
At A Crossroad

Taeil's dreams were getting worse. He would dream of Jiyong hiding, then jumping out as a beast, attacking Taeil. Scared he would hurt Jiyong, Taeil would force himself to awake without defending himself. It was then that he would see a figure running out of his room. And to make matters even worse, Grandma Lee never answered her phone anymore so he couldn't confide in her anymore. The bird, however, didn't make another appearance since that last time with the knife, so that was a relief. Taeil, however, was growing weary without his grandmother to talk to.

"Are you alright?" Jiyong asked at school.

"No," Taeil learned to be honest with Jiyong.

"What's going on?"

"I'm freakin' tired from all the nightmares and my grandma won't pick up her phone. I need to talk to her."

"You're having nightmares again?"

"Yeah. And you turn into some beast and attack me."

Jiyong shifted in his seat. "But I don't wake up with cuts. Do you not defend yourself?"

"I know it's you. I can't attack you back."

"Why is it me?"

"Ugh. One time my grandma said that evil spirits sometimes take the form of loved ones or people we know to try to mess us up."

"She must be really wise. I would like to meet her."

"Oh that's right, you haven't yet. If only she would answer...I would take you over right now hehe."

"And she would help me too..."

"You've been having trouble too?"

"I've just been seeing something by my bed. Staring at's really scary."

"My grandma would now just what to do." Taeil sighed and focused back on the teacher.

When Taeil finally went home after school, he noticed his father's car. Was he home already?

Taehyung saw him coming, so he ran to the door and embraced him the moment he opened the door. Taehyung had tears in his eyes.

"Hey Taeil," Mrs. Lee said. She too was teary-eyed.

"What's going on?" Taeil didn't really want to know.

His parents didn't want to say it either. They kept quiet for a while.

"Your grandma's dying," Mr. Lee finally broke the silence.

After that, Taeil didn't know what happened. If he cried, if he was angry, or even if he reacted at all.

He just knew he couldn't go on if Grandma Lee was gone.

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Chapter 10: OMO this story was so good. It truly made me think of the Navajo culture here... it was like going back and hearing the stories my friends would tell of Skinwalkers and Shaman. Freaky... and very well told. I love the last message from Grandma Lee, though. <3
Chapter 3: Is that word from your language? Itercessnga?
Chapter 2: And now I am even MORE creeped out and afraid to read the next chappie. *gulps* Here goes.. *clicks*
Chapter 1: Ah Ouija Boards freak me out *shivers*
OMG ITS OVER!!!! O-O There should be a Sequel It was amazing OMG i want To read it again...Thats what im going to do Read it again.
Chapter 10: oH ma god! Nooooo why taeil!!!why gd???!!!
Chapter 9: datz sooo crepppy!!!!!!!!!!
Chapter 7: OMG OMG OMG! HE MET THE PARENTS!wait a sec...are they gay though????i am just woundering!
Chapter 6: aww soo sad!taeil was funny though...dont turn gay on me???what the hellXD..well this is kanda creepy!!i was like nooo!111the bird!it can't be!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!