I will forgive you if you forgive me

I'm so lonely...
Hi Guys~~ :D
Gosh~~ It was a long time since I updated.
You won't believe but classes and the whole amount of exams made me lose all my inspirations -.-
But now I regained them, so here is a new update :DD
I hope you forgive me that I was so late. I will change on this now since summer break is approaching ^_^
I am still grateful for the comments and subscriptions :D
A big THANK YOU for you :)))))
His cousin, Maya was driving on the street too when the accident happened. It shocked her. He got out of the car and ran to Kyuhyun.
- Kyuhyun!!! Can you hear me? Hey!!! Kyuhyun!!!
- W-Woo... Woo... kie.
- Huh? You mean Ryeowook? He isn't here now. But I will call him okay? He will be with you soon, okay?
- ...
- Hey, answer me, Kyuhyun. KYUHYUN!!!
A big crowd was around the injured Kyuhyun and his cousin. Soon syrens could be heard. When the ambulance arrived he was still unconscious and already lost a hige amount of blood. They quickly brought him to the hospital. His life was in danger so every moment was important. Soon after the examinations the doctor went to talk with Maya.
- Are you Mr Cho's relative?
- Yes, I am his cousin. How is he?
- Right now his condition is stable. But we don't know for how long. He lost too much blood. And he also a quite serious head injury. He needs an operation urgently. Though this operation is very risky.
- W-What do you mean exactly? - Maya was afraid from the worst, but deep inside she prayed for her being wrong.
- I mean that he could lost his memories, he could be mentally poor, he might won't be able to walk anymore, but all this depends on the patient. There were also cases in which the patient remained fully healthy, both mentally and physically. We don't know. We aren't sure how serious his injury. But we know one thing if we won't operate him probably he will die.
What? He will probably die. I can't let him die. After all there is Ryeowook and Maki too for him. I can't let him die. He has to live. He doesn't deserve this. If I would have driven a bit faster. But what if the operation causes him something incurable. Though it is still better than if I let him die. I have to save him. He will surely be alright. He is strong and he would never leave Ryeowook and Maki alone. I'm sure into it. He loves them more than his own life. They are his everything...
- Okay. Please operate him and save his life, his family need him. 
-  I understood. We will do anything what we can do to save his life. Then I will go and prepare an operating room for him.
It's time to call poor Ryeowook. He has to know what happened with Kyuhyun. It's true that they aren't lovers anymore but I'm sure that they still love each other. Even if Ryeowook doesn't show it, I know he still feels the same way about my cousin. 
- Hello? Ryeowook? It's me Maya.
- Hi Maya. How are you? Hmm... I was wondering maybe do you know where Kyu could be? He told me that he has some business and that 1-2 hours later he will be at home. But he still isn't here. To be honest I am a bit worried.
- ...Ryeowook. I know where he is. But.... at first I think you should... sit down. - Maya was practically shaking. She knew the news will cause a huge shock to the other.
- What? Don't tell me... - Ryeowook immediately felt that something wasn't right, that something was very wrong. 
- Ryeowook. Please, don't panic. You have to stay calm. - The poor girl thought that Wookie already had some idea about what happened.
- What are you talking about???? Tell me already what happened with Kyu!!!! - Ryeowook couldn't think straight anymore. His mind only revolved around Cho Kyuhyun.
- Ok, okay. You know he didn't feel himself well and called me to bring him home. I just turned to the street where he was when a car hit him. His life is in danger and the doctors will operate him soon. However... this operation is very risky but I had to agree to it. If not he would die for sure... I think you should come here.
The phone suddenly fell down from Wookie's hand. He was in shock. His heart skipped a beat, he even forgot to breath for a moment. Suddenly, an enormous amount of things apperead in his mind. It was just too much for him. 
W-W-What? K-Kyu got h-hit by a car. I-It can't be true. Kyu. Kyu. KYU. I have to go there instanty. I can't let him die. I didn't tell him that I love him. I have to tell him that I don't care that he is the father of Maki or not. I have to tell him how much I love him. He can't leave me alone here. He has to stay with me for now and forever.
The younger quickly dressed up Maki and himself and went to the hospital as fast as he could. When they arrived he rushed inside with Maki in his arms. They quickly found the worried Maya in the corridor.
- Maya! Where is Kyu? I want to see him right now.
 - Ryeowook. They are preparing him for the operation. As I told you that this operation is very risky but we don't have another choice if we want him to be alive.
- R-Risky? W...What can h-happen with him? - Asked Ryeowook with shaking voice. He could hardly hold back his tears.
- .... he can lose his senses..... go insane.... or even die... but I'm sure that he will be perfectly alright and none of them will happen.
Wookie fell on his knees and the tears were just flowing on his face.
- It can't be. It can't be. IT CAN'T BE TRUE. - Shouted the younger. He couldn't believe that this is happenening with Kyu. Why him? - he asked from himself again and again. He blamed himself for this all.
- Ryeowook please calm down. Kyuhyun wouldn't be able to leave you. Don't worry about him. My cousin love you even after you had that quarrel and you broke up, he still loved you more than anyone. - Said Maya and took away Maki from his hands and tried to calm down the little baby since, the little Maki was crying too, seeing his 'mother' crying.
- But... he came home very late every night. I know that he w... worked instead of m-me too but he always c-came home hours after the café's c-closing. He s-surely found someone else. After all I said I hate him and hurt him and-
The sentence was unfinished because Maya slapped him on the face hard. Wookie's stopped for a moment. He widened his eyes, put his hand on his red cheek and stared at the girl.
- Yah. Enough of this rubbish. How can you suspect him that he found someone else? He just loves you and nobody else. Every single day he talked about you and how much he loves you. Then he always became sad because you didn't believe in him. At first he even cried because of it. Did you know how much it hurt him that you didn't belive in him, that you even said that you hate him? However, he not even once blamed you. He told that it is better for you if you aren't together with him. He tried to believe it but he wanted to prove you that he never once cheated on you, that he never lied you about loving you all along. He talked with Yesung and he told him that he can make a DNS test and this way he can make sure that he is the father of the baby or not. There was just one problem. That it was damn expensive so he took up more and more shifts. He worked as a waiter during the day and at night he cleaned the restaurant. He worked his soul out for you. He wanted your love back. He just wanted you to like him, to love him like before. He didn't want to force his love on you, he just hoped that if he can prove that he didn't lie then you will love him again. He didn't know that you will surely love him again however he said: '' Even if he won't love me anymore, I will stay by his side, I will support him, I will love him, I will comfort him when he needs someone, and when he will find someone and will get married. I will be happy for him and congratulate him. I just want him to be happy with or without me."
Maya couldn't bear anymore and started crying.
Ryeowook just widened his eyes.
- I.. I.. Is this t.. t... t... true? - He asked a bit unsure. Even though he knew everything was reality. He felt touched, and incredibly guilty. He didn't know he meant so much for the older.
- Of course, you stupid. I have never ever seen someone who loved another one this much.
No, no, no, no, no. I'm such a ing idiot. Why did he have to tell something like that? Why does he love me so much? Why didn't I trust in my own lover? Why? He did everything for me. He always stayed by my side and I just always hurt him. Why the hell can't I trust in anyone? I'm so stupid. I love him. I love him. I will die if I lose him. Why the hell can't you hate me Kyu? I always just caused you pain. I don't even deserve him, his love. How can I even think that he would cheat on me? Why am I so stupid, arrogant, selfish, immature brat? I have to tell him that I'm sorry. And that I love him so so much.
The younger just cried and cried, more and more. 
It hurts. It hurts. My chest hurts. My heart aches very much. I need him... more than anything.
- K-Kyu. Kyu. You idiot. Why the hell do you love me this much? What did I do to deserve your love? - Wookie sobbed and cried very hardly. 
K-Kyu papa, W-Wookie mama.
- Huh? W-What did you say Maya? - Asked Ryeowook and looked at the surprised Maya.
- It wasn't me.
- Then who was it?
- ... Is it possible that maybe Maki spoke?
- B-but he can't even speak.
- K-Kyu papa, W-Wookie mama.
Both of Maya's and Ryeowook's eyes widened and their jaws dropped when indeed Maki spoke.
The younger quickly wiped away his tears with his hands and ran to his Maki. He carefully held the small boy with a slight smile on his face.
- Maki. What did you say? Did you say Wookie mama and Kyu papa? You are a very clever boy. Kyu! Look! Maki-
Wookie suddenly forgot about the accident and wanted to show to Kyuhyun that Maki finally spoke. As he remembered the smile faded away from his face and his eyes bacame teary again.
- Ryeowook...
- K-Kyu taught him. He said these words to Maki everyday. I always said that he won't speak since he is so young and that he was just wasting his time. But he was right he really learned them. - Wookie's tears were flowing again. - You are a very very clever boy Maki. Kyu papa will be very happy when he will know that your fisrt words were his name.
- Kyu papa.
- Yeah, Kyu papa.
Ryeowook hugged the small boy while crying nonstoply.
- Kyu papa will be alright. He is very strong. 
Soon a doctor approached Maya quickly and told her something. Wookie curiously watched the two of them but he didn't understand a word from the conversation. When the doctor finally went away again, Maya turned to him with a small smile on her face.
- Ryeowook. I have good news. The doctor from before said that Kyuhyun woke up. He said that we have some minutes if we want to talk with him before the operation. After all, we don't know what will happen.
- I hope that you don't expect me to say goodbye to him. I won't say goodbye. I know that everything will be alright. He isn't the kind of person who would leave his family alone. You told me that he said that he will stay by my side forever. So don't talk stupidity. - Ryeowook's tone was dead serious. He believed in what he said. He didn't even think of any other possibilities.
- You are right Ryeowook. But now we really have to hurry up. You go inside, I will wait here with Maki.
- You don't want to come?
- I think you need some time alone. Don't worry just go already. Don't make him wait. 
The younger nodded and ran towards Kyuhyun's room. At the door he stopped for a minute, took a deep breath then he slowly opened the door. The older lied on the bed. There were many machines and pipes on his body. It broke Ryeowook's heart. It looked like that Kyuhyun didn't notice that someone came to the room since he was just staring out of the window. Wookie silently went towards the bed.
- K-Kyu? - He called the older boy with a weak voice.
Kyuhyun slowly turned his head to face with the other boy. His eyes widened when he saw him and clear smile could be seen on his pale face.
- H... Hi. R..R...Ryeowook. I-I'm s-so sorry.
- Why are you apologizing? You didn't do anything wrong. - Wookie said but he could very hardly hold his tears. - What happened, Kyu? How did you got hit by the car?
- I-I felt dizzy and m-my eyesight b-became blurry so-
- Ok it's enough. - Said the yoiunger as he saw that it was hard for Kyuhyun to talk. Also he would surely couldn't stop crying if he heard anymore.
- R-Ryeowook. W-W-Will I-I die?
Wookie was shocked by the question.
- No, no, no. Of course not. Kyu, why would you die? Don't talk stupidity.
- B-but-
- There are no buts. Do you want to leave me alone? Do you want to leave Maki alone? And stop calling me Ryeowook. It's Wookie for you. - The younger was already on the edge of crying. He couldn't believe that the older was this desperate. He wasn't like this.
Kyuhyun was suprised and didn't really understand what the younger told him exactly.
He wants me to stay by his side. Maybe, maybe he loves me? He really loves me? Or he just doesn't want me to leave him alone with Maki? Or did he say it out of pity? I have to know the truth. I have to know the truth if I die.
- W-Wookie. I-I lo-love y-you. D-Do you l-like m-me? C-Can you f-forgive m-me?
The younger boy couldn't bear it anymore and started crying. He didn't say anything just hugged Kyuhyun tightly, afraid that someone or something will take him away from him if he lets him go.
- You stupid! I don't like you.
The older felt tears appearing in his eyes and felt himself heartbroken.
So he doesn't like me. I thought so. But I can't do anything now. At least he is honest and doesn't lie because I am in this condition. I deeply appreciate it. Maybe it will be really better if I die now.
- Are you an idiot? Why would I like you when I love you. Yeah, I love you more than anything or anyone else. I was stupid that I didn't believe you. I should have trusted in you. After all, you always trusted in me and supported me. You didn't deserve what I did. I'm sorry. I'm so sorry Kyu. I lied to you when I said that I hated you. It was a big fat lie. I have never stopped loving you. You meant too much for me, but I just didn't know what I should do. I was stupid, selfish, patheic, immature and a ing idiot. I just don't deserve you. You always treasurred me while I was always causing you pain. It is also my fault that you are here right now. You were obviously aren't alright I still let you go with the reason that you have allergies. I'm truly sorry Kyu. I know that you probably won't forgive me. But you have to know that I can't live without you. My life has no meaning without you into it. ,, Even if you won't love me anymore, I will stay by your side, I will support you, I will love you, I will comfort you when you need someone, and when you will find someone and will get married. I will be happy for you and congratulate you. I just want you to be happy with ot without me."
Kyuhyun was speechless. What the younger said was the last thing what he expected from him. He felt tears flowing from his eyes. He was incredibly happy. He didn't mind dying now. 
- Y-You did so many things for me. Maya told me everything from how much you suffered to that you overworked yourself to do a DNS test. You know I suffered too but I couldn't swallow my ing damn pride and couldn't bring myself to forgive you. However, you did everything to prove me that I was wrong. I love you so much Kyu. And I will love you forever. 
Soon Wookie noticed that his shirt was wet. He tried to smile though the tears just didn't stop.
- Kyu. Are you crying?
*sob sob*
- It's ok. You don't have to cry. I'm right here.
- W-Wookie. D-Do you r-r-really mean w-what y-you said?
- Of course. I have never been this serious and sincere in my whole life. I love you, Kyu.
Kyu just cried more and more. He felt relieved that finally his beloved one loved him again. 
- I-I love y-you t-too Wookie. Y-You can't even i-imagine h-how happy I-I am right n-now.
Ryeowook slowly let go Kyu and cupped his face. He carefully wiped away the older's teardrops with his thumbs and leaned forward to kiss him. The kiss was sweet, wonderful, passionate, soft with full of emotions towards one to another. When they let go because of lack of air. They smiled to each other. 
- S-So Wookie w-would you b-be m-my boyfriend a-again? - Asked Kyuhyun smiling.
- Of course. My pleasure. Then we are lovers again, right?
- Y-Yeah. 
They shared a hug again, smiling, feeling happy. That kind of happiness which they were yearning for a long time now.
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ryeohaeme #1
Chapter 15: wow.... nice story! I like Maki. He's cute! but who's his real parents? and why they left him to KyuWook?
really glad that Kyu was safe, and they be together again, and finally happy ever after. ^^
I really want the sequel. but it's up to you. thank you for wrote this sweet story. ^^
wintertmm #2
Chapter 15: Just so sweet like maki alot
awesoMEdrano #3
Chapter 15: daebak! I cried at some parts.
Wugui06 #4
Chapter 14: Kyu appa loves wookie umma. As always.. maki is a clever boy.. heee..
Kyu. Dont die. Wookie n maki needs you.
I wonder where maki came from.
Hope kyu survive the operation to explain it.

Update soon.
Chapter 10: wow still cant believed wookie not trust kyu
Chapter 10: WHAT!!? I can't believe it~! :O
Chapter 9: Omo~! i hope that wookie will be fine