A woman is better after all

I'm so lonely...

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*Ding Dong*

- I'm coming, i'm coming. - Kyuhyun opened the door with a furious look on his face.

- Hello Kyuhyun. How is Ryeowook? - Greeted Yesung happily.

- Don't worry. He is alright.

- Is he...is he still crying?

- No, no. What are you talking about? He is so much better now. He even smiled for me. Though he can't really talk yet. But I'm sure that soon he will get his voice back.

- Really? Can I see him? - Hearing the good news Yesung couldn't wait to see Ryeowook.

- Of course. Please, come in. - Though Kyuhyun wasn't too happy about Yesung's timing, he understood that he was very worried about his friend.

- Hi, Ryeowook. Do you recognize me?

Ryeowook sat on the couch and when he saw Senna he started smiling happily and nodded, showing that he remembers his friend. Yesung hurried to the younger and hugged him very very tightly.

- Heyyyyyy! - Kyuhyun wasn't fond of the idea that his boyfriend was hugged by another man.

Ryeowook began patting Yesung's back so the other would realise that he is completely out of breath because of the tight hug.

- I'm sorry, but I'm so happy that you are like you were. I thought that I lost you forever.

Ryeowook wanted to react with words but he still couldn't talk so he quickly found a notebook and wrote. ''It's alright. Kyu saved me. He came back and saved me. And of course you helped him too. So, thank you Yesung. Thank you for always believeing in me and never leaving me. You are a true friend. ^^ '' - Ryeowook smiled happily.

- Seriously. It's so good to see you this happy. Then does it mean that you are finally together?

- HUH? You... How... What??? - Kyuhyun was shocked by Yesung's sudden question. It was so out of the blue that Kyuhyun couldn't bring himself to give a proper answer, he just stuttared. Ryeowook just widened his eyes and dropped his notebook.

- Oh. Come on. It's so obvious. You love each other, right? - Yesung chuckled at the couple's expression it was as he imagined it would be.

Ryeowook and Kyuhyun looked at each other and smiled. They thuoght that it won't hurt if Yesung know about it. Since he helped them to escape and as he asked the question it didn't look like that he would be against gay people.

- Y... yeah. But how did you find out? - Finally answered Kyuhyun scratching his nape and lowering his head while blushing.

- It's simple. When you disappeared Ryeowook were very desperate and didn't want to live. I were with him but it didn't change on anything. He still felt himself alone. And now when I came to visit you. He is all happy. I understand the difference beetween me and you. I know that I'm his friend and that you are much more than a friend. Isn't it right Ryeowook?

Kyuhyun and Yesung looked at Ryeowook who lowered his head and nodded. Yesung just smiled and patted the back of his friend.

- Don't worry. I'm not disgusted by your relationship. As long as you are happy, I'm ok with it.

Ryeowook suddenly raised his head and grabbed his notebook. ''Really? Thank you, Senna. Thank you very much.''

- Seriously. You don't have to thank me. Ok. I think I will go now. I have many things to do in the café. If you will be completely healthy and strong again. You can come back anytime. You always have a place in the café. Until then Kyuhyun will work there.

''Huh? Kyu? Really?''

- Yeah. You always took care of me though I didn't do anything for you. You always thought of me before yourself. Now it's my turn to take care of you. - Said Kyuhyun while sitting next to Ryeowook and holding his hand. Ryeowook teared up and smiled.

''Thank you Kyu and you too, Yesung. I promise that I will heal very quickly and then I can help you two.''

- Okay. Now it's time for me to go. Get better soon, Ryeowook. Bye.

- See you.

Yesung finally went away. Kyuhyun went to the kitchen to make some delicious food to his lover. He did his best. And when he finished all the dishes, he went to the weak boy and feed him.

''It's delicious, Kyu. Thank you.''

- I'm happy that you like it.

''Um... Kyu are you going to work tonight?'' - Looked Ryeowook curiously a

- No. Just in the next week. I won't leave you alone until you don't feel yourself better.

''But I'm really ok.'' - Kyuwook just smiled sweetly on his lover's answer and softly caressed Wookie's cheek.

- You say this but you are still very weak. And if you will be stronger you can come with me to the café. Of course you won't work but this way you won't be alone. And anway I want to be with you as much as possible now. I want to make up for the time I was gone.

''I'm glad. I love you'' - Blushed hardly Ryeowook.

- I love you too. - Kyuhyun kissed Wookie on his forehead, then on his cheek and finally on his lips.

During that week Kyuhyun took care of the ill Wookie very well. He always made him delicious dishes, helped him bathing, slept with him ( just in one bed snuggling, not the other thing xd ). Finally the next week came and Kyuhyun could start work. Everytime when Kyu went working Ryeowook always accompany him and waited for him until he finished his shift. But slowly Wookie felt himself uneasy, anxious but mostly sad.


- Ryeowook? Ryeowook? - Yesung was calling out his friend's name for a while now without any response. Wookie was spacing out, staring into space.

- Huh? What? - Soon he relaised that someone was calling his name.

- Are you alright, Ryeowook? I called for a while.

- I'm alright. Nothing's wrong. I was just thinking. - Smiled Ryeowook though it was a fake on which Yesung knew well.

- About what?

- Nothing important. - The younger just out of th window avoiding eye contact with his friend.

~Don't lie to me Ryeowook. I have known you for too long not to realize that you are troubled by something. I also know that it doesn't matter how many times I will ask you about it. You won't tell me anything. I will just have to wait for you to tell me. Sigh.~

- Um? Yesung? Who is that girl? Is she new? She wasn't here when I worked here. - Pointed out Wookie.

- Yeah. She is a newcomer. Her name is Maya. - Yesung answered casually.

- It looks like that Kyu and she get along well.

- Yeah. They get along very well. They are always helping each other and... - Suddenly it hit Yesung. ~ Damn. What do I say?~

- I mean they are a very good manpower. - Corrected himself Yesung hoping Ryeowook didn't misunderstand what he said. But it was too late.

- ... I see. - Lowered his head Wookie obviously misunderstanding the whole situation.


 The waitress, Maya dropped a plate.

- Ah. Maya. Are you alright? - Kyuhyun hurried to the girl checking if she was alright.

- It hurts. I cut my finger. - Winced in pain the new waitress.

- Let me see it.

- You don't have to. I'm alright.

Kyuhyun out of reflex grabbed the waitress' hand and put it into his mouth to stop the bleeding. Maya immediately blushed. Unfortunately this scene was seen by poor Wookie and Yesung as well. The little boy froze as much as his friend. He just stared the happenings and didn't say a word. Wookie's eyes were already teary. It was quite shocking for him.

- R... Ryeowook.

- W... What? Where did we leave? Oh. Excuse me. I have to go to the restroom. I will be back in a minute.

~Ryeowook. I know it hurts you. You probably went to cry, right? I seriously don't understand what happened with Kyuhyun. How can he do it especially when his lover is here too? It's disgusting. I could punch him in the face so hardly that he wouldn't do something like this ever again. But I won't do anything until Ryeowook doesn't give me permission. After all it's none of my business. I'm going and looking how he is~


*sob sob sniff sob sob*

As I thought he is indeed crying.

- Ryeowook? It's me, Yesung Are you alright? - Asked worriedly the other.

- Ah y... yeah. I'm a... alright. - Stuttered Wookie beetween his sobs.

- Don't lie to me, Ryeowook.

Wookie opened the toilet's door.

- Yesung I... I...

Yesung grabbed his friend and hugged him very tightly.

- It's ok, Ryeowook. You don't have to cry. Kyuhyun loves you. Don't worry.

- ... - Ryeowook thought that Yesung was just comforting him. He saw what he saw. And what hurt him the most was the thought that his boyfriend would really be happier with a nice girl by his side instead of a boy.

- Want me to talk with him? - Offered his hellp Yesung.

- No, no, no. I'm alright. Really. It isn't my business what he is doing. If he is happy I'm happy too. - Ryeowook actually managed to smile while saying these words ''If he is happy I'm happy too.''

Senna tightened his hug.

~You always think of him before yourself right from the beggining. Is he really this important to you? And he still dares to make you cry. If he will break your heart I will kill him. I swear I will kill him.~

They went back to the café. Ryeowook sat back to his seat without Yesung. Since his shift was about start. The afternoon passed quickly. In the evening Wookie was waiting for Kyuhyun outside. When he finally came. Wookie smiled that he can finally go home with his lover but his smile quickly faded away. Since his love wasn't alone. He came with Maya while they were laughing. Yesung was about to go home too but he stopped at the door to see the events.

- Hello Wookie.  Sorry for making you wait. Then can we go? See you Maya.

- Um. Kyuhyun. Can't you walk home with me tonight? My parents want to meet with you very much. Just if it is alright? - Ryeowook's eyes widened.

~That's it. I was scared that this moment will come. Please tell no Kyu. Please. I beg you. You already love me, right? You don't need a girl when I'm here, right?~

- Really? I don't know. Though it doesn't look like that Wookie would be in a bad condition nowadays.

~What are you talking about? I cried for hours and just sat in my seat quietly and obviously depressed. Not I like I needed your pity, I just thought that you cared enough for me to notice things like this. But I guess you were too busy with Maya, right? I thought so. Haha~

- Just go. I will be alright. - Ryeowook used all his will to hold back his tears and force fake smile on his face and let his lover go with another girl.

- If you tell Shiro, but are you sure? - Asked Kyuhyun obviously not noticing any strangeness in his lover behaviour.

- Yes, I'm sure. - Now Ryeowook's voice almost cracked. His chest tightened more and more, it was very painful.

-Okay. Then let's go Maya.

~ Kyu looks so happy. It's so great. I made the right decision.~

- Yay. Thanks Ryeowook. My parents will be very happy. - Maya grabbed Kyuhyun's arm and they started walking away.

- Really? In fact I'm a little bit nervous.

- Don't be.

~You didn't even say goodbye or when you will come home or that I can call you if I don't feel well or anything. Amazing how she you made you forget about me completely. Goodbye Kyu...~

Wookie just smiled until he couldn't see the two of them anymore. Then his smile disappeared and fell on the ground while crying. Yesung immediately came out of the café and went to his friend.

- Ryeowook. Are you alright? - Yesung approached his friend and brought him into a hug.

- Yesung. Can I stay at your place? I don't want to be alone at home. Please. - Begged Ryeowook with his heart broken.

- Of course. You don't even have to ask. Come on. My car is over there.

- Thanks.

They went to Yesung's house. There he made a tea to his friend. Soon Wookie clamed down and stopped crying.

- Ryeowook. You still don't want me to talk with him?

- No.

- Then you have to talk with him.

- I know. But it is just too obvious. He finally found a girl who he likes better than me. After all a girl is better than a boy, right? This way he can have children, can get married and people won't judge him. Isn't it good? - Ryeowook smiled again, trying to look strong and composed.

- And what about you? You want to lose him? You don't love him? - Yesung could see through his friend, he knew him too well already.

- No, it's not like that!!! I just... You know he is too important for me. If he find somebody who he is happier with then he is with me. Then I will let him go. I want him to be happy, you know. That's the point of love after all. I can't be selfish. I love him more then anything and that's why I want the best for him. Because his happiness is my happiness as well.

- But what about you? Can you just think about yourself just once? You can't just let him go. You have to fight for him. Show him that you love him more than anything. You took care of him when he was at his lowest, you loved him for years. And now you have the chance to be happy. Don't let him go that easily. Tomorrow go and talk with him. - Ordered him Yesung. He didn't want his friend to give up so easily.

- Ok. I'll do so. Thanks Yesung.

- You're welcome.

- You are the best.

- Of course that I'm the best.

They laughed happily on Yesung's answer. At least Wookie forgot his pain even just for a minute. After Kyuhyun had dinner at Maya's house he went home though Maya insisted on him staying there. However, Kyuhyun didn't want to leave his lover alone at home. He was worried about the boy since he didn't answer his calls. On his way home he tried to call his lover many times again. Nothing.

~Why doesn't he answer my calls? I hope nothing happened with him. I should have gone with him. When he said goodbye I felt that something wasn't right with him. It's true that he smiled but it was a fake one. I did realize it but I left him alone. I'm so damn terrible. At home I will talk with him.~

He went home but of course Wookie wasnt there. Kyuhyun's heart skipped a beat and started panicking when he didn't find him. He called Yesung to tell him about it.

- Hello.

- Yesung! I don't find Wookie. I looked for him everywhere in the house but he isn't here. I'm very worried about him. I saw that something was wrong with him. And-

- Really? I don't think so. If you saw that he wasn't alright. Shouldn't you have stayed with him? But it looks like that our new employee is more important to you than him. - Yelled through the phone Yesung, he was really very mad at that moment.

- What are you talking about? - Kyuhyun didn't have any idea what Yesung meant.

- What?! Hm, I don't even know. Look. You know what? I won't tell you. Just think about it yourself and you will find the answer.

- What do you mean? I don't know what do you want with this. I didn't do anything.

- Of course. Then probably Ryeowook's new hobby is crying, right? Don't lie to me. I saw it too. It looks like you don't feel any guilt. I know I shouldn't have trusted you. Just stop playing around with Ryeowook. You cause him enough pain already. Do you enjoy it that much?

- Stop, Yesung. I don't....

- Ryeowook is here. He will stay here with me until he needs and wants to stay. If he wants to talk to you then I won't stop him. But if he won't, don't come near him.

*beep beep beep*

~Why is Wookie is at Yesung's place? And what did he mean by that I play around with Wookie? I would never play with him. I love him more that anybody in the whole world. What did I do? OMG. Damn. Don't tell me that he is jealous of Maya. After all I talked with her a lot and that accident when she dropped a glasses, and also I went with her to visit her parents moreover all of this in front of him. In his point of view it must have seem like I cheated on him with Maya. What an idiot I am. I had to tell him that Maya is just my cousin. I behave with her that way because we were also childhood friends and we were happy to see each other again after a long time but nothing more. It must have been painful for him to see that I 'flirt' with a girl. My God, Wookie. I'm so sorry. I hope that you will forgive me my mistake.~

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ryeohaeme #1
Chapter 15: wow.... nice story! I like Maki. He's cute! but who's his real parents? and why they left him to KyuWook?
really glad that Kyu was safe, and they be together again, and finally happy ever after. ^^
I really want the sequel. but it's up to you. thank you for wrote this sweet story. ^^
wintertmm #2
Chapter 15: Just so sweet like maki alot
awesoMEdrano #3
Chapter 15: daebak! I cried at some parts.
Wugui06 #4
Chapter 14: Kyu appa loves wookie umma. As always.. maki is a clever boy.. heee..
Kyu. Dont die. Wookie n maki needs you.
I wonder where maki came from.
Hope kyu survive the operation to explain it.

Update soon.
Chapter 10: wow still cant believed wookie not trust kyu
Chapter 10: WHAT!!? I can't believe it~! :O
Chapter 9: Omo~! i hope that wookie will be fine