Please save me

I'm so lonely...

Hello guys~~

Here is new update :D

I hope you like it ^^

And of course, thank you so much for the subscriptions and comments :DDD




The the next day Kyu planned on seeing Wookie and tell him that he misunderstood his and Maya's relationship. However he also knew that Yesung won't let him see Ryeowook unless he wants it. So Kyuhyun decided to wait for him in the café. The thought that he stayed with Yesung made him extremely jealous. Kyu decided if the younger won't show up there today, he will go to Yesung's place for him, either he want it or not. He could just hope that Wookie will come by himself. Hours passed but Ryeowook couldn't be seen. Kyu was worried, desperate, jealous and sad at the same time.


~Do you hate me this much Wookie? I'm such a bastard~


At Yesung's place Ryeowook wasn't too confident. He was afraid that he was right and Kyu fell in love with Maya. When he thought that maybe his lover will leave him, broke his heart again and again. Those weren't too pleasent thoughts but he didn't want to live in a lie either. So he finally made his decision, stood up and hurried to the café before it will close.

Kyuhyun sat in the staff room and watched his watch and the wall clock in every single minute. Soon his shift will come to the end and he had to close the shop. Kyu sighed and put his head into his hands, ashamed of what he make his lover feel. Then Maya went inside the room for her bag when she saw that her cousin wasn't in a too bright mood. She sat next to him and patted his back lightly.

- What's wrong Kyuhyun? And don't tell me that nothing because I won't believe it. So? What happened? - Kyuhyun stayed silent until he took a deep breath and answered.

- I-It's complicated. - His voice was shaky and it made Maya realise the seriousness of Kyuhyun's problem.

- Can you tell me more details about it? Maybe I can help you. You know we always helped each other in the past. - Maya tried to persuade her cousin to rely on her and tell her the happenings since it always helps talking about problems with somebody.

- Yeah, but now you can't help me. I made a mistake and now the most important person in my life hates me. I have to fix this. But I'm scared I won't be able to do so. I'm so scared. - As Kyuhyun thought that maybe Wookie will never forgive him, sent a knife into his heart.

- What mistake? Did you kill somebody or rob a bank or something like this? - Maya couldn't figure out what was that big of a problem what brought his relationship to a scenario in where her cousin is on the edge of crying.

- No, of course not. - Kyuhyun assured Maya that it wasn't the case at all.

- Then it can't be that big mistake? If she loves you, she will forgive you. You know, if you love somebody, you won't love just her good features but you will also accept his bad ones. However if she can't accept them then it means that she has never loved you in reality. Everyone makes mistakes but we have to know how to forgive, though it depends on the situattion. However, as I see how disappointed you are I'm sure that you love her very much, right?

- Yeah, so much. Thank you, Maya. You always know what to say. - Kyuhyun said and hugged his cousin and Maya was happy that even if a bit she was able to help her cousin and friend.


Unfortunately some minutes earlier Ryeowook arrived to the café and went to find his lover to talk things through. When he finally found Kyuhyun he saw him hugging Maya tight. His eyes became teary and not too much later his tears flowed down on his cheek. He heard that one of the waiter came towards him and since he didn't want to show his tears to anybody nor let Kyuhyun know about him being there, he hid in the store. He sat in the corner behind the boxes and just cried silently, painfully.


~It was true after all. He really doeasn't love me anymore. He loves Maya. At least he could tell me about it. Apparently... he didn't  even think of our relationship seriously from the beginning. I was too naive. I shouldn't have trusted in him. I'm so stupid. I knew that it was too good to be true, to actually have someone who you love and who loves you back. It's just a mere dream. But... I was so happy...~


- Tell me. Who is she? - Not knowing about being seen by Wookie, Maya tried to get to know the identify of her cousin's lover.

- Uhm... That person isn't a.... Wait... What's this smell? - Kyuhyun wanted to inform Maya about Wookie when suddenly smoke was leaking into the staff room.

- Don't change the subject. Tell me. - Maya thought that Kyuhyun was intentionally changing the subject. But then she had to realise that he was right.

- I'm not joking! Look! Smoke comes inside.

- Where does it come from?


They went out and saw that the whole café was covered with smoke. The thick smoke came from the kitchen. The chef forgot a tray of cookies in the oven. Kyuhyun quickly grabbed Maya's wrist and ran out of the building. While poor Wookie was still sitting in store not knowing about the fire at all.


When Kyuhuyn and Maya got out of the building, they saw Yesung who ran towards them quite fastly.


- What happened with the café? - Asked Yesung breathing heavily because of running.

- We still don't know. Probably the oven went on.

- And where is Ryeowok? Did he already come out?

- HUH? Wookie?? What are you talking about!? We didn't see him at all.

- WHAT??? He came to talk with you. Oh god then he must be still inside. I will- - Yesung started panicking and wanted to run after Wookie but...

- You stay here, I will go!!! - Kyuhyun ran towards the burning building without hesitation.

- Wait, Kyuhyun. You can't go back. It is dangerous. - Warned him Maya, worried about her cousin.

- I DON'T CARE ABOUT IT! IF HE DIES, MY LIFE HAS NO MEANING AT ALL! - Told Kyuhyun as seriously as he never did before. He couldn't think of anything except one thing, he just wanted to know his lover in safe.

- I know it may sounds weird but is there a chance that Ryeowook is Kyuhyun's most important person, the one he loves? - Suddenly Maya got hit by realisation.

- Yeah. It sure is him. But it didn't look like so nowadays. It seemed like that he preferred you. - Told Yesung suspiciously.

- Me? Don't talk stupidity. I'm his cousin. - Maya didn't understand what Yesung meant with what he said.

- Cousin? - Yesung's eyes widened, he couldn't imagine that those two are relatives.

- Yeah. Hold on... d-don't tell me that Ryeowook thought that me and Kyuhyun...? - Everything became clear for the girl now.

- I guess. - Scratched his head Yesung.

- So that was the mistake what Kyuhyun made. My God. Poor Ryeowook. But Kyu loves him very much. As he talked about him though I didn't know who he was but I did know that he teasures that person very much. I hope that both of them will get out safe and sound.


Kyuhyun ran inside the burning place desparately. The smoke was more thicker then before, but he didn't care about it, not when the love of his life was in danger.


In the store Wookie already noticed the smoke. He tried to get out of the place but he couldn't open the door. He tried it many times but it didn't want to open then a sound could be heard in the blazing building.


- WOOKIE! WOOKIE! WHERE ARE YOU? WOOKIE? - It was Kyuhyun lookig for his love everywhere.

~Kyu? Is it really him? How does he know that I'm here at all? He has to get out of here.~

- KYU! GO AWAY! GET OUT OF HERE! IT IS DANGEROUS. - Ryeowok didn't want to put Kyuhyun into danger no matter what. He was trapped and probably will end up there but it didn't mean that Kyuhyun has to end the same way, especially now that he found his true love, Maya.

- Wookie? WOOKIE! STAY STILL! I'M COMING! - Kyuhyun couldn't believe what he heard. It was his lover and he was still alright. It was a miracle.



Kyuhyun finally saw where his lover's voice came from. In front of the store was a part of the ceiling. That's why it couldn't be opened. Kyu tried to pull it away but it was too heavy and hot because of the rapidly spreading fire.


- Kyu, please leave! Get out of here! I don't want you to die because of me. - Ryeowook was deparate. He didn't want to let go Kyuhyun. He wanted to be with him more than anything but he couldn't be selfish. 

- I won't leave! I have to tell you something! - Kyuhyun never once thought of leaving his lover alone.

- No, please. Don't say it. I already know. You fell in love with Maya, right? Well, I wish you two the best. I hope you will be happy. I agree with you. Loving a woman is much better then loving a man. After all you can kiss her, hug her and even hold her hand in public. You can get married. You can also have children. Be happy Kyu. And now leave. Please. - Ryeowook tried to speak as loud as he could but it was quite a difficult task because of the smoke and because of the unbearable pain in his heart.

- NO! Wookie!! I won't leave you here!! What you said... I... - Kyu tried to explain the situation to Ryeowook but the younger didn't let him do so.

- No! No! I don't want to hear it! Please! - Ryeowook was begging to his lover.

- WOOKIE. LISTEN TO ME. I don't love her. I had never loved her. Maya is my cousin and childhood friend. That's all. I wouldn't leave you Wookie. Never ever. And if you dare to die now I will die with you too. Without you my life has no meaning at all. You are my everything, my happiness, my light, my sweetheart. You gave my life a meaning when everyone abandoned me, you took me in and cared about me even though I was a mere stranger at that time. I love you more than anything or anybody in the whole world. When I see you smiling my heart melts. When I see you cring my heart breaks. When you are happy, I'm happy too. When you are sad I feel sad too. So I say it the last time. I won't leave you here. I don't care if you don't believe me or don't trust me. I won't go away without you. If you love me just a little bit you won't give up and you'll fight for your life because as I said if you die now I will follow you. - Kyuhyun's last chance to persuade his lover was to tell him, his true feelings and hope that he will forgive his carelessness.


Wookie was shocked. In the end he was the one who misunderstood the whole situation.


~He loves me. He really loves me. I can't believe it. I have never known that I was this important to him. I'm so happy. I could die in this instant happily. But. I can't. If I die now he said that he will follow me. I can't let him die. He is too important to me. I love him too much. Now I want to live too. I want to be happy with Kyu. I want to kiss him, hug him, hold his hand and apologize from him. I have to tell him how much he means to me as well.~


- K-Kyu? I'm sorry. I-I-I love you too. I believe you. I want to live, Kyu. Please, save me. I want to be with you. - Wookie's heart filled with happiness so much that he couldn't help crying.

- Wookie. I'm so happy. Don't worry. I will save you. I just have to-

Kyuhyun looked around when he saw the emergency axe on the wall. He quickly got it before the fire reached it. Then he went back to the burning store's door.

- Wookie. Go away from the door! I will break it.


Ryeowook went far away from the door and waited for his lover. However the smoke became more unbearable than few minutes ago. It was stifling. Wookie could hardly breath so he put his hands in front of his mouth and tried to breath slowly, not to breath too much smoke. Kyuhyun hit the door again and again, harder and harder with the axe until he successfully broke through the door. However he already found his lover unconscious on the floor.

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ryeohaeme #1
Chapter 15: wow.... nice story! I like Maki. He's cute! but who's his real parents? and why they left him to KyuWook?
really glad that Kyu was safe, and they be together again, and finally happy ever after. ^^
I really want the sequel. but it's up to you. thank you for wrote this sweet story. ^^
wintertmm #2
Chapter 15: Just so sweet like maki alot
awesoMEdrano #3
Chapter 15: daebak! I cried at some parts.
Wugui06 #4
Chapter 14: Kyu appa loves wookie umma. As always.. maki is a clever boy.. heee..
Kyu. Dont die. Wookie n maki needs you.
I wonder where maki came from.
Hope kyu survive the operation to explain it.

Update soon.
Chapter 10: wow still cant believed wookie not trust kyu
Chapter 10: WHAT!!? I can't believe it~! :O
Chapter 9: Omo~! i hope that wookie will be fine