Jiyong Acting Weird

At A Crossroad

The night before Taeil and his mother returned home, Taeil dreamt of the bird again. It broke down the door and apprached him. A mask hid his face. Taeil could almost swear he had seen those eyes before. He remembered what his grandmother said and slapped the bird-man. It grew angry and walked closer to him. Taeil then imagined holding a knife and swung. He cut the bird's wing and left cheek. Its mask fell, but it hid its face and ran away.

"Kituuciitavnga?" the bird asked.

Taeil, once again, did not understand it.

When he woke up, he asked his grandmother about the word and she said it meant "Don't you know who I am?" That sent chills down Taeil's spine. He would tell Jiyong all about it.

Not long after Taeil arrived home, he called his friend, Jiyong.

"Hey Jiyong!! I have so much to tell you..."

"I can't come." Jiyong coldly stated.

"What? Why?"

"I'm sorry." Jiyong hung up after that.

"Guess I'll wait until school," Taeil sighed.

Monday finally arrived and Taeil had some hope of reaching Jiyong.

In their first class, Jiyong never turned to look at Taeil. He talked, but didn't make eye contact. Taeil had enough, so he grabbed his face and turned it. Jiyong eyes filled with fear and dread.

There on his left cheek was a scar from a recent cut. It seemed like it was from a knife. Taeil was shocked.

"What happened to you?" Taeil asked.

"I..uhm..." Jiyong couldn't say it.

"Did your foster parents do this?"

Jiyong looked away. He faced Taeil again with tears in his eyes. That was all it took for Taeil to understand.

"We should call the police," Taeil suggested.

"No!! Don't!!" Jiyong nearly shouted.


"I don't want to be sent away from you. You understand me."

"But...we can't just..."

"Please. I can't lose you, Taeil. I...love you."

"Don't turn gay on me, Jiyong."

"Ha!! You don't make me question my uality AT ALL. But I really do love you."

"And I, you. But still..."

"You're worth staying for."

With that, they kept quiet about the abuse, against Taeil's judgement.

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Chapter 10: OMO this story was so good. It truly made me think of the Navajo culture here... it was like going back and hearing the stories my friends would tell of Skinwalkers and Shaman. Freaky... and very well told. I love the last message from Grandma Lee, though. <3
Chapter 3: Is that word from your language? Itercessnga?
Chapter 2: And now I am even MORE creeped out and afraid to read the next chappie. *gulps* Here goes.. *clicks*
Chapter 1: Ah f.ck. Ouija Boards freak me out *shivers*
OMG ITS OVER!!!! O-O There should be a Sequel It was amazing OMG i want To read it again...Thats what im going to do Read it again.
Chapter 10: oH ma god! Nooooo why taeil!!!why gd???!!!
Chapter 9: datz sooo crepppy!!!!!!!!!!
Chapter 7: OMG OMG OMG! HE MET THE PARENTS!wait a sec...are they gay though????i am just woundering!
Chapter 6: aww soo sad!taeil was funny though...dont turn gay on me???what the hellXD..well this is kanda creepy!!i was like nooo!111the bird!it can't be!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!