Chapter 5

The Seven Deadly Sins

As we finished laughing, we turned to Leeteuk who was flat out pissed off at us. I don't know why though he needs to lighten up more.

"What crawled up in his pants and died" G-Dragon said. Apparently he had also noticed the fuming Angel next to him. 
"Probably his intelligence." I said in remark to him letting me the sin Envy in the house of Greed.
We both began to laugh again until the aura coming from Leeteuk was scary. I awkwardly coughed still trying to muffle some chuckles.
G.D. turned to face the pissy angel. "So let me get this straight. You're an Angel who was assigned to watch over us. Now you have to get us all together?" He said forming it in a question at the end.
Leeteuk nodded his face returning to normal.
"Who have you found so far?" He asked his eyes lighting up like a child's on Christmas. 
"Just you. He found me first so that makes two out of seven." I retorted.
Jumping out of his chair, he almost knocked it over. Jumping up and down he asked "who's next?!"
Leeteuk rolled his eyes irritated with the blonde haired boy. Reaching in the pocket on the front of his plaid shirt, he pulled out another picture, folded the same as the one he gave me of Ji Yong.
Grabbing it greedily, he opened it. A puzzled expression crossed his face. His head tilted sideways as he studied it. Coming up behind him, I tried to see what our other brother looked like, but G-Dragon dodged me so I couldn't look. Greedy bastard who does he think he is...Greed...I forgot. 
"Why does he have orange eyes? That's so weird." He mumbled. 
"Well why do you have yellow eyes? Why are Mir eyes Green." Leeteuk said plainly. 
The boy blinked a couple times in a row thinking. "Well I don't know, I guess because my mom or dad had that color of eyes."
Breathing out a puff of breath Leeteuk shook his head. "You really know nothing about the seven sins do you? It has nothing to do with genetics. Your eyes depend on your sin's color. Yours is yellow. Wrath's is red, Envy's in green and so on."
We both nodded in a trance with what he said. I had always wondered that too. I seemed to have a lot of Korean in me with some Brazilian flare. Green eyes were odd to get for the background I thought I had.
Waving the picture in the air G-Dragon indicated that he should tell us more about the mysterious brother with orange eyes. I snatched it out of his hands. I am pretty good at snatching things that I want. The boy in the picture had pale skin, like porcelain. His body figure was like a twig it didn't look healthy at all. His eyes were orange, like G.D. had said, but his eyes were blood shot and his pupils were huger than normal. Flipping it over, I looked for a name. "Lee Kiseop" I read aloud. 
G.D. And I both looked up at the same time to look at Leeteuk.
"Boys, meet brother number three. Kiseop Lee. He resides in Osaka, Japan.  He is the sin Gluttony."
I scoffed "He is as skinny as a twig! How can he be gluttony!" When I had pictures my brothers as sins, gluttony was fat and could barely move not a twig!
Leeteuk shot daggers with his eyes at me "If you would have let me finish I would have told you that Gluttony doesn't always eat food he always does drugs. You two are really stupid. If I have to explain every little thing to your brothers like I have to explain to you, I may just have to kill you myself."
Well then. "When do we leave?" I asked.
"I have a private jet that can get us to Osaka." G-Dragon said shrugging as if it was perfectly normal to have your own private jet. I had to ride on a airplane that anyone could ride on. It was first class, but that is only because G.D. Had paid for the ticket. If I would have had to scrounge up money for a ticket, it would have been In a dog kennel. 
"That sounds quite lovely" Leeteuk said flashing a million-dollar smile. 
I sneered at him. He isn't allowed to pick favorites! 
G-Dragon wiped out his and dialed a long string of numbers. He talked in French most likely getting the plane set up for take off. 
~~~~~~~~Six Hours Later
I handed my one bag I had broughten to one of the butlers that was there to load the bags. G.D. Had still yet to come back from packing. 
Suddenly a long line of maids and butlers rolling suitcases came to the plane.  The butler began loading them onto the plane. I walked away sheepishly, embarrassed that I only had one bag. 
Walking onto the plane in rolled my eyes. He had the plane colored gold and his name 'G-Dragon' written across the plane in Silver. What a tacky idea. I walk over to the back o the plane where Leeteuk was already seated, staring out the window. His face was scrunched as if he was thinking about something. Sitting next to him, I look at him through the corner of my eyes. He noticed and turned his head and gave me a 'what the do you want' look. I just smiled awkwardly.
"I uh have a question" I said surprised of how quiet it came out.
"And I have an answer" he said.
I opened my mouth to start my question, but the black curtains were pulled open, and G-Dragon strode over sitting across from us. Smiling he looked between us.
"Sorry, if I interrupted your conversation." He said.
"It's fine." I turned back towards Leeteuk who was still waiting for my question. 
"I know I have only seen two of my brothers, but there isn't a thing about us that look alike. Usually there will be similar things like hair color, nose shape, eye color, height, skin tone, but there is nothing alike with us. Why is that?" I said, earning a nod from G-Dragon who was probably wondering the same exact thing. 
The Angel sighed dramatically "that is because your father didn't make you from . All seven of you were made from a thought. He pictured what you looked like and thus you seven were born."
G-Dragon and I looked at him with an unamused expression. 
"Let me get this you're saying our baby bodies popped out of no where?" G.D.  said a little irritated.
"Well we don't know the full story, but from what we gathered, yes. If all seven of you took a blood test it would come out saying you weren't related. So hell you could date each other if you wanted." Leeteuk said.
G.D. looked over at me with a cheesy smile. Frowning I glared. We held gazes until we erupted into laughter. 
"Please fasten your seatbelts, we will be taking off shortly." Said one of the stewardess over the intercom.
We did as we were told and continued learning as much as we could about our father, hell, etc.
"This all seems depressing. Anything cool that comes with this?" I asked with a pout.
"Well at seven of you are immortal and if we are right. Which we always are, you will stop aging at 21" Leeteuk said trying to sound enthusiastic, but it was obvious he hated this.
"Badass" G-Dragon mumbled.
"So we are all 19?" I asked.
Leeteuk nodded. "Some may say they are 20 because of the lunar calendar, but you are all the same age. And for your birthdays, I'm sure you all go with the day you were adopted"
"I do." I said.
Chuckling G.D. Smirked saying "I bet Kiseop doesn't I bet he says his birthday is April 20th. 4/20 baaaaaabbbbbby~" he said his voice getting high at the baby part.
For the first time I saw Leeteuk actually smile. Not a smile that was forced.


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Chapter 29: How lovely! It's the most exciting part it ended there
ElizabethCruz #2
Hi new subscriber lover this fits please
ask up date very soon
JaeYong_TY #3
Chapter 29: ommo i keep reading it over n over again
can you please UPDATE
and make it more about mir since he was the first sin that was intuduced
JaeYong_TY #4
Chapter 29: I loved it
please update soon i need it
JinYaelim #5
Can't believe this is almost over :(
Chapter 29: I love this story. its really intense. How did you think of it? also the rings are a great touch. Hoping for an update soon XD
myotterprince #7
Chapter 29: Update soon~~~~~
BBC_Baby91Rap #8
Chapter 29: ....... !!!! *anticipating the out come* ^^
Can't wait for the next chapter!
MIRaclebiased #10
Chapter 29: Omg Omg Omg I hope u guys can handle him!! Good choice of rings btw, quite fitting to each sin x3 damn cliffhanger! Update soon! <3