Chapter 10

Fate Tied Us Together

Clink Clank..

Clanging sound can be heard from the kitchen through the living room. "Yah! Hyung! You better don't ruin the kitchen I tell you!" Daehyun roared from the living room.

All of them is back from the outing and is now resting in Daehyun's house but Himchan just can't sit still and said he wanted to make dessert for them. He always love to do this type of stuff. He isn't called the omma of the group for nothing.

"Seriously, when did he even bought those ingredients to make the dessert?" Daehyun curiously asked.

"I know right! I bet Himchan hyung got magic.. keke.." Zelo cutely said.

The booming voice from Himchan stopped them from continue talking. "MY LOVING PATBINGSU IS DONE!"

Everyone glanced at him and walked over to where the yummy looking dessert was. All of them knew Himchan is great in making dessert so they expected more and amazingly Himchan always reached their standard with his awesome skill.

"Wahhh... patbingsu!" Zelo said while his lips.

"This is why I love you hyung."

"Dessert! Dessert!"

Himchan proudly smiled at their reactions. "I can confirm this is super yummy although it look like normal patbingsu out there."

"Better be.." Youngjae teasingly said.

They took their patbingsu and stared at it for a moment before they eat it. Their eyes got wider when the yummy shaved ice touched their tongue. As if they didn't eat patbingsu for years, they continued gobbled down the delicious patbingsu.


*just imagined this is the patbingsu himchan made.. LOL*

"Hyung!!! How you.. wait I mean what did you add? This is freaking delicious! No joke!" Daehyun asked.

"Secret! haha" Himchan winked.

"Seriously?" Youngjae said with a you-must-be-kidding look.


After that yummy treat from Himchan, all of them went to the living room to watch some show and chat all the way like they usually did. The time flies without they realising and is already 10pm.

"Himchan, bring the kids back. They got school tomorrow." Yongguk said and gestured to Jongup and Zelo.

"Aww hyung, I want to stay here too! Can't we just skip school?" Zelo whined.

"Me too.." Jongup nodded.

"No." Yongguk said.

"Yongguk hyungggggg~~" Zelo whined again.

"I said no plus is dangerous for Himchan to drive back alone at the night."

"Hey thanks for making me seem like a useless guy that can't drive alone at the night." Himchan spoke and get a stern glare from Yongguk.

"Ok ok ok.. lets go yo kids!" Himchan cheerfully said and take his car key.

Jongup and Zelo trailed behind him with a sulk face plastered on their face.

Yongguk ruffled Zelo's hair with a father smile before they go. Amazingly it somehow made Zelo smile. "I will come back! haha."

"Oh bye Daehyun and Youngjae hyung~~" Zelo bid goodbye to them.

Yongguk closed the door before went back to them after he saw Himchan drove off. He has a serious look on his face.

"Dae~ I think you should at least call your mom. She is worry sick about you eventhough we tell her you are fine." Yongguk spoke.

Daehyun seem to think for a moment. "I scared it will be worst if I phone back."

They seem to understand what he meant. Youngjae suddenly questioned. "So whats your plan to save the company. Is not a small sum ya know."

"I p-planed to sell off that villa." Daehyun said and earned a gasp from his two buddies.

"But that villa.." Yongguk trailed off.

"I've no choice and I think she would have ask me to do that too if she was here." Daehyun muttered sadly.

Yongguk and Youngjae stared at each other before nodded their head. "If you say so. But if is still not enough, we are more than willing to cover it up for you." Yongguk said.

"Himchan even said he will sell his cafe to help you. ha ha ha." Youngjae awkwardly laughed and hope it at least lighten the mood when he saw Daehyun's sad face.

Luckily it worked. Daehyun smiled. "Cmon. that cafe meant so much to him. haha. But thanks so much guys!"

*So does that villa. I know it is precious to you too.* Yongguk thought but just smiled.

Author Note :

Ok.. I know this update is short but I'm really sorry.

School is starting soon in like OMG 5 more days but I havent finish my essay! T.T

But anyhow I hope you guys enjoy this chap and hmm I wonder whats with that villa. LOL

Ciao! C:




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Chapter 13: let bigbang make an appearance!
Chapter 12: Woooohhh!!! Himchan came again!!!! XDXD Cant wait cant wait~
Chapter 11: Omg who's that..... O____O
This is soooo cuteeeee <3 Waiting for the update~ (guess who i am? XD)
BIT_joanne #6
Chapter 2: nt bad la for a new writer Haha
Chapter 2: i hope Mr.Han's daughter don't turn out to be a b***h