The truth

I'm so lonely...


At home Wookie was worried about Kyuhyun, as he realized that probably he won't come home at that night. He still felt himself very dizzy and hot so he ate some medicine and went to bed but he still couldn't stop thinking about his ex-lover. Fortunately the baby boy peacfully slept during the night.
Kyuhyun spent the night on the park's bench. It was a cool night. Though it wasn't as cold as it was on the previous days.
Then in the morning the older calmed down. He felt that now he will be able to talk with Ryeowook without crying. When he got home the younger was waiting for him in the entrance.
- Wookie? I mean Ryeowook. - Kyuhyun was surprised seeing the other at the front dooe.
- Kyu - Said softly Wookie then he quickly changed his tone. - Where were you at night? You just went away without saying anything. What do you think what did I feel? - Shouted Wookie on the edge of crying.
Kyuhyun just looked at Ryeowook suprised and even thought he got shouted at he felt happy that the younger still cared about him.
- Ryeowook. You... Were you worried about me?
Of course I was worried about you. I couldn't sleep during the whole night because I was worried about you. I was scared that you might have left me alone. I was scared that you might have done something stupidity. I was scared that I won't be able to see you again. But I can't tell you this. I just can't...
- I... What are you talking about? Why would I have been worried about you? I was just worried that you might have ran away and left Maki alone. That's all.
Congratulation Kim Ryeowook you made the lie of your life, pray so the sky won't fall on you. - Thought the younger to himself.
- I... I... see. So that's it. Don't worry. I won't leave you alone with Maki. You know I'm not that cruel. - The pain and disappontment could have been clearly heard in his voice while he looked down.
I'm sorry Kyu. I'm so sorry. But I can't forgive you. Though I would like to forgive the most but it isn't that easy. I can't trust in people so easily not after my experiences. But why can't I trust in the one I love the most in the whole world. Why???
- Sigh~ It's okay. You came in time. I already have to go to the café. My shift will start soon. So you have to take care of Maki. I already feed him and changed his nappy. Though he doesn't look like that he wants to sleep so I think you should just play with him. - Informed Ryeowook the other coldly, getting his coat and ready to leave.
- Wait a moment, Wookie. You don't have to go to work. I will go instead of you. I already talked with Yesung and I got your shifts too. This way you can stay home and take care of Maki. And before you ask it. It doesn't mean that I will not care for him. But you have more experience with kids than me. I'm not too good with kids and I'm scared that I will do something bad when I'm alone with the baby. However as I said it doesn't mean that I won't care for him at all. I will love him and slowly I will learn how to behave with kids. So I hope that you understand me and will agree with my idea. - Kyuhyun was honest about his feelings and really didn't want the poor baby to get hurt because of him.
- I-I don't mind. If you say so. I'm happy that you considered the baby before you. - Wookie's voice softened a bit by what he heard form the other.
- Yeah-
*Achoo* *Sniff*
- Huh? Did you catch a cold, Kyuhyun? - Asked the younger curiously, looking at the other.
- No, no. It's just allergy. Don't worry. Now I will go or I will be late form work. Bye Maki, Kyu is going to work now. Until I'm away please take care of Wookie mama. - Whispered Kyuhyun to the baby quietly so the other couldn't hear it.
- Huh? Did you say something? - Ryeowook was suspicious about what the older whispered to the baby.
- No, nothing. Then I'm off. - Kyuhyun smiled, waved and kissed Maki's forehead before leaving for work.
 The week passed the same way. The older worked at the café nearly full-time everyday while Ryeowook was taking care of the little baby boy. During this week Yesung talked about DNS test with Kyu. It means that this way he will be able to prove that Maki isn't his son and everything can be the same as before.
There was just one problem that this test was quite expensive. So Kyuhyun decided to take up more shifts and this way he will be able to save up enough money to the test. Fortunately he had some saving so he didn't have to work too much before he could reach the amount of money what was needed for the test. And after some week he finally had the whole amount. Now he just needed a hairbreadth from Maki.
- I'm home. - Said Kyuhyun quietly.
In the apartment Wookiw slelpt on the couch with the baby on his chest. It was a beautiful sight.
Kyuhyun quietly brought a blanket for the two of them and covered them with a smile on his face. Before he went to sleep as wel, he carefully took a hairbreadth from the baby boy.
In the next morning the older had a day off so he planned to do the DNS test in this day. He woke up but felt himself quite dizzy.
*Achoo* *Sniff Sniff*
- Good morning, Kyuhyun Are you still sneezing? - Ryeowook started getting really worried about the other. The sneezings became daily things and it couldn't have meant anything good.
- Yeah, but it is just allergy. - Kyuhyun still denied the fact that he wasn't well and just smiled at the other, reasurring him that everything is alright.
- Are you sure you are alright? - Wookie did not want to believe the other and asked him again, looking into his eyes.
- Of course. But now I have some business so I have to go. - Kyuhyun looked away while answering and prepared to leave as soon as possible.
- But what business? Today is your day off. - Ryeowook was a bit surprised hearing about the older's plans. He thought that maybe he will spend his day off at home, together. True, they still didn't make up but that did not change on the fact that they loved each other deep inside.
- Oh it's nothing important I will come home after some hours. So bye Maki. Say goodbye to Kyu papa. At least say Kyu papa. Kyu papa.
- Leave him alone. He can't speak yet, he is too young. 
- It isn't true. His first words will be Kyu papa. I want him to learn my name and yours too. Look. Say Wookie mama. Wookie mama.
- Who is the mama? If you didn't know it already, I'm a boy Kyuhyun. - Ryeowook was a bit pissed of by the mama part.
- I knew it but you said that I'm the father of Maki. Then it means that you are the mother. So I'm the hard-working Kyu papa and you are the caring Wookie mama.
- What are-
- See you. - Laughed Kyuhyun and quickly left before the other could say anything. 
Wookie wasn't angry at all. He just laughed too. As the time went by the younger became less and less cold towards Kyu. But it couldn't reach that level where he was able to forgive him and truly love him. At least he wasn't able to express it.
The older quickly went to the DNS center. He went by taxi since he doesn't feel himself that well to drive. There he paid for the test and waited for the result. After one hour the results arrived. Kyuhyun though was sure that Maki isn't his son. He still was very nervous. After all this paper meant that he will be able to get back his beloved one's love. Slowly he opened the envelope and read the paper.
Soon a bright smile appeared on his face. He was right Maki wasn't his son. Though he loved the little boy as his own son and he knew that it also means that he has to let go the boy when they will find his father or mother. But now the most important thing is to tell Ryeowook the truth.
Kyu decided to walk home since he didn't feel himself too well and he thought that the fresh air will help him. 
Unfortunately it didn't help him at all moreover he felt himself worse and worse. Then he decided to call Maya to pick him up and bring him home. 
- Hi Maya. It's me Kyuhyun. - Kyuhyun panted more and more heavily.
- Hello. What's up?
- Can you come and pick me up? I don't feel myself too well.
- Ok. Just tell me where you are.
- I think.... I'm in the street of the café, but... I don't know exactly where. My sight.... became blurry.
- Oh My God. Kyuhyun. Go quickly and look for bench where you can sit down. I will be there in a minute.
I just feel myself worse and worse. Why is here so hot? But if I'm hot then why am i shaking? I can't even see clearly. I... I have to find... a bench. 
Kyu had a very high fever so he didn't know where to go. Because of it he accidentally went to the crowded road. 
Everything happened in a second.
Kyuhyun didn't realise where he was as well as he didn't realise that a car went towards him quite fastly.
It was a mere second.
The older was hit by a car. 
It was just a second.
The DNS test's papers flew away from hiss hands.
It was a second.
He just lied on the road unconsciously.
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ryeohaeme #1
Chapter 15: wow.... nice story! I like Maki. He's cute! but who's his real parents? and why they left him to KyuWook?
really glad that Kyu was safe, and they be together again, and finally happy ever after. ^^
I really want the sequel. but it's up to you. thank you for wrote this sweet story. ^^
wintertmm #2
Chapter 15: Just so sweet like maki alot
awesoMEdrano #3
Chapter 15: daebak! I cried at some parts.
Wugui06 #4
Chapter 14: Kyu appa loves wookie umma. As always.. maki is a clever boy.. heee..
Kyu. Dont die. Wookie n maki needs you.
I wonder where maki came from.
Hope kyu survive the operation to explain it.

Update soon.
Chapter 10: wow still cant believed wookie not trust kyu
Chapter 10: WHAT!!? I can't believe it~! :O
Chapter 9: Omo~! i hope that wookie will be fine