Is it a happy ever after or...?

I'm so lonely...

Yeah~ I'm back!!!! :)

It's been a while since I updated but when I have no inspiration I cannot write. :(

But since the end of the school year is close and I have some free days, I got some new ideas ^^

However I decided to end this story here. So yeah, last chapter!! >.<

I hope you liked the story! I would be glad if you commented about the fanfic, how you liked it and so on :D

And also thank you for all the subscriptions and comments so far. They mean a lot to me!!! ^-^

Aaaand if you want a sequel maybe then just tell me. I might think about it if you are interested in one. Right now I have no good idea but with time I might get some :))

So enjoy the LAST CHAPTER! ^__^



Hours pass slowly one after another. When Ryeowook passed out, Maya immediately got a doctor to take care of him. Wookie was brought into a room and put onto a bed. Several examinations were made to check the cause of his collapse though they could already guess the reason. Ryeowook is fine physically but his heart is broken into tiny little pieces.


Maya is sitting in the younger's room with Maki who seems to be worried about his mother. He keeps whimpering and moving around in the arms of the young woman.


- What's wrong, Maki? - Asks Maya worried about the little boy. Maki reaches out towards his mama and tries to fight himself out of the grip of Maya. The girl understands and puts him onto Ryeowook's bed. Make quickly crawls over to his mama and touches his cheek softly.


- Wookie mama....? Wookie mama....? - He calls him, wanting Ryeowook to respond to him but he doesn't. Maki frowns, looking at Maya then back at Wookie. He starts crying and cuddles to him like he would really know what is going on, like he would feel what Kyuhyun and Ryeowook go through in these moments, like he would understand it all.


Maya gently pats the back of the baby to comfort him somehow but as expected it is not too efficient now. After some minutes suddenly a doctor enters the room. He isn't the one who checked Wookie before but the one responsible for Kyuhyun's operation. Maya quickly jumps up and walks over to the doctor.


- Doctor. How is Kyuhyun? Is he okay? Tell me that he is fine. - Says the young girl, her voice cracking as it hurts her too to see her cousin and his family in this state.


- Well... We had some complications during the process but then we managed to bring him back and finish the operation. We need time to see how his body will react but he is probably going to be fine. - Tells the doctor, smiling lightly. Maya sighs in relief, some tears of happiness escaping his eyes.


- Thank you, Doctor. Can we see him? I'm sure that his boyfriend and son would like to see him very much. They are very worried about him. Ryeowook even passed out, thinking that he will lose Kyuhyun. - Sighs Maya, thinking back to the scene when Wookie totally broke down.


- Of course you can see him but he needs a lot of rest so don't tire him out. It would also be good to prevent him from any stress if possible.


- I understand it. We won't annoy him, or bother him a lot. We just want to see with our eyes that he is fine. Thank you again, Doctor. - Maya smiles and gives a hug to the young doctor who just smiles and return the hug. The doctor is about to open his mouth and tell something to the girl but Ryeowook's whimper disturbs him. Maya quickly lets go of the doctor and rushes over to Wookie's side. Maki calls his name and slowly the boy regains consciousness, opening his eyes slowly.


~ Huh? Kyu? Where are you? Why cannot I see you? Why? Why do I have to live without you? ~


Slowly tear drops stream down his face as he sees Maya and Maki.  He is glad to see them but extremely sad that his Kyuhyun is not there. He thought that when he opens his eyes, he will be there and they can be together. But he was wrong... He lost him...


Reaching up he covers his eyes with his arm barely being able to believe that it's over. He wants to yell, shout and curse as loud as he can but it would not change on anything and he caused enough trouble to Maya and Maki. He cannot be this selfish.


Maki crawls onto Ryeowook's chest and lays down, hugging him. The young boy gently puts his arm around the little guy, his back.


- Ryeowook. Listen. Don't cry, okay? Kyuhyun... He is fine, do you hear me? He is okay. He just needs a lot of rest and he will be like before. He didn't die. He is alive... for you. Don't you want to see him? - Smiles the girl happily, waiting for Ryeowook's reaction.


Wookie opens his eyes wide, taking away his arm from his eyes and staring at Maya in shock. He stays in silent for some seconds, not knowing what to say or do. Maki sits up, looking down at his mama and giggling. 


- Kyu papa, Kyu papa, Kyu papa. - Bounces the little baby on Ryeowook who looks at him and bursts into tears, hugging Maki tightly.


- I cannot believe this. Thank god. Kyuhyun is okay. Do you hear it, Maki? Kyu papa is fine. He will come home with us soon. We can be finally together. Oh my god... I'm just so happy I cannot even describe it. I thought I lost him for good. I'm so... so glad. - Chuckles Ryeowook, feeling unbelievably relieved, like a huge rock fell from his heart and the pieces inside went back to their places. His heart is beating rapidly, yearning to see his partner, his lover, his other half. Quickly sitting up with Maki in his arms, he stands up.



- Can I see him? Can I? Tell me that I can because even if it's not allowed I'm going to meet him. I have to see him or I will go crazy. Please, Maya.  - He begs, desperate to see Kyuhyun after all the things they went through. He wants to stay by his side, take care of him, be there for him so the older won't be lonely. He needs to make sure that Kyuhyun will be fine.



- Yes, you can see him but don't jump on him. He needs to rest a lot. Don't forget it and just be careful. No stress or anything. - She says, taking the baby from his arms. - I will look after Maki until then. It's better if he doesn't see his daddy with all the machines on him.


Ryeowook nods and smieles, kissing Maki's and Maya' cheek before rushing out of the room to find his love. At first he asks the number of the room Kyuhyun is staying then runs up to the next floor and storms to that certain room. When he finally gets there, he takes a deep breath before quietly entering the room. Kyuhyun is sleeping and only the beeping sound of the machines could be heard. Slowly Wookie approaches the older and looks down at him, softly touching the cheek of Kyuhyun while smiling. He grabs the hand of Kyu oh so gently to let the older know that he isn't alone.


- Hey there, Kyu... You did well, love... I'm so happy that you are fine... I will never ever doubt you, I swear you. I will give you back all the care and love you gave me even when I acted like an idiot bastard... I love you, Kyuhyun. - He finishes, wiping his eyes as he is incredibly happy to get the love of his life back. - I think I will go now. I don't want to disturb your sleep. I will be back later though. - He says but when he is about to pull his hand away from the other's, he feels his hand being squeezed.


- Don't... go... W...Wookie... - Mumbles the older, slowly opening his eyes to catch a glance of Wookie. - I... guess I'm not.... dead. - Smiles Kyuhyun, looking up into the eyes of his Wookie. - Hey there... Wookie...


- Kyu... - Ryeowook leans down and hugs his lover, trying not to hold him so tight but he could barely hold himself back when his heart is so delighted. The older puts his arms around his love too and even though he is weak, he did his best to pull Ryeowook as close as he possible can.


The room is silent now. Kyuhyun managed to persuade Ryeowook to stay by his side. He even made some place for him on his bed so they could lay together. Just some simple but still meaningful words came from them.


- I love you, Kyu


- I love you too, Wookie.


And again silence. After conveying their love towards each other they fell asleep in each others arms, a light smile placed on their faces as they sleep peacefully, feeling like nothing and noone could harm them anymore, nothing can go wrong as long as they have each other. From now on, there cannot be anything they won't be able to overcome because their feelings have been proven and their bond became unbreakable and undestroyable.


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ryeohaeme #1
Chapter 15: wow.... nice story! I like Maki. He's cute! but who's his real parents? and why they left him to KyuWook?
really glad that Kyu was safe, and they be together again, and finally happy ever after. ^^
I really want the sequel. but it's up to you. thank you for wrote this sweet story. ^^
wintertmm #2
Chapter 15: Just so sweet like maki alot
awesoMEdrano #3
Chapter 15: daebak! I cried at some parts.
Wugui06 #4
Chapter 14: Kyu appa loves wookie umma. As always.. maki is a clever boy.. heee..
Kyu. Dont die. Wookie n maki needs you.
I wonder where maki came from.
Hope kyu survive the operation to explain it.

Update soon.
Chapter 10: wow still cant believed wookie not trust kyu
Chapter 10: WHAT!!? I can't believe it~! :O
Chapter 9: Omo~! i hope that wookie will be fine