Don't leave me

I'm so lonely...


Kyuhyun lifted him up quickly took him to the bed. Ryeowook breathed heavily and had a high fever. While he was lying on the bed Kyuhyun noticed how thin he was. He decided to call Yesung over. He felt like he had to know what Ryeowook did on the whole week. What caused the young boy's condition.
- Come on, Yesung. Tell me! What was the important what he had to take care of, that now he passed out? I have to know it.
- Sorry, but I can't tell you. I promised Ryeowook that I won't.
Kyuhyun was angry he grabbed Yesung's shirt and pushed him to the wall.
- Ryeowook passed out just now. He also has a high fever and you refused to tell me why did this happen???
Kyuhyun fell on the floor. Now he begged to Yesung.
- Please. Tell me! I'm worried about him. If there is something what I can help in, then I want to. Please. Tell me! Please.
- ...Ok. I tell you. One day a man came to the café where we work too. He looked for her son in other words you. I accidentally gave away that you stayed with Ryeowook, and the old man wanted to take you back from him. However Ryeowook didn't want to gave you back to him and asked the man how much he want to leave you alone. He said 3 million yen. So he got 2 weeks to gain that money.
- W-h-a-t??? But w...why?
- He didn't want you to suffer or to be hurt again. So he took up as many part-time job as many he could do on a week.
- ....You can go home now.
- What? But...
- I want to be alone with him.
- Ok. Just call me if you need anything.
- ...
Yesung left then Kyuhyun went to the bed next to the ill Ryeowook.
- Ryeowook. Can you hear me? Why did you do this for me? I didn't do anything to deserve your care. I always just fight with you about what business you had nowadays.. And in the end I realized that it was all for me. I was so, so stupid. I'm so ashamed of myself. I'm sorry, Ryeowook. Please forgive me.
- Kyu... Kyuhy...un.
- What, Ryeowook?
- Kyu...hyun the mo..ney I to g...gain I can't l... let him suf... fer aga... in. I... can't.
- Calm down, Ryeowook. Calm down. Don't worry about the money. Don't worry about me. Everything will be alright. 
Kyuhyun hugged Ryeowook and kissed his forehead then the smaller boy fell asleep again. He went to the kitchen and tried his best to make a lot of food to his friend. Later Ryeowook's fever went down and he woke up.
- What? What happened?
- Did you wake up, Ryeowook? How are you feeling yourself?
- I'm fine. Why do you ask?
- Don't you remember? When you came home you fainted.
- Really? I'm sorry to make you worry. It might be because of the sun. The days are quite hot nowadays.
- The reason wasn't the sun, right? It was because you worked too much and you were exhausted. And I as I saw you also lost weight.
- How...
- It doesn't matter. Now come here and eat. I made a lot of food for you.
- Thank you for it.
While the smaller was eating, Kyuhyun avoided him and went to the other room. When Ryeowook finished his meal, he went to find Kyuhyun. He was packing his things.
- W...what are you doing, Kyuhyun?
- I'm packing. I'll leave.
- What? But why? Did I do something? Please I apologize for it. You don't have to leave. I said that you can stay here.
- Calm down. It isn't your fault at all. But don't worry I will stay until you will be fully alright.
The smaller boy started wobbling. Though it wasn't from his exhustion it was because of Kyuhyun's decision of leaving him all alone. The taller boy carefully lifted him up.
- Hey. Now, what are you doing? Put me down! - Ryeowook tried to struggle.
- I will just put you back to the bed. You have to rest.
- No. I'm very busy. I have to go. So please put me down. I'm alright already.
- You don't have to go to work at that much place anymore. I said that I will leave. I know that you want to pay to my father to leave me alone. But it's really all right. You don't have to do it. Or in other words I don't want you to do it. You just cause yourself uneccessary problems. And I don't remember that I have ever told you to help me. I don't need your help.
- But Kyuhyun. Didn't you say that you ran away because he have always hurt you?
- Yeah...
- Then let me go to work. I can do it. I can help you. Just one more week and I will gain the money. Just give me a chance!
- Shut up!!! I said no! I don't need your money nor your pity . I have never asked you to do this for me. So don't bother in other people's private life.
- ...sorry...
- ...
* sob sob*
- What? Ryeowook. Are... you crying?
- No, no.
- Yes, you are.
- Hm funny. Now I must look like some pathetic idiot. I just wanted to help to someone. To be useful to someone.
- No, you aren't pathetic and idiot either.
Kyuhyun softly put in the bed the crying boy. He felt sharp pain in his heart. As he saw Ryeowook crying he felt crying too. But he couldn't cry. He had to be strong.
- I'm sorry. I didn't mean to yell at you. Please, don't cry.
- It's... ok, I'm all... right. I want to sleep. Can you leave me alone?
- Of course. - Kyuhyun went to the door and whispered. - I'm really sorry.
Ryeowook lied down and just cried and cried after all he didn't want to cause more problems for Kyuhyun. On the contrary, he just wanted to help him. One hour passed Ryeowook still couldn't stop crying. Kyuhyun went to the room to check on him. His heart ached much more when he heard that Ryeowook is still crying. It was a very sorrowful and quite painful sight. He couldn't bear it anymore. He had to do something. Kyuhyun slowly walked towards Ryeowook and lied down on the bed next to the sad boy. 
- Ryeowook. Turn around!
- Please, I w..ant to be I'm all right, rea..lly.
- Liar!
Kyuhyun grabbed Ryeowook's shoulders and turned him around then he quickly hugged him. He hugged him tightly. His heart beated fastly. Kyuyun already know that it was because he loved the young boy. However he couldn't say anything. He put all his feelings in his hug. Then Ryeowook suddenly stopped crying but just for a moment.
- It's ok, Wookie. I'm here. Everything is all right. Don't cry anymore. I'm trully sorry. I won't yell at you ever again. You know it hurts. It hurts when I see you crying. I like the smiling Wookie. Don't let this big idiot make you cry, ok? 
  ~What? He called me Wookie? But why? Nobody called me like this so far.
Wookie started to calm down and fell asleep on Kyuhyun's chest. The boy's warm and liking hug make him feel safe. He softly and carefully caressed Ryeowook''s hair and cheeks. He kissed the smaller boy's head, said good night and fell asleep as well. The next morning Ryeowook woke up alone in the bed. However Yesung was there with him in the room and looked very sad when he saw his friends waking up. This meant that he has to explain his friend where is Kyuhyun . He knew that Wookie won't accept the fact that he went away.
- He didn't go away, right? *sob sob* Right? He will come back, right?
- I'm sorry, Ryeowook.
- No, no. NOOOO!!!


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ryeohaeme #1
Chapter 15: wow.... nice story! I like Maki. He's cute! but who's his real parents? and why they left him to KyuWook?
really glad that Kyu was safe, and they be together again, and finally happy ever after. ^^
I really want the sequel. but it's up to you. thank you for wrote this sweet story. ^^
wintertmm #2
Chapter 15: Just so sweet like maki alot
awesoMEdrano #3
Chapter 15: daebak! I cried at some parts.
Wugui06 #4
Chapter 14: Kyu appa loves wookie umma. As always.. maki is a clever boy.. heee..
Kyu. Dont die. Wookie n maki needs you.
I wonder where maki came from.
Hope kyu survive the operation to explain it.

Update soon.
Chapter 10: wow still cant believed wookie not trust kyu
Chapter 10: WHAT!!? I can't believe it~! :O
Chapter 9: Omo~! i hope that wookie will be fine