Hate U Love U



It’s was almost 3 in the morning when they arrived at the campsite,the director of the campsite welcomed the Assitant Director and the teacher.

“Hey, Erin wake up where here” Laica shaking Erin’s shoulder lightly Erin mourned “ hmmmm “ then she slowly open her eyes “ where are we?” as she mumble her eyes “ where here already come on” Laica said then stand up but Erin stop her hands “ wait..don’t you think we should wake them up now?” then looked at Siwon and Yoona then Heechul and Jessica and Kris and Seohyun who were still sleeping “ are you crazy?!let them be..” slightly giggle “ let them savor the moment.. when they wake up I’m sure they’ll back for being cats and dogs again?” “hehe..yeah you’re right come on!” then they got off from the bus. Everyone look so excited when they got up from the bus then a loud scream was heard “AAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH!” the Teacher went to one of the buses,where the couples are in “hey!what’s with the screaming ladies?” Mr. Salvador asked then the couples woke up

(-.-)… (‘o’)…(O.o)…(O.O!) they all have the same faces when they knew they were sleeping with their heads together they immediately separate and then hurriedly when out of the bus they bow their heads lightly as they pass the teachers the fan girls were frozen from where they stand. “aish I thought something serious happen..come on girls let’s avoid overacting much ok?” then Mr. Salvador left them. Megan turn to where they are heading her face saying that she’s not happy of what it going on..”Megan..this can’t be..tell us it’s not happening..” “ it’s not, and I can’t let it happen one way of the other, Prince Heechul is mine.. I guess I should teach those girls some lesson.” Megan said as she clutches her hand into fist.

“ok! ATTENTION Everyone” called the Assistant Director “ ok before heading to your respected rooms, first we have to confiscate any gadgets with you alright?and this kind old man here is Mr. Santiago his the Director of this campsite he’ll explain to you some rules here so listen well and keep them in mind ok?” the students answered then AD gave him the megaphone. “ ok, Good morning everyone, I’m Enrico Santiago but everyone calls me MANG RICO (it’s like Agusshi in Korea)  there are only are only 3 rules to remember her first don’t loitering , there are trash bins everywhere so don’t throw your garbage anywhere ok? Second, curfew is at 12 am, or you’ll be doing the dishes your entire stay here at the camp, and third don’t go wondering on the woods alone ok? 2 or 3 people are allowed, so this are just simple rules and I believe they are not hard to follow, that’s all and enjoy with your stay.” Then he gave the megaphone back to AD “ ok, I know you want to rest now but first you have to surrender your gadgets on that meeting hall over there chose the people you want to share the cottage with and give it to the teachers so they’ll have a record, ok?” everyone answered “ today’s activity will start 9 am in the morning so by 8 I am expecting everyone is awake  breakfast is serve in a buffet style so eat as much as you can because you’ll need strength in every activites here ok? so off you go now!” everyone went to the meeting hall for their cottage no. of course Siwon, Heechul and Kris are in the same cottage and so as the cousins. After they have surrendered their gadgets they all went to see their cottage “ ok cottage no. 8….” Yoona was checking on the numbers that was painted on the center porch of every cottages “ ah! Unnie there it is “ said Seohyun and run towards the cottage “ wahhh!!! Pretty! I’ll take the bed near the window!”said Seohyun then went towards the bed “ I’ll take the side bed” said Jessica “ I guess I have the middle bed then” said Yoona, they all put their bags on the cabinets “ unnie I’ll wash up first “ said Seohyun  the cottage was cozy and it has own bathroom so it’s convenient after they all wash up and into their pajamas they all went to bed.

The 3 Prince got cottage no. 18, Kris got the upper bed and Siwon got the lower Heechul is in the solo bed near the window. “ hey, Kris may I ask,what’s going on between you and Seohyu huh?” Kris who is lying on the bed spacing out was thinking exactly what Heechul said even him is getting hard time figuring what’s going on between him and her, it’s not like he have a special feeling towards Seohyun or anything “ hyung, we’re not girls to talk such things” he said Heechul who is too lying suddenly sit in the center of the bed “ow come on Kris I saw what you did in the bus..” Kris suddenly got up and look to him eyebrows are meeting “ what do you mean?”   Heechul gave him a meaningful grim “ hmm I don’t know tell me was it like this?” then he begun touching his face  then Siwon throw a pillow to him “ stop that!””yah! it’s scary “ Kris throw him a pillow too “ hahah! So tell me..come on..” “how about you tell us what happen to you and Jessica , you two almost kiss at each other “ (O.O) Heechul stop laughing “ wait a second you saw that!” then he point a finger to him this time it was Kris time to grim at him meaningfully “ aish..this punk, it’s normal we’re couples” he said lifted his chin a little “ but she refuse to be your girl how is that, the great Casanova can’t melt the heart of one fair maiden” Kris added “ fair maiden? Huh more like a witch in disguise, that girls heart is cold as ice.” “so The great Heechul is afraid of one girl?” this time Siwon joined them “ huh! me? me? Kim Heechul is afraid of that girl? Hahah no way, just you wait that coldhearted maiden will fall in my hands..” “there he go again..Hyung you should really stop’re asking for trouble you know.” Kris warned him “ no, this is a challenge on my charm” then he touch his face again Siwon shooks his head “ suit yourself you’re asking for it” SIwon said as he lay to his bed “ yah! Do you doubt me? ok let’s have a bet then “ “ talk to yourself..” Siwon said as he got up and took the pillow he throws at Heechul. “ yah! Tell me Siwon aren’t you and Yoona are a couple? I saw that you let her seat next to the window, you never show your gentleman side to anyone especially to ladies.hmmm” Heechul looked at him “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”  It’s the only reply that he get form Siwon “ ow come on! You’re telling me that Jessica won’t fall for me..” “RIGHT!” Kris and Siwon said in unison “wow thanks” Heechul said sarcastically “ fine I’ll bet on my ahmmm” “ your Samsung Galaxy Camera is fine” Kris said “ WHAT?!” then he look at them “ ok fine..” he just bought that one so that made him to take the challenge seriously. “that’s now it, how about the loser will buy one Samsung Galaxy Camera each of the winner how is that?” “fine!” Heechul agreed immediately.” “ come on let’s sleep “  they all lay back to their bed Siwon got up to close the light.

Yoona woke up  it was a bit cold because of the morning dews Yoona grab her jacket and went outside she quietly closed the door so she won’t wake up Jessica and Seohyun . “ ahh! “ Yoona stretch her body  then feel the cool wind in her face the sun it’s nearly dawn so the sky is slightly lightened by the coming sun Yoona went back inside again and took the camera on her bag, she took some pictures of the cottages and some scenery, Yoona walk around she saw that the campsite staff are preparing the breakfast some of them warmly greet her as they pass her by and she replied with bright smile. Then few minutes later some of the teachers and students woke up too, they all headed to the dining hall for breakfast,Yoona fix herself a cup of coffee and went to the table near the open window at the corner of the dining area where she could see the sun as it breaks through the mountains. Yoona savory the moment she rest her heads in the wooden wall of the cafeteria then again sleep came to her it’s because she had a light sleep.

Siwon decided to get out of bed, he was already awake but refuse to get out of bed when he heard the chicken called for the morning, he change his clothes then went out he stretch his body and his muscles flex the girls who saw him looked at him with candy eye. He walk around and towards the dining area, he never to failed to be notice by girls but one thing caught his attention it was a girl on the end corner of the area who fell asleep as morning ray kissed her beautiful face, when he was about to step towards her Megan suddenly puff out in front of him “ Good morning Prince..” she greeted him with wide smile on her face, but he only look at her.” why not have breakfast with us, some sit at our table” she invited him then hold his hand Siwon look at her intently and then look at her hand  Megan saw that sudden change on his face and let go of his hand “ ah ahmm I’m sorry..” she stammer, then Siwon passed her and walk towards the counter and made 2 cup s of coffee then went to where Yoona is sitting. Megan saw that and that made her even mad. “ Yoona…..” she said with bitter voice.

Yoona woke up when she felt her head was about to fall, then she notice a that she is not alone she look at the person sitting in front of her and then her system went fully awake it was Siwon. “ Siwon-shi” Yoona started talkin to him in Korean  and Siwon too answered her in the same language “ here” then he place another cup of hot coffee next to the one she had that went cold because she forgot about it “ no need I have nice “ she was about ot crab the cup but Siwon took it, “ it’s already cold just drink that one “ Yoona looked at him I guess morning breeze is good to him after all his staring to be human she looked at him curiously “ don’t worry I didn’t put anything into it beside coffee, creamer and sugar “ he said with taking his eyes from the scenery infornt of them “ hehe, thank you” Yoona took the cup and take a sip  I take it back his not human she was looking at the scenery in front of her too .

Siwon could see Yoona from the corners of his eyes, when she’s not looking he looked at her what’s with her that I’m so curious about? He thought while looking at her he diverted his eyes when she looks back at him. For a short time they were like that savoring the moment of the morning scene.






hi guys!!!


i bet some of you will be receiving Roses!

and will have dates!

i'm so jealous 

well anyway.. i'll be off for a while to celebrate my special day of the year it's not the hearts Byebye for now..

ENJOY guys!






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sonemanu #1
Chapter 32: I seriously enjoy this fanfic. like seriously serious.... hope for more updates. son lol... kekeee and (0.0)(o.0) these tooooo
ElizabethCruz #2
Thank you very much for such a great fiction please update soon thanks
Heesica fan
........ ().. ()...
..... (")(=^_^=)(")..
Chapter 1: update soon please
Lament #4
Thanks guys...haha but becoz there are so many groups covering EXO chances of us to make it is really low so we all decided to cover SUPER JUNIOR! hahahha yes!!! i didn't got Luhan's part before but i got Kyuhyun's part to cover!!wooohh!haha
seoboycouple #5
Chapter 30: OMG good luck with ur cover <3 take ur time :)
Chapter 30: OMG! Are you referring to the kpop cosplay in sm megamall??? DAEBAK!!! :)
Chapter 30: seohyuuuuunnn. ... hideee~~!!
Chapter 24: 캬아아...!! 우리 렠시 형...!! ♡♡♡
soneseomates #9
Chapter 28: Thanks for the update!!!
Chapter 28: Update please I'm curious about the next chapter.