Muster Up the Courage.

But I See Beauty Left In You Girl.

Listen to- "You and I, Heart Fluttering" by Acoustic Collabo

Zico was eating lunch with his friends at a diner nearby Minah's work place. Like always, he was going to pick her up once she got out.

"So, what's up with Minah?" Kyung asked as he took a bite of his sandwich.

Zico's face immediately lit up. Whenever he heard her name, a wide smile spread across his face. "Look at him! Look at him!" Jihoon laughed. 

They always teased Zico about how sprung he was over Minah but he didn't mind it because it was true. He really liked her and she was the best thing to ever happen to him.

"I still find it so weird since we've never seen you like this." Kyung said. 

Zico let out a laugh and continued eating. "I can't wait to see her." He said making the guys .

"Have you guys like confessed or anything?" Jihoon asked.

Zico stopped and froze. Now that he thought about it, not once did he ever tell Minah that he liked her and neither did she.

"You haven't told her you like her?!" Kyung asked shocked. 

"Wow, that never even crossed my mind. It's like, the feelings were so noticeable that we didn't even have to tell each other. But that's what I'm going to do. I'm going to go all out and confess!" He stated proudly.

Jihoon rolled his eyes, "Just don't ask us to help."

Zico smirked and eyed the younger one through the corner of his eye. Jihoon looked up and noticed and made a whining sound.

After they finished eating, the two accompanied Zico to a flower shop. They looked around in disgust as they had never been in such a girly environment.

"You're killing us." Kyung said. Zico walked over to the lady behind the register and cleared his throat before he spoke. 

"Excuse me." The lady put down the newspaper she was reading and stood up. "Yes?" She asked with a smile as she looked at the three boys.

Zico smiled back, "I need some flowers for my girlf-" He stopped. He almost called Minah his girlfriend. His heart started beating at the thought of it and he smiled to himself.

"For my friend," He clarified. "Could you help me?" The lady nodded her head and stepped out from behind the counter and guided Zico to some fresh flowers that were newly in stock.

Once he got the flowers, they left the shop and headed to a store that sold cute things such as jewelry, make up, clothes, and other accessories.

Zico eyed a silver chain necklace that had an infinity symbol dangling from it. He smiled and took one so he could pay for it. Walking out of the store, Kyung and Jihoon were outside waiting.

"Time to go pick her up!" Zico said proudly. 

"Have fun." Kyung said as him and Jihoon waved and walked the opposite direction.

As Zico walked to the phone store, he stopped at the door and took a deep breath. "You can do this Woo Jiho." He told himself.

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Chapter 25: So romantic!
Perfect ending
Chapter 25: Sequel pls..... it's amazing
Chapter 25: Oh my gosh! I literally started to tear at the end! Beautiful! You're an amazing author.Ah, I miss our Block B soooooo much!! Well, I'm standing proudly by their side as a BBC! Block B FIGHTING!!
Chapter 22: I want you to know you aren't the only one who cried over Block B. I did too and so did one of my friends. We agreed that these boys have gone through way to much crap and that we will be true BBC's forever. I'm glad there's other real BBC's out there that are on the same boat as me and my friend. Block B FIGHTING!!
Chapter 25: Woo Minah... wow that sounds nice together >3>
*jelous as eff over here *
Chapter 25: omg, totally cute ending!
i loved this story~ good luck in the future author nim!
Chapter 25: It was an amazingly (cute) good ending! ^^