A life long responsibility

Love Game


Eun-Mi POV

I woke up by the sound of the alarm clock. I turned it off and tried to get out of bed but Seung-Hyun pulled me back.

- Do you really need to go to class, he mumbled…

- Yes, I want too.

He hugged me tighter. We didn’t go on a honeymoon since I didn’t want to miss classes and needless to say Seung-Hyun was strongly opposed to it.

- We can still go you know…

- Seung-Hyun…

He kissed my nape.

- Fine, I’m not going to nag, he chuckled.


After classes I decided to go and visit my parents. I knocked before walking in, this was after all not my house anymore.

- Ms. Choi, what gives us the honor?

- Omma, stop it.

I hugged her and felt like a kid again. I walked past my room and looked in. It was empty and not my room anymore, weird. I laughed. My omma stood behind me.

- I’m an adult now, aren’t I?

- Very much so.


I opened the door to our apartment, it’s just been a few days since our wedding and everything had changed. I hanged off my coat and immediately got pulled in by Seung-Hyun.

- I missed you, you’re late.

He kissed my neck.

- I went to visit my parents.

- You could have said something, I got worried.

I leaned in and kissed him. Now all of a sudden i didn't have to care for just me anymore. I always had to consider Seung-Hyun's feelings and could no longer just do reckless decision. Not that I did that anyways. It could only get easier right?


After being married for two months everything felt more at home. I went to collage, got home and cleaned and cooked and when I didn’t have homework I hanged out with Min-Hee. Seung-Hyun was working and hadn’t been home for a few days and it really felt lonely without him. As I opened the door I realized it smelled like food. The hallways was dark but as soon as I got into the kitchen I realized Seung-Hyun was standing there next to a table with food and lit candles.

- What is this? You’re already home?

I couldn’t help but to smile.

- I’ve been trying really hard so hopefully you’ll like it. It actually tastes kinda good. I tried everything out so it should be alright.

I ran and hugged him and he my hair.

- I missed you so much…

- I missed you too, it going to work and being away for so long.

We both sat down and started to eat.

- Seung-Hyun this is really good!

- Really? He smiled like a kid.

- Thank you, for making this…

- Don’t worry.


I woke up feeling nauseous and swallowed hard trying to make it go away.

- Water, I mumbled.

- Did you say something, Seung-hyun was half asleep.

I tried getting up and felt how something was on its way up. I ran to the toilet and made it just in time. Seung-Hyun quickly came after.

- Oh god, are you alright? Ah I shouldn’t have cooked yesterday…

He was pacing back and forth pulling his hands through his hair. I rested my head against the toilet seat, and I felt how I was breaking out in a cold sweat.

- It’s not your fault…

- Are you alright?

- Don’t worry, I’ve been feeling kinda sick these last few days, I think I’m getting the flu or something. If it was the food then you would be sick as well right?

- I guess so…

I took a shower and went to bed again feeling exhausted.

- We should go to the doctor in case it’s something serious.

- Don’t worry, I just want to sleep.

- Can’t we go just in case? I don’t want to feel worried.

- Seung-Hyun, I really don’t want too.

- Okay. I’m just worried for you.

A few weeks later

- GAH! I sat down on the bed and started to cry.

- Honey, what’s wrong? Seung-Hyun sat down next to me my back.

- I’ve gained so much weight since we got married. I can’t even put on a single pair of my jeans. The only thing I can wear are your pants.

I sobbed into my hands feeling absolutely miserable.

- You’re not fat. You’re really beautiful.

I took a deep breath and pulled out a pair of his jeans.

- I’m stealing your clothes again, I sighed and dried my tears.

- You look better in them anyways.

I couldn't help but to smile at his effort of trying to make me feel better.


- I’m so hungry again… I complained to Dara.

- Then go and get more food then, she laughed at me who was staring at the cafeteria. 

- I can’t. My stomach is so bloated and I’ve gained weight. These are my husbands pants. T_T

- Hm, maybe you’re intolerant to lactose? That gives you a bloated stomach, ^^

- So if I don’t eat lactose it will go away?

- Yeah, if that’s the problem then it will.

- It’s worth a try, right? ^^

- But I really don’t think you’ve gained any.

- That’s because I cover it up with baggy clothes. It’s just around the stomach area.

- Hm, weird.


I’ve been eating really healthy and no lactose what so ever but still I’m gaining weight. I finally had enough and decided to head to the doctor. He came back in with a few brochures in his hands. I gave him a skeptical look and was worried it would say “how to survive tumors” or something. He handed them to me.

- Parenting, a lifelong journey? I looked at him trying to grasp what was happening.

- Ms. Choi, you’re pregnant.

He gave me a warm smile and my jaw dropped.

- So you’re saying that the weight gain is a baby?

- Yes. Congratulations. You’re married and young and healthy so there shouldn’t be any problems. We need  to decide on a date for a checkup and ultra sound.

- I’m pregnant…

My hand made its way up to my stomach.

Seung-Hyuns POV

I was so worried for Eun-Mi, she seemed to be going through some kinda stress. She ate more then she usually did and her mood was up and down. She finally went to a doctor and I was so nervous when I got home.

- How did it go?

- Oh, it was fine.

- Nothing wrong?

- Nah, it was fine.

I looked at her and she had her back against me and was facing the counter.

- Oh, yeah, I forgot the doctor gave me some brochures, we should both read them. It’s kinda important.

- But I thought there was nothing wrong?

- There is nothing wrong. Just look in my bag.

I sighed and opened her bags and took up the brochures.

I read it time after time trying to grasp what it was saying. I looked up and she turned around and smiled.

- I’m gonna be an appa?!

I was so excited I jumped up and down and she just nodded.


- Yes!

I ran towards her hugging her.

- Oh wait, I need to be careful.

I kissed her gently.

- We’re going to be parents.

 I smiled at the thought.

- How long?

- 3½months.

- So in 5½months we’re going to have mini Seung-Hyun?!

- It’s not even sure it’s a boy, she rolled her eyes at me.

- Whatever.

I kissed her again.

- I love you.


I walked into the studio with my head held high and I smirked as I saw them.

- What’s wrong with you?

- Yeah, what happened?

I sat down in the couch feeling like a king.

- Oh you know. Just married life.

- You've been married for a few months and now you're starting to get arrogant? 

- Did something special happen?

- Youngbae you’re catching on quickly. It happens to be so that I, Choi Seung-Hyun, are going to become a appa.


I nodded and they all threw themselves at me.

- Hyung, we’re so happy for you!

- How long till it can come out and play?!

- 5½months!

Needless to say, I was in a pretty good mood for the rest of the day. 


boring chapter, i'm sorry~ 

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finish this in one seating... love that u portrayed the bingu side of Tabi... U had me smiling like an idiot all the way...
ShadowQueen789 #2
I believe this is the third time I've read your story, so I bestow upon you interwebz huggles. I have never in my life re-read a story, let alone three or four times (I've actually kind of lost count). It's seriously THAT good and I can't wait for you to update the sequel. :3
thebunny11 #3
I finished the whole story in one sitting. I have always admired stories with big words and elaborate descriptions. Your story is nothing like that, very simple and straightforward, but very honest and super cute! I love the honesty & cuteness you injected in this story. On some chapters, I had to stop reading to curl up in a ball and giggle and blush. Normally authors would describe TOP in a charismatic way, ignoring his cute and childish sides. However, in this story you potrayed his character like he was a real person that I have met. I really like everything about this story! Thanks for your efforts!
that was so good. definitely worth reading
Love this!! so sweet.. go to d sequel now.. ^^
KYAAAAAAAAA~~~ The ending was so sweeet <33
Thank you Thank you Thank you x100000000000 <3 You are so cute/wonderful/amazing and you warm my heart <3
ShadowQueen789 #8
It's so good~ So amazingly wonderful I had to reread it! Man, I love this story...
Ahahahahaa~~ kyeoptaaaaa~~~<3<br />
I loved this story!!<br />
I feel bad that I wasn't there while the story was growing though... =( <br />
~Ri Yeonnie-ah
Ashazeki #10
Haha cute story i love it