Jiyong Meets Grandma Lee

At A Crossroad

Taeil cried in Jiyong's arms for what seemed like years. He could only wonder how he would survive without his grandma. Jiyong just held his friend, wishing he could just find another way to comfort him more. Then Mrs. Lee came in, followed by Mr. Lee, and lastly, Taehyung. They all gathered around Taeil and held him, allowing him to cry as much as he needed to.

"I need to go see her," Taeil said when he finally calmed down. "I'll stay with her until the end."

"Should we go now?" Mrs. Lee suggested.

"Yes. Can Jiyong come too? If he wants to?"


After getting permission from his new parents, Jiyong went home to get ready for the mini-trip. When Taeil and his mother were ready, they went to go pick up Jiyong. Mrs. Lee and Jiyong would go home later that night, but Taeil would stay; he didn't know how until when.

"I can't wait til you meet her," Taeil said as they were passing houses and trees.

"I'm excited," Jiyong answered.

"What will you ask her?"

"I have so much to ask, but with her condition, I'll probably only ask one."

Taeil smiled weakly at him, sadness still apparent in his eyes. They talked the rest of the way over, and Taeil was thankful for his friend who always made him feel better.

When they finally arrived, Taeil rushed out the door, forgetting his bag, and went in. He immediately went to greet Grandma Lee.

"Hi grandma," Taeil said as he hugged her.

"Oh, Taeil. I'm so glad you came," Grandma Lee answered weakly.

Mrs. Lee and Jiyong appeared at the doorway and Grandma Lee motioned for them to come.

"Hi mom," Mrs. Lee greeted. "Taeil's going to stay with you until...well, you know..." She bowed her head, obviously holding back tears.

"He is? Oh  thank you Taeil," Grandma Lee took Taeil's hand and held it for a while.

"Oh, this is my friend, Jiyong," Taeil introduced the boy behind him.

"It's nice to meet you," Jiyong politely said.

"You too," Grandma Lee replied.

After all the introductions were made, Taeil, Jiyong and Grandma Lee started talking while Mrs. Lee made something to eat.

"I have a question," Jiyong quietly said.

"What is it?" Grandma Lee faced him.

"There's this...thing that I keep seeing when I wake up at night. It sits on my bed and it's all black."

"Before you go to bed, take a knife and lightly scratch the floor where it meets the wall. That thing won't be able to pass those lines you make."

"Okay, thank you so much, I'll make sure to do that."

After some more talking and questions, Mrs. Lee came and told them to go eat. Taeil stood up, but Jiyong said he would come in a bit. Taeil sat and waited for his friend. He waited for a long time. Finally, Taeil stood up and went towards his grandma's room. He glanced in and saw Jiyong and Grandma Lee maintaining eye contact, never blinking. It looked intense. Taeil went back to the hall and leaned against the wall when he finally heard them talk.

"Pissaanrilnga," Grandma Lee sternly said.

"Pinilliniuten," Jiyong answered.

Jiyong can talk to her?

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Chapter 10: OMO this story was so good. It truly made me think of the Navajo culture here... it was like going back and hearing the stories my friends would tell of Skinwalkers and Shaman. Freaky... and very well told. I love the last message from Grandma Lee, though. <3
Chapter 3: Is that word from your language? Itercessnga?
Chapter 2: And now I am even MORE creeped out and afraid to read the next chappie. *gulps* Here goes.. *clicks*
Chapter 1: Ah f.ck. Ouija Boards freak me out *shivers*
OMG ITS OVER!!!! O-O There should be a Sequel It was amazing OMG i want To read it again...Thats what im going to do Read it again.
Chapter 10: oH ma god! Nooooo why taeil!!!why gd???!!!
Chapter 9: datz sooo crepppy!!!!!!!!!!
Chapter 7: OMG OMG OMG! HE MET THE PARENTS!wait a sec...are they gay though????i am just woundering!
Chapter 6: aww soo sad!taeil was funny though...dont turn gay on me???what the hellXD..well this is kanda creepy!!i was like nooo!111the bird!it can't be!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!