Chapter 11

Fate Tied Us Together

You sat near the window and gazed up to the tree outside your house. The chilly breeze swept in passed through you. Birds chirping up on the tree and you automatically smile on that beautiful scenes.

You found it relaxing and slowly closed your eyes to enjoy the breeze.

Not long after that, you heard your mom calling for you. "Eun Mi~ Can you go to the mini market and buy chilli sauce and milk? We've run out of it."

You slowly open your eyes and answered. "Ne omma"

Stand infront the mirror, you brush through your hair and tied it up into a messy bun. After done, you took your wallet and went out of the room.

"Omma! I'm going out now~" 

Your mom walked out from the kitchen and took out some cash. "Take this and safely come back."

"Nah! I got money. Keep it." You gently pushed it back to her. Beamed at her you leaved the house.

Once you are out from the house, you looked up the sky and the sun shoned brightly at you.

You blocked the sun rays using your hand and smiled. *Today gonna be a great day!*

Skipping happily, you went down the street and off to the nearest mini market.


Ding Dong~

The bell is heard when you entered the mini market.

"Welcome~" You was greeted by the worker standing at the counter. You smiled and take one of the basket located near the counter.

"Chilli sauce~ chilli sauce~" You tapped your chin with your finger and searched for it.

You continued walking without looking the way infront you and suddenly you was bumped into someone.

You looked up to say sorry but a familiar face greeted you.



Daehyun was shocked when he was bumped into someone while searching for things.

He looked up to that person to apologize but when he saw who he was bumped into, smile automatically plastered on his face.

"Oh is you! I'm sorry. I didnt see where I was going. haha" Daehyun apologized.

"I-Is o-okay." You mentally slapped yourself for stuttering. "I didn't see where I was going too." You shyly said and bit your lips.

*Is she always this cute?* Daehyun thought and smiled. "So~ what are you searching?"

"Oh! I'm finding for chilli sauce." You answered.

Without realising, you both walked together while searching for the things you both wanted to buy.

Awkward silence hang around the air between them. *This is more awkward than the first time we met* Daehyun thought.

He awkwardly cleared his throat and brainstorming for things to say. "Sooo.. did you stay here for a long time already?" He mentally face palmed for not be able to ask something better.

You looked up to him and smiled. "Ahh.. I came here not too long ago too."

You found the chilli sauce and went to take it. "Now left the milk." You mumbled.

"What about you? Are you new to here?" You asked.

"Not really. In fact this is my hometown actually."

"Omo! Jinjja? Here is your hometown?" You suddenly spoke in satoori accent. Realising it, you clasped your mouth with your hands.

"I like your satoori accent." Daehyun giggled.

You flushed pink and looked down.

Continued walking you spotted a cute mini rilakkuma waffle in a packet. You took it and mumbled. "HaeRin gonna love this!"

"You like rilakkuma?" Daehyun stood behind you and peered at the packet you holding.

You turned to him and the distance between both of you almost none. You again flushed pink and stumbled back few steps and stuttered. "N-no. My friend, HaeRin, she loves cute stuff."

Daehyun nodded with his lips form an 'o'. 


Both of you went to the counter with the stuff in the basket.

After done paying, two of you went out of the mini market. The sky look so dark like it going to rain soon.

"So sudden? Just now was so sunny." You pouted.

"Are you heading back now?" Daehyun asked.

"Yeap." You nodded.

"Then I guessed we have to walk faster. I think it gonna rain soon."

Both of you walk down the lane faster. Reached halfway, you heard a loud thunder and suddenly the rain poured. You shrieked and covered your head. "Omo! Is raining!!!"

Daehyun took your hand and ran faster. You felt your own heart pounding hard when his hand touches you.

He pulled you into a shop nearby for shelter. "Aww~ it rain so heavily." You fixed your fringe.

You turned to Daehyun when you felt he is nudging you. You saw he handing you his jacket and you saw him blushing. He coughed awkwardly behind his fist and pointed to your chest part then looked away.

You curiously looked down and gasped in horror. *Oh damn it! Why it had to rain when I'm wearing white colour clothes?*

You quickly took his jacket and wear it. "T-Thanks." You whispered but loud enough for him to heard.

Daehyun just nodded. "I don't think this rain gonna stop any sooner." He sighed.

"I should have brought an umbrella but who thought it will rain. The sun is so sunny." You huffed.

Suddenly a black car stopped infront you. You looked up and saw a tall and lean man get out of the car with an umbrella. 

He jogged to you. "Eun Mi! What are you doing here?"

"O-Oppa!" You looked at him and gasped.



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Chapter 13: let bigbang make an appearance!
Chapter 12: Woooohhh!!! Himchan came again!!!! XDXD Cant wait cant wait~
Chapter 11: Omg who's that..... O____O
This is soooo cuteeeee <3 Waiting for the update~ (guess who i am? XD)
BIT_joanne #6
Chapter 2: nt bad la for a new writer Haha
Chapter 2: i hope Mr.Han's daughter don't turn out to be a b***h