
At A Crossroad

At night, most people would be nervous, but Taeil was used to fear. For example, he learned to be away from home when he had even an inkling his father was drinking or smoking weed. When he did, Taeil could see a black figure standing outside his door, but never showed his face. That figure held a chain that went through the door to what Taeil assumed was around his father. He told his mother and brother about it, but neither could see nor feel the figure.

That wasn't the only thing to fear, though. There was also the case of his dreams.

It wasn't that they were always nightmares, though he had plenty of those, it was more that they were weird.

One time, for instance, after his grandfather died, he dreamt that he went into Taehyung's, his brother, room with luggage. When he saw Taeil, he greeted him and said he's moving in to live with them. The day after, Taehyung was rocking in his chair and tapping his feet exactly the way their grandfather used to. He asked Taehyung why he did that and he just said he always does that, but Taeil had never seen him do that before. Taeil wondered what that meant, but he forgot about it soon after.

Then, there were the darker dreams. Taeil dreamt of things chasing him or attacking him more frequently than he liked. When he dreamt of animals, or even humans, attacking him, he would wake up with fresh cuts and wounds the exact places he got in his dreams. There would be nothing sharp enough to make those wounds lying around in his bed. His mother would ask what happened, but since she wouldn't believe him, he made some lame excuse and told her to forget about it.

Taeil wished they would just stop.

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Chapter 10: OMO this story was so good. It truly made me think of the Navajo culture here... it was like going back and hearing the stories my friends would tell of Skinwalkers and Shaman. Freaky... and very well told. I love the last message from Grandma Lee, though. <3
Chapter 3: Is that word from your language? Itercessnga?
Chapter 2: And now I am even MORE creeped out and afraid to read the next chappie. *gulps* Here goes.. *clicks*
Chapter 1: Ah f.ck. Ouija Boards freak me out *shivers*
OMG ITS OVER!!!! O-O There should be a Sequel It was amazing OMG i want To read it again...Thats what im going to do Read it again.
Chapter 10: oH ma god! Nooooo why taeil!!!why gd???!!!
Chapter 9: datz sooo crepppy!!!!!!!!!!
Chapter 7: OMG OMG OMG! HE MET THE PARENTS!wait a sec...are they gay though????i am just woundering!
Chapter 6: aww soo sad!taeil was funny though...dont turn gay on me???what the hellXD..well this is kanda creepy!!i was like nooo!111the bird!it can't be!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!