomBingu, I laughed to myself.

My heart sank when he wasn’t.

- Oh well, I sighted.

Even though I’d only spoken to him for a few hours yesterday he still felt like a friend.

My heart took an extra beat as I saw that he logged in. I’d seriously been sitting here for an hour waiting for him and he immediately connected.

- Hey, have you been on for a while?

- Nah, I just got in.

There were an awkward silence so we just focused on playing. I took a deep breath.

- So what’s your name? We both said it at the same time and burst out laughing.

- I’m Eun-Mi.

- Seung-hyun.

I ran out of things to say and wondered why I was so awkward today when it was so simple yesterday.

- Eun-Mi, I was thinking, you said you were a loner.

- Yeah?

I got a bad feeling.

- So you don’t have any friends?

- Nope.

- Well you do now, he said and laughed.

- Really?

I couldn’t help but to laugh.

- Yeah, I guess I can’t really do girls night and other stuff but I can keep you company this way.

I laughed.

- Thank you.

- For what?

- I’ve had day so this made me feel better…

- Tell me. He had a determined tone.

I sighted and told him about what Ha-Ni and her gang had said about me.

- Wow, they are really something.

- Yeah, I know.

- They say that every day?

- Yeah, pretty much.

- Insecure s is one thing, but insecure s without any imagination is seriously the worst.

I couldn’t help but to laugh.

- Like come on, if you’re going to insult me than better do it good.

- Thank you for making me feel better.

- You shouldn’t let them treat you like that...

- I’m kinda trying the “if you ignore it, it will go away”.

- Is it working?

- Nope.

We had stopped playing and were just talking.

Seung-Hyun POV

- Have you ever heard of Big Bang?

- That was random.

I had to ask her, I really don’t know why but I had to.

- Yeah I know, but have you heard of them?

- Yeah of course. They're being played on every radio station and music show for the last 5years.

I chuckled.

- True.

- Why?

- Nah, I was just wondering. Do you like their music?

- Yeah, it’s good.

- Just good?

- I like it? Please don’t tell me you’re some obsessive VIP that won’t be friends with someone who isn’t a hardcore VIP?

- No, it’s not like that, I just think it’s fun to ask girls since usually when you ask that they start rambling on about their favorite members and such.

- I’m not like that.

- You don’t have a favorite?

- No.

- Not someone who is extra handsome?

- Who cares?

- What?

- Who cares what they look like, isn’t the music the main point?

- True.

- And also, why would they bother what I thought about them, it’s not like I’ll meet them or even talk to them.

How wrong you are. I laughed.

- I really like your personality, Eun-Mi.

I heard how she let out an adorable giggle.

- Can’t you describe what you look like?

- Why?

- Why do you always question everything?

She laughed.

- Fine. I’m below average. You?

- I’m like TOP in Big Bang. In other words, extremely handsome with y eyes.

- Oh please, he isn’t even that good looking.

- What?

- Are you gay or something and he’s your favorite member?

She laughed.

- No, I mumbled.

If only she knew who she was talking to.

- So what do you like in a guy then?

- I like the kinda guy with a kind heart that loves me.

- No appearance preference, money preference?

- What’s the point? Looks and money goes away in a flash, a kind heart is forever. It would be a waste of time to date someone based on those things.

- How are you still single?

Once again I heard her adorable laugh. 

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finish this in one seating... love that u portrayed the bingu side of Tabi... U had me smiling like an idiot all the way...
ShadowQueen789 #2
I believe this is the third time I've read your story, so I bestow upon you interwebz huggles. I have never in my life re-read a story, let alone three or four times (I've actually kind of lost count). It's seriously THAT good and I can't wait for you to update the sequel. :3
thebunny11 #3
I finished the whole story in one sitting. I have always admired stories with big words and elaborate descriptions. Your story is nothing like that, very simple and straightforward, but very honest and super cute! I love the honesty & cuteness you injected in this story. On some chapters, I had to stop reading to curl up in a ball and giggle and blush. Normally authors would describe TOP in a charismatic way, ignoring his cute and childish sides. However, in this story you potrayed his character like he was a real person that I have met. I really like everything about this story! Thanks for your efforts!
that was so good. definitely worth reading
Love this!! so sweet.. go to d sequel now.. ^^
KYAAAAAAAAA~~~ The ending was so sweeet <33
Thank you Thank you Thank you x100000000000 <3 You are so cute/wonderful/amazing and you warm my heart <3
ShadowQueen789 #8
It's so good~ So amazingly wonderful I had to reread it! Man, I love this story...
Ahahahahaa~~ kyeoptaaaaa~~~<3<br />
I loved this story!!<br />
I feel bad that I wasn't there while the story was growing though... =( <br />
~Ri Yeonnie-ah
Ashazeki #10
Haha cute story i love it