Just to be near you

Love Game


Eun-Mi POV

Best friend? It felt so weird. Not because he was famous, but just because he was my first friend. He kept telling me how cute I was but he probably did that because he knew I had a really poor self-esteem. I shook out my thoughts and watched him rapping.  Out of all the thousands VIP every time he looked my way I knew he was looking at me.

When the show was over I looked at the time. 22.12. I realized how I was supposed to be home by now. I quickly texted Seung-Hyun.

“I’m sorry I didn’t say good bye but I had to go”

When I finally got home I was half an hour late.

- You’re late. We were so worried.

- I’m sorry, the show took longer than expected.

I didn’t tell them I was going to see Big Bang and just said I was going to a traditional Korean folk concert with someone from school.

- You’ve been out for hours.

- I know, I’m sorry. Me and my friend went out to eat after, I forgot to check what time it was.

- Well, don’t do it next time. I’m glad you got a friend but I don’t want her to be a bad influence.

- You should invite her over for dinner, my mom filled in.

- Eh… That might be possible to arrange.

- Anyways, I’m not letting you meet this person again before I have met her.

I didn’t even bother saying something against it since when my dad had made their decision then that was it. I sighted, how could I possibly bring him home? First my dad would scare him off, second they would realize I lied. Well, I never said he was a girl of course…

I got into my room and checked my phone.

“2 missed calls”

And some text that of course were from Seung-Hyun.

“Are you serious?”

“Stop playing around, hurry back to the lounge”

“You really left?!”

“Pick up the phone! I had stuffed planned, you can’t go home this early”

“I’m sorry.”

“It’s okay. Let’s hang out tomorrow, I’ll buy you lunch!”

“I can’t, I’m really busy.”

“Oh, okay.”

Ah, this really .

Seung-Hyun POV

I couldn’t fall asleep. I was exhausted from the show but Eun-Mi kept bothering me. How could she just leave after the show? It wasn’t even late and she’s basically an adult. And she even declined to meet me tomorrow. Was she avoiding me?


“Let’s meet up today instead”

“I’m so behind on schoolwork”

“You need a break”

“I really need to work”

I sighted. This girl, what on earth was she up to? She acted like she used to but every time I suggested we were going to meet she declined.


“I’m gonna be so busy this week”


I hated being kept in the dark and I knew she avoided me. I asked my manager if he could find out her schedule and what school she went to.

I felt like such a creep just sitting here waiting but finally she came walking and I was about to open the car window to call for her when I saw a bunch of girls coming up to her. I rolled it down a bit to hear what they said.

- So what happened to that boyfriend of yours?

- How come you’re talking on the phone with him but we’ve never seen you with a guy before.

I felt how my blood boiled. Who did they think they were and why did they even bother her?

- Going so low that you need to make up an boyfriend?

- Wow, ugly peoples life are so pathetic.

I had enough and got out of the car.

- Honey, I’m so sorry I’m late!

They stared at me and Eun-Mi looked chocked.

- Seung-Hyun what are you doing here?

I put my arms around her and kissed her forehead.

- I missed you so much when I was touring so of course I had to come and visit my beautiful girlfriend.

I grabbed her hand and pulled her to the car. I opened the door and she got in.

- Be careful so you don’t hit that cute little head of yours.

I smiled as I got into the car, their chocked faces were priceless.


- Why are you mad?! I totally saved you!

- “My beautiful girlfriend” She muttered. And what was up with that kiss?!

I smiled to myself. That kiss was mostly for my own sake.

- I know you liked it.

- Psh. I’d like it way more if it was from Daesung oppa.

I felt how I tightened my grip against the steering wheel and looked at her. She raised one eyebrow and smiled.

- Okay, I’m sorry for the kiss but it was my revenge because you have been ignoring me.

Eun Mi POV

I swallowed hard and looked out of the car window.

- Can’t you at least tell me why you’re avoiding seeing me?

I sighted and told him what my parents had said.

- So?

- What?

- Just let me meet them.

- Can’t we just avoid it for a while? Can’t we just see each other after school like this instead? I normally go home around 20.00 on school days because I usually study.

- We’d be like the rich and poor couple in a drama!

He looked excited.

- I’m sorry?

- Yeah, like sneaking out seeing each other in secret locations.

I rolled my eyes and laughed.

- So where are we going?

- Do you like icecream?

He looked at me and smiled like a child.

- Yeah, I smiled back.

- Great! I really love it.

He drove to a convenience store.

- I kinda can’t go in there since it will be inconvenient.

- Don’t worry I’ll go.

- Here.

He gave me 50$.

- How much do you expect me to buy?!

- Just buy those Ben & Jerry ones, buy the ones that look really yummy.

I sighted.

- Okay.

- Sorry for being a bad best friend, I can’t take you out to do normal things.

- It’s fine, that doesn’t really matter. After the whole kiss incident this isn’t the worst thing you’ve done. He acted like he was offended then he laughed.

After I bought ice cream we headed to his apartment. I sat in his couch and awkwardly ate my ice cream. He had three different kinds in front him and ate a bit out of each.

- You bought all of my favorites!

He really had the mentality of a 5year old.

- Seriously, Eun-Mi, he said with his mouth filled with ice cream. You’re the best at buying ice cream.

I laughed but I couldn’t help but to dread school tomorrow. A lot of people saw what happened so it would spread around the school like the plague.

- Ugh… My stomach hurts…

I saw in the corner of my eye how he ed his pants.

- Yah what are you doing?!

- What, it hurts!

- You erted person.

I got up and put the ice cream in the fridge.

- Eun-Mi, to be honest I don’t feel lonely as much anymore since I got to know you.

I felt how a smile formed on my lips.

- I’m glad, I feel the same.

- Like, if my day have been , I know that I just can call you and tell you about my day and it will feel better.

- I’ll always listen to you.

I sat down next to him and he placed his legs on my thighs and laid down. I didn’t bother to push them off because to be honest I liked having skinship with him.

Hour went by and before anyone of us knew it was 19.00.

- I gotta go now.

- Can’t you stay a little longer?

- Sorry, my parents still think I’m at the library.

He sighted.

- Fine… Can I at least drive you home?

He dropped me off a few blocks away.

- I had fun today.

- Me too…

- Do you really have to go?

- Yeah, I’m sorry.

He sighted and pouted.

- You look like a 5year old.

He smiled.

- Well, I gotta go.

- Text me and tell me that you got home alright.

- I live like a minute away.

- Still.

- Fine.

He held out his arms.

- Good bye hug?

- Ha! You’re funny.

Seung-Hyun POV

It bothered me that every time I wanted to give her a hug she rejected it. Or she would push me away. I never really liked skinship before but I just felt this need to touch her all the time. I loved how she fit in my arms. But she was kinda shy so I guess I just had to take it slow. And we were making progress, she did actually let me have my legs on her thighs. I chuckled to myself. Of course I had one night stands, I’m a man after all, but this was the first time I got excited about something like that. She never tried to flirt with me and I was worried she only saw me as a friend.

I laid in bed and checked me phone.

“I’m home now”

“Good. Good Night♥”

“lol, good night”

Not even a heart back. That just proves she’s a coldhearted woman, she’s lucky she’s cute, or else I’d totally ignore her. Matter of fact the next text she sends I’m gonna ignore for like at least two hours so she feels worried.

“Btw, are we meeting up tomorrow?”

“Yup! Can’t wait”

. I was supposed to wait. 

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finish this in one seating... love that u portrayed the bingu side of Tabi... U had me smiling like an idiot all the way...
ShadowQueen789 #2
I believe this is the third time I've read your story, so I bestow upon you interwebz huggles. I have never in my life re-read a story, let alone three or four times (I've actually kind of lost count). It's seriously THAT good and I can't wait for you to update the sequel. :3
thebunny11 #3
I finished the whole story in one sitting. I have always admired stories with big words and elaborate descriptions. Your story is nothing like that, very simple and straightforward, but very honest and super cute! I love the honesty & cuteness you injected in this story. On some chapters, I had to stop reading to curl up in a ball and giggle and blush. Normally authors would describe TOP in a charismatic way, ignoring his cute and childish sides. However, in this story you potrayed his character like he was a real person that I have met. I really like everything about this story! Thanks for your efforts!
that was so good. definitely worth reading
Love this!! so sweet.. go to d sequel now.. ^^
KYAAAAAAAAA~~~ The ending was so sweeet <33
Thank you Thank you Thank you x100000000000 <3 You are so cute/wonderful/amazing and you warm my heart <3
ShadowQueen789 #8
It's so good~ So amazingly wonderful I had to reread it! Man, I love this story...
Ahahahahaa~~ kyeoptaaaaa~~~<3<br />
I loved this story!!<br />
I feel bad that I wasn't there while the story was growing though... =( <br />
~Ri Yeonnie-ah
Ashazeki #10
Haha cute story i love it