You came into my life

I'm so lonely...

- You bastard. You always cause me problems, can't you earn a bit more money. Now get out and go work. Don't come home until you don't have enough money for 20 beers. - Shouted the old man.

- Damn it, you old hag. You should stop drinking away all my money! Damn it. What should I do? - said the boy.

~ If I go find some work again he will just argue with me and beat me up for more money. And when I will have money, he will spend it all on beers. I won't do it anymore. I won't go home anymore. ~

The boy was called Cho Kyuhyun. He was 18 years old and he lived with his father. Now he wandered around in the town finding a place where he could earn a little money but at night he couldn't find any work. This way he couldn't pay for lodging or for drink and food.

- I'm hungry, thirsty and sleepy. I couldn't even go home without money. What should I do? I'm also cold. Presumably I will freeze to death.... It is fantastic. It started to snow as well. - Said Kyuhyun desperately.

He continued to walk to stay warm. However he was already very exhausted and couldn't bear to move anymore. He passed out in front of a house where another boy lived.

~In the boy's mansion.

- Oh, I think I should make dinner. Eh~ is it snowing? Coool~ I like sn... What? Is there somebody? Oh my God!

The young boy ran outside to help the passed out person.

- Um... Are you alright? Hey hey. Man. What should I do? Ah~ I have to take him back as soon as possible. I hope he is still alive.

This boy was called Kim Ryeowook. He was 18 years old as well and he lived alone in a mansion. He took Kyuhyun into his house and put him on his bed.

*pant pant*

- Uh~ You are very heavy. You know that? - Said Ryeowook while panting.

He put a lot of blanket on Kyuhyun to warm him up since he shaked and shivered all over. Ryeowook put his hand on the stranger's forehead and felt that he had quite a high fever.

- Oh my God. I have to bring some wet towels and a bowl of icy water. Ah... I found it.

Ryeowook made the towel wet with the cold water and put the towel on Kyuhyun's forehead. Then he wanted to leave the sick rest. When sudddenly...

*pant pant*

- Father... father.... please. I will gain some money. I promise... just let me come home. I want to go home. Father.... please... don't hit me. No, no... I don't want it.

- Hey hey calm down. You aren't at home. You are at my house. Don't worry. Nobody will hurt you.

Kyuhyun just continued talking in his sleep and started crying. The other boy couldn't bear to see the stranger's suffering and softly hugged him.

- Everything is alright. Don't worry. Here nobody will hurt you. There there. Calm down. You are in safe. I'm here.


~ What is this warm feeling? It's so good. I feel secure and nice. I wish this feeling would last foever...~


Kyuhyun started to calm down slowly and soon he fell asleep. Then Ryewook went to make some food for the boy, so he can eat when he will wake up. He made some rice porridge and went back to his bedroom to see how Kyuhyun is doing.

 ~He must ran away from home because of his father. Poor boy.~

Ryeowook sat down and looked at the starnger until he also fell asleep.


~ Maybe... maybe... I will not be lonely anymore...




Yeah. This was the very first chapter where everything began.

Who knows what will happen with these two boys who know nothing but loneliness..

Please be nice and comment. I'm curious what you think about it. ^__^

More comments = sooner update :D

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ryeohaeme #1
Chapter 15: wow.... nice story! I like Maki. He's cute! but who's his real parents? and why they left him to KyuWook?
really glad that Kyu was safe, and they be together again, and finally happy ever after. ^^
I really want the sequel. but it's up to you. thank you for wrote this sweet story. ^^
wintertmm #2
Chapter 15: Just so sweet like maki alot
awesoMEdrano #3
Chapter 15: daebak! I cried at some parts.
Wugui06 #4
Chapter 14: Kyu appa loves wookie umma. As always.. maki is a clever boy.. heee..
Kyu. Dont die. Wookie n maki needs you.
I wonder where maki came from.
Hope kyu survive the operation to explain it.

Update soon.
Chapter 10: wow still cant believed wookie not trust kyu
Chapter 10: WHAT!!? I can't believe it~! :O
Chapter 9: Omo~! i hope that wookie will be fine