Chapter 14

True Love (You're Beautiful FanFic)


Phew! It's been awhile. Sorry! It's been a hectic week for me and it's going to get even more crazy after labor day. :s But anyways, I managed to find time to sit and type, thus this update. I am not sure in the future..but I WILL try.

I really felt guilty making you guys wait.

So I am done talking. Please enjoy.

Chapter 14

Shin-Woo's Point of View

Her words weren't for me. They were for Tae-Kyung.

My heart crumbled.

She only agreed to marry me for Tae-Kyung's sake. She never loved me. Why did I push her this far?

I held her in my arms. She was sleeping.

Even when you're drunk, you only see Tae-Kyung.

I sighed sadly and picked her up.

Can't leave her here.

I left her sleeping in her bed. I closed her door softly and turned around to go into mine. Without thinking my eyes flickered to Tae-Kyung's closed door.

If only you knew how important you are to her.

Hwang Tae-Kyung's Point of View

Dawn came slowly. I haven't slept a wink. I didn't move. I felt nothing. Tears refused to shed. I am a hopeless fool. Doors opened but no one spoke, there was no noise. I decided to go out and get a bottle of water. I opened my door and stepped out. At the same time, Mi Nyu opened her door. She was startled. "H-Hyung-nim," she said.

Her eyes were red and tired.

Probably stayed up all night hugging Shin-Woo.

I scowled and walked past her. "Hyung-nim," she called after me.

I ignored her as I made my way to the kitchen. Jeremy and Go Mi Nam were sitting at the table. They stared at me when I walked in, but I ignored them as well. I took a bottle and went back up to my room without a word. I angrily drank my water.

After everything that happened yesterday, all she can say is 'Hyung-nim'? How stupid.

An ear-splitting awoken me from my light slumber, followed by two voices screaming. "Mi Nyu! Mi Nyu! Are you okay? Does it hurt?" their voices muffled.

Without a second thought, I ran downstairs. In the midst of confusion and worry, they all noticed me. Mi Nam was holding his sister's hand gently while Jeremy stood there with a panicked expression. Shards of broken porcelain and glass scattered the floor. "What happened?" I asked, frantically. I eyed Mi Nyu's hand. It was swollen and bright red.

I didn't wait to hear them answer. I took Mi Nyu quickly and held her hand in the sink, running cold water down on it. "How can you be so careless and stupid?" I mumbled. She stayed quiet, wincing slightly at the pain.

"Mi Nam, go grab the medicine box. Jeremy, go put some ice in a bag," I ordered them while carefully drying her hand. They nodded and scattered to retrieve the items.

Why did I act so impulsively?

They came back and shoved the items in front of my face, still looking concerned. "She's not going to die, it's just a minor burn," I glared at them.

"Hyung! Hurry and heal Mi Nyu!" Jeremy cried.

I forced her to sit down on a chair. "Put the ice bag on her hand for five minutes and after, bandage it up," I said with a scowl. I walked out the room.

"Hyung-nim! Wait!" she called after me.

I went outside and immediately the sun shined on my face. I glared at the sky.

Stupid girl. Making me rush to her side without thinking it through.

"Hyung-nim!" she called from behind me as I approached the swing in the front yard. She ran to me clumsily.

"What do you want?" I angrily asked.

"Hyung-nim, I can explain. Please listen to me," she begged me with her brown eyes.

"I don't want to hear it," I grumbled.

Because I've heard enough.

"Hyung-nim, I-"

I cut her off shortly. "I don't care what you do anymore, Mi Nyu. Do whatever you like." I gave her a sarcastic smile and turned around around so she wouldn't see my pained eyes.

"Hyung-nim," she whispered. Her hands grabbed my shoulder. I shrugged them off. "Hyung-nim, I am sorry to have caused you pain, but I love-"

"I know already. I know that you love him," I cut her off again. "You can go marry him. I don't care."

"Hyung-nim! It's not like that!" she raised her voice.

"Oh, it isn't? Then what is it like? To fool me into thinking you loved me but then going off and marrying another man? What is like, Mi Nyu?" I yelled back reflexively.

"You know it's not like that, Hyung-nim!" she shouted.

"No, Mi Nyu. No, I don't know! And I don't care enough to find out!" I exclaimed.

I turned away from her and started to walk away. She grabbed my hand. "Hyung-nim, wait! Just let me explain," she pleaded.

I shook her hand off from mine. "I don't need an explanation! As far as I can tell, we're over. We were through through the second you say 'yes' to him. We're done," I barked.

She fell down on her knees, my heart ached. I pried my eyes off of her and marched away. I pushed aside Jeremy and Go Mi Nam, who were just about to come outside. I went into my room and slammed the door shut.

She didn't even get up and try to stop me..

Go Mi Nam's Point of View

My idiot sister ran after Tae-Kyung even though her hand was burned. Jeremy called after her as she rushed outside. I held him back. "Let them talk about the marriage thing first," I said.

Jeremy looked at me as if I was crazy. "But Hyung is very irritated," he lowered his voice, "...she might not survive."

He has a point there.

"They'll be right outside anyways. So if we hear yelling then we can intervene quickly," I said in an uncertain voice.

He held up the ice bag. "What about her wound?" Jeremy asked, concerned.

"We'll treat it after. But do you think Tae-Kyung will allow the marriage to go on?" I questioned.

"If Hyung is this mad, I don't think he approves," Jeremy sad softly.

"Well, no duh, I am asking will he move on and let her marry Shin-Woo?"

"Mi Nyu is his first love, I don't think he'll get over her before the wedding."

Although I didn't care much about Tae-Kyung, I couldn't help but feel sorry for him.

"Aish, why did Shin-Woo have to do this? And to have the wedding in two weeks? This is so cruel to Tae-Kyung," I said.

"Mi Nyu didn't have to say yes. I wonder why she did," he contemplated.

Suddenly we hear Tae-Kyung's voice erupt even when we're in the kitchen and he's outside. "I don't need an explanation! As far as I can tell, we're over. We were through through the second you say 'yes' to him. We're done."

"Let's go," I urged.

We ran towards the door. Tae-Kyung yanked the door opened before we could. He pushed both of us out of the way and stormed off to his room. We flinched as we heard his door slam. We spotted Mi Nyu on her knees and covering with her hand. "Mi Nyu!" Jeremy shouted.

"Mi Nyu, are you okay?" I asked, placing my hand lightly on her shoulder.

How stupid of me to let her talk to him alone.

The pity I felt for him was replaced with anger.

"That jerk! I am going to kill him!" I kicked the ground.

"Mi Nam, shut up and help me bring her in. We still need to wrap her hand," Jeremy said calmly.

I took a few breathes and helped Jeremy move her. Tears were flowing out from her eyes nonstop.

"Mi Nyu, please stop crying! We're running out of tissues," Jeremy pleaded.

She sobbed. ""

After her hand was cleaned and bandaged, I dragged Jeremy into a different room. "What?" he asked, annoyed.

"We have to talk to Tae-Kyung and Mi Nyu, now," I whispered.

"Okay, fine. You talk to Tae-Kyung and I'll go chat with Mi Nyu," he said.

"Sorry but I don't want to my funeral on the same day as Mi Nyu's wedding," I objected. "Plus you know Tae-Kyung better than I do. You'll survive."

Jeremy pouted. "That's not fair!"

"Yeah, life isn't fair," I said.

"Wait. Rock, paper, scissors to see who gets to talk to Mi Nyu," said Jeremy.

"This is pointless. I've been the rock, paper, scissors champion for years. I've never lost and I am not planning to lose to you," I folded my arms.

"Bring it!" he declared.

We got into battle position, "Rock. Paper. Scissors!" we shouted at the same time.

I stuck a fist out while Jeremy had his palm facing up. "What! Unbelievable! Two out of three?" I suggested.

"No, I'd still win. I am going to talk to Mi Nyu now," he smiled and left.

I gulped.

He wouldn't go that far as to kill me right?

Before I could knock on his door, he opened it. He was surprised to see me standing in front of him. "Where are you going?" I asked as I eyed his clothes. He looked like he was prepared to go somewhere.

"I don't have to answer to you," he scowled.

"Wait, let's have a talk," I insisted.

"Talk to yourself," he muttered, pushing be out of his way.

I grabbed his elbow. "Seriously, we need to talk," I frowned.

"Tch," he shook my hand off and walked away.

I ran up to him. "Let's go get some beer in our system then we'll talk."

"Go Mi Nam," he stared intently into my eyes, "who do you think you are?"

I returned the gaze. "I am Mi Nyu's brother."

He looked away. "She's nothing to me now," he said in a detached voice.

My eyes narrowed. "Liar. Come on, I know a place."

He rolled his eyes and walked ahead of me.

Jeremy and Mi Nyu were no where in sight. Tae-Kyung took notice of their absence as well. "Where did Sang-Hee go?" he roughly said.

I knew he was really asking about Shin-Woo and used Sang-Hee as a cover up. "Shin-Woo and Mother are ordering the food for the wedding and Sang-Hee wanted to go along because she wanted to learn the basics so she could plan her wedding with you better," I said bitterly.

He scoffed. "Tch. What wedding?" he muttered.

We arrived at the bar in the late afternoon. He got out of my car and looked around with a scowl. "This is the place?" he mocked.

"Don't hate," I mumbled as I got out too.

We took a seat at the back of the bar. The lights were off except for the stage lights. A girl was singing a sad love song. I ordered the drinks for both of us. We didn't talk until we had a few. He kept his bored eyes on the singer the whole time. "Tae-Kyung," breaking the silence, "you're really going to accept this?"

He looked straight ahead. "I told you, she's nothing to me," he said in an empty voice.

I got angry pretty quick. "Don't bull me, Tae-Kyung."

He looked at me with cold eyes. "Why do you care about my love life."

"If it has something to do with my sister, of course I would care," I replied fiercely.

He drank took a shot and set it down on the table with force. "I thought you were rooting for Shin-Woo. So why are you trying to consult me?"

"I am not doing this for you, stupid. I am just really pissed at how you treated my sister earlier," I glared at him.

"Tch. Have you noticed how unfair she is to me?" he mumbled and took another shot.

"Tae-Kyung, I am going to ask you for the last time and when I say it's the last time, I really mean it's the last time. Are you going to give up on her?"

He kept his heartless eyes ahead. "I am nothing to her," he mumbled. He took two shots at the same time and set it down.

He turned to face me. "You're not drinking?"

"No, I have to drive your drunk home," I said coldly.

Stupid fool. You're letting her go just like that?

"Well you have two weeks before the marriage to get her back," I said.

He didn't flinch. Instead he stiffened and drank more. "Don't want to," he whispered.

Hwang Tae-Kyung's Point of View

I finally realized that I am not her perfect love. Shin-Woo is. It's time to let her find her own happiness even if I suffer. I am nothing to her. I was just a person who she used to pass the time with. Now that she has found her perfect match made in heaven, I can leave. But will I leave?

The beer was able to numb my pained mind. I drunkenly stared at Mi Nam. He was annoyed. I saw his mouth moving but the words he said were incomprehensible.

I am nothing to her. I am nothing to her. I am nothing, nothing, nothing.

I faintly felt Mi Nam hand grabbing me by the elbow. "'re...runk," I managed to hear.

Go Mi Nam's Point of View

Oh . It's almost midnight. How long have we been here? Six hours?

I dozed off after awhile.

And he's still drinking?

I grabbed his arm. "That's is enough, Tae-Kyung. You're too danm drunk."

I threw him in the car and started the car. He mumbled some random words. "Why did you drink so much you idiot?" I scolded him.

He laughed. "Nothing."

Wow. He's insane.

Jeremy's Point of View

Ha! That Go Mi Nam thinks he can beat me at a child's game.

Mi Nyu had her head down on the table. I grabbed a napkin and gently wiped her tears. "Mi Nyu, let's go somewhere fun!" I whispered in an excited voice.

"Jeremy, Hyung-nim is upset," she said.

"He always is. It's not your fault. Let's go?" I urged.

She thought about it and nodded. I grinned. I took her arm and dragged her outside. "We should go to an amusement park!"

"You don't have a car Jeremy," she said gloomily.

"We don't need it. The bus will do," I cheered, counteracting her depression.

We took a bus that stopped at the amusement park. It was crowded, there wasn't a place to sit so we were forced to stand. Mi Nyu kept losing balance when the bus started moving. I was holding the last handle on the bus. "Mi Nyu, grab onto my arm," I offered her.

She held the arm that was holding the bar tightly.

I don' t think it's the right time to ask her about the marriage...or should I even ask her about it?

I glanced down at her. She was still lamenting and apathetic.

I guess it's best not to mention it to her for now. I will make it my top priority to cheer her up! Even if it's a little.

The bus stopped at our destination and Mi Nyu didn't notice. "It's time for us to get off, Go Mi Nyu."

She let go of my arm and we got off. Cheers of excitement from little children surrounded us. We heard the roar of the distant roller coasters. "Wait here, I am going to buy us tickets!" I grinned widely.

She despondently sat down on an empty bench. I looked at her again before rushing off to buy a ticket.

I've never seen her so bummed before. I must make her happy.

I bought the tickets and ran back to her. She was still sitting in the same exact position when I left. I wore a smile. "I got the tickets."

She didn't look up. I tapped on her shoulder. "Go Mi Nyu..."

She jumped a little. "Huh?"

"I said I got the tickets," I repeated.

"Oh. Okay, Jeremy," she smiled a little. It seemed forced.

"Which one do you want to go on first?" I asked her, looking at the complicated theme park map.

"I don't know, Jeremy. Anyone is fine with me," she said.

"Okay. Let's go to the scary ones first," I declared.

"Oh, man. No wonder they called it The Murderer! That ride was super crazy. It almost killed me!" a kid said to his friend.

"I know! I think I died like seven times on that thing!" his friend added.

"Ooh, let's go on The Murderer, Mi Nyu!" I said.

She nodded.

I am bound to get some a reaction if we go on it. I am sick of seeing her sad and emotionless looks.

As we got closer to boarding the coaster, I felt edgy. "I am nervous! Aren't you?"

"Mhmm. I am too," she said with another unwilling smile.

It started going up the railings and I could feel the tension rising. The first drop was huge. I screamed and took notice that Mi Nyu was screaming too. I smiled and screamed more. At last and final drop of The Murderer made me laugh crazily and Mi Nyu joined in. We were still laughing as we got off. "That was too fun!" I wiped my tears.

"Yes, it was," she agreed.

We looked at the photo they took while we were on the ride. "Jeremy, you look like a fish," she laughed and proceeded to imitate one.

"You look like a bear! Look at your teeth! They're screaming 'Rawr!' it's so frightening!" I teased. "Shall we buy it?" I asked smiling.

She nodded and laughed. "Yes, that would be funny to show to Shin-Woo Hyung."

My smile dropped a little. "Ah, yeah. Shin-Woo Hyung. It would be funny."

Does she really care about him more than Tae-Kyung Hyung? Ah whatever. It's not my goal to find out.

"Mi Nyu! Let's try some of the cotton candy they have here!" I bought a strawberry flavored one for her and a blueberry one for me.

We ate them happily and picked out the next ride. The day ended too fast and we were too tired to laugh. We took the next bus home but this time we had seats. "Jeremy, thank-you for making me feel better today," she said.

"You're welcome," I whispered. "Mi Nyu, if there's ever a problem or something that upsets you, you know who to look for."

She glanced at me and I pointed at myself and smiled. She nodded and didn't say anything else.

"Mi Nyu, it doesn't matter to me who you choose, whether it's Shin-Woo Hyung or Tae-Kyung Hyung, I'll support you as long as either one of them can make you happy," I added.

Her eyes started to water. "Thank-you Jeremy."

I pouted. "Mi Nyu, you know how much I hate crying."

She laughed half halfheartedly and wiped her tears. "I am sorry."

My phone rang. "Hello?"

"How come no one is home? Where are you guys?" Shin-Woo asked.

"Oh..I am with Mi Nyu. We will be returning shortly. I don't know where Hyung and Mi Nam is," I replied.

"Where did you take her?" he asked.

"We went to the amusement park," I answered.


"She was sad so I thought it would cheer her up a bit."

"And how did that turn out?"

I smiled. "It worked."

"That's good. Are you taking the bus home?" he asked.


"Okay. I am going to pick you up at the bus stop so you don't have to walk home."

I glanced at Mi Nyu. She was sleeping soundly next to me. "Okay." I hung up.

Mi Nam and Hyung aren't back home yet?

I checked my watch. It was almost eleven.

What on Earth are they doing?

We descended from the bus and sure enough Shin-Woo was out there waiting for us. He was leaning on his car with his hands folded. He smiled and walked up to us as I helped the struggling Mi Nyu off the bus. "Shin-Woo Hyung," Mi Nyu said, surprised.

"You must be tired. Let's go home," he said, tilting his head to his car. He took Mi Nyu's other hand and helped her. She sat in the front seat while I took a seat in the back.

"Have you waited long Shin-Woo Hyung?" I asked.

"Not really," he replied coolly.

"Is Mi Nam and Hyung home yet?" I asked, concerned.

"No, I tried calling but no one picked up," he said. "When we get home, go to sleep immediately."


"We all need to test out the tuxedos that my mother bought and Mi Nyu has to try on her wedding dress," he grinned.

They really are going to get married.

I couldn't see Mi Nyu's face since she was staring outside the the window but it looked like she had a determined expression.

Poor Hyung...

Go Mi Nam's Point of View

From the corner of my eyes I saw Tae-Kyung heaving. "Ah, . You better not barf in my car," I muttered. I made an abrupt turn and parked at the side of the road. I got out quickly and dragged the wasted fool out of my car.

"Throw up out here," I ordered.

He clung onto the railings and threw up.

to be the guy below.

When he was done, he slumped down. "Mi Nam...I am make her...happy," he said. He passed out.

Does that mean he's going to fight for her?

I kicked him a little. "Ya, get up," I commanded.

He groaned and rolled over. "Ya! I said get in the car," I repeated.

He stopped moving. I sighed and lifted him back in. I arrived at the house. He was still out. I cursed. "Tae-Kyung, wake up," I shook him.

He grunted. ""

I took him out and wrapped one of his arms around my neck. "You're so stupid. Why did you have to drink so much?"

I rang the door bell and Shin-Woo opened the door. His eyes widened. "What happened to him?"

"He got his drunk. It was partly my fault for not stopping him. Hey, help me move him to his room will ya?" I asked.

Shin-Woo carried his other side and together we managed to take him upstairs to his room. Mi Nyu appeared. "Hyung-nim!" she cried.

I stopped her from going to his bed. "Stop it, Mi Nyu."

"Oppa...what happened?" she asked, truly concerned about his welfare.

"It's nothing to stress about. He's just drunk. He'll have one hell of a hang over tomorrow. Just let him rest," I said calmly.

"Mi Nyu, Why are you still awake? You have to get some sleep or you'll get bags under your eyes on your wedding day and we wouldn't want that," said Shin-Woo.

She nodded and stole another glance at the sleeping Tae-Kyung before leaving.

I waited for her to close her door before turning around and grabbing Shin-Woo by the arm. "Look, if she really does love you, then fine, have the wedding. But I don't like it when you force her to do things when she doesn't want to."

"She said 'yes' to me. Doesn't that prove anything? And Tae-Kyung looked like he finally accepted the fact," he calmly said.

"Does that LOOK like he agreed?" I pointed my finger at the drunk.

"Either way he has to accept it. Life isn't fair," he said, his eyes hardened.


"I am going to get some sleep now. Big day tomorrow." he said, leaving the room. "You should too. We need to wake up early to try on tuxes that Mother prepared.

Alright. I know what you guys are going to say now. "Why did you make Shin-Woo an this chapter?" WELL, because his behavior will be explained in the near future. And I know how much you guys hate Ms. Kang and Shin-Woo but believe me. I think I can make you like (if not love) ALL the characters by the end of my story. If you still hate one, then FML. xD


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kissme-minseok #1
i remember this!
hwaiting ~
PigRabbit12345 #3
great fanfic love it my fav. from all the other of you are beautiful i have read
great fanfic! TT.TT
duetinheaven #5
Great story! ^^<br />
<br />
But why can't Mi-Nyu be together with Shin-Woo. T^T<br />
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Thank you for this anyway! :D
pangaraplangkita #6
Such a wonderful story! I thought Shin-Woo will be selfish this time but still he choose to give up Mi-Nyu for the sake of her happiness. I like the part where Tae-Kyung tells Mi Nyu his rules after their wedding. HaHaHa such a Leader! Same with Miss-Hitomi, best part here is the immaturity of Jeremy and Mi-Nam! ;D
i wish i could share your ff with my friends on our site kekekekke..
Chapter 1. Lol the ice packs. Love it.
tae kyung sure does love mi nyu enough for him to marry her....<br />
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but i really feel so sorry for shin woo....he loved her too much to let her go...i really feel sorry for him....gaaaaaa....that is how much he loves her....reminds me of "my best friend's wedding"...anyway, if the drama had shin woo and mi nyu together, we will never have a lee shin and kyu won, ahahahah....(though i still prefer mi nyu and shin woo).<br />
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the best part of this story? the immature children jeremy and mi nam! hehehehe...daebak!
hahaha...sang-hee could really be annoying orange's sister rather than being shin woo's sister.