Chapter 6

Fate Tied Us Together

You faster rushed into your house and slammed the door close. *Aish! He saw it!!! So embarrasing! Stoopidddd dog!!!!* You looked up and saw ur mom gave you a weird look. "What happened? You look like someone just confessed to you." You touched your face and true enough your cheek is hot.

"Omma!!!!" You whined.

Your mom chuckled and went back to kitchen. You dragged yourself to your room and flopped down on the floor. Rested your back against the cabinet you suddenly thought to yourself. *That guy.. He actually looks cute.. wait WAIT WHAT AM I THINKING?!!!* You hitted your own head. "I guessed I should take a shower to clear my crazy mind.."

You took your towel and clothes and went into the bathroom. While you are bathing, suddenly your mind wandered back to that guy. *I wondered did he had a girlfriend? hehe..* You giggled and you shocked by your own thinking. "ARGHHHH!!! I'M CRAZY!!!* You shouted.

Your mom heard you and rushed to the bathroom. "Yah! Eun Mi, you okay?"

You heard your mom asking you. *Opps! I shouted too loud.* "Ne! I'm fine... Hahahaha.."

Your mom rolled her eyes and said before walking away , "I think you are really crazy."

"I think that too.. aish.." You mumbled to yourself.

While you bathing, you suddenly heard the main door slammed close. *That silly girl came back.*

"EUN MI-AH!!! WHERE ARE YOU?" HaeRin shouted all the way from the door.

Your mom came out from the kitchen and gave HaeRin a smile. "Oh HaeRin, you're back. Eun Mi is bathing."

"Ne eomonim. Ahh I see." HaeRin smiled back before saying, "Oh! I bought roasted sweet potato on the way back." She handed in to your mom.

After few minutes, you done with your shower and came out with towel wrapping your hair. "You want the whole neighbourhood to know you came back?" You chuckled at HaeRin.

"Hmm.. never thought of that.. hehe.." HaeRin sticked her tongue out.

You just shook your head at your friend and heard she asked. "Oh, i saw there's light at the house beside us. I thought no one stay there."

You startled and stared at her for a seconds before whispered "Yeah.. A guy just moved in just now." but loud enough for HaeRin to hear.

"Ohh I see.." HaeRin nodded her head but turned to you, "But why are you whispering? LOL. By the way did you saw him? Is he hot?" 

You get shocked by her question and think for a minute. *Well, yeah I think he look pretty hot and not to mention cute.* You realised what you are thinking and coughed "Erm, I think is normal. yeah normal!"

You mentally slapped yourself for keep thinking nonsense stuff.


Daehyun is resting on his bed. He is too tired to do anything after he had walked for miles this morning. He decided to unpack his stuff tomorrow morning and take a good sleep right now.

He tossed and tossed in the bed and he still can't sleep although he is really tired. He reached his phone at beside and press it to look at the time. "Ugh! I actually tossing around for 30 minutes." He groaned.

He sit up and rested his back against the bedrest. He glanced out the window and saw something tiny white falling down from the sky. "Oh! It is snowing?" He asked himself and went to open th window and it is indeed snowing. 

"Snow is always so beautiful." He whispered and his head rested in his hands propped on his elbow at the window.

His meeting with the beautiful girl suddenly crossed his mind. *She is so pretty and her skin is fair just like this white snow.* He put his hand out to catch the snowflakes.

"I wondered what is her name.." Daehyun dreamingly said and chuckled to himself.

He closed the window and went back to his bed. He fixed his pillows and hoped he can actually fall asleep now without tossing around as he is mentally tired and need enough rest.

Before he fall asleep, he mumbled. "I hope to see her tomorrow." 


The sun crept up the sky indicates a new day. Both Daehyun and Eun Mi woke up. Daehyun prepared himself and planned to find job to kill his time and earn some money. While for Eun Mi, is her daily routine. 

She would wake up and tried to wake HaeRin up and always get "Yaya! 5 more minutes." from her and prepared breakfast before off to work.

HaeRin gobbled down her breakfast and you stared at her. "Yah! you want choke to death?"

She just smiled at you. You rolled your eyes at her.

"Omma! She is crazy!" You said.

"I guessed you both are the same." Your mom bluntly said and shrugged.

Your gawked at your mom and heard HaeRin laughed loudly.

After finishing your breakfast, you and HaeRin prepared to go work since both of you had morning shift today as well.

"Bye omma!" "Bye eomonim!" Both of you said in unison.

"Come back safely ne! Bye." Your mom nodded.


Both of you and Daehyun come out from the house at the exact same time.

As is not coincidence enough, you and Daehyun stared at each other right after you came out from the house. The time seem to stop ticking when both of you started the staring game.

Not until someone called for you. "Eun Mi! He is that guy that just moved in yesterday?"

You get startled and breaked the stare. You turned to HaeRin and said, "Yeah.. Is him.."

HaeRin whispered but is loud enough for Daehyun "He is so cute.. OMG!"

Daehyun just smiled and greeted both of you with a bow. "Good morning. I just moved in here yesterday and my name is Daehyun. Jung Daehyun."

*Daehyun.. Daehyun* His name keep repeated itself in your brain.

You nodded to him and pulled HaeRin off but she is like glued to the fall and spoke to Daehyun. "Hey! Nice to meet you.. My name is HaeRin and this.. ohh ohh.."

"Kaja!!" You pulled her harder this time and luckily that you successfully take her away but she still managed to shout to Daehyun. "THIS GIRL HERE.. HER  NAME IS EUN MI.. ahhhhh.." She pointed to you and getting dragged away by you.

"So her name is Eun Mi.. a beauttiful name.." Daehyun smiled and took his leave as well.



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Chapter 13: let bigbang make an appearance!
Chapter 12: Woooohhh!!! Himchan came again!!!! XDXD Cant wait cant wait~
Chapter 11: Omg who's that..... O____O
This is soooo cuteeeee <3 Waiting for the update~ (guess who i am? XD)
BIT_joanne #6
Chapter 2: nt bad la for a new writer Haha
Chapter 2: i hope Mr.Han's daughter don't turn out to be a b***h