Chapter 13

The Seven Deadly Sins


*Dongho's P.O.V.* (Sloth's)
" this!" The skinny pale boy out of the two said. Before I knew it I was being dragged out of my warm bed by him. I look up at his curiously as he stopped to look around at the entrance of my room.
"Kiseop!" The other one whispered harshly. "You can't just drag him!"
"Well, I kinda can" he retorted snarkily.
Personally, I didn't mind this at all. The being dragged of, not the fact that I'm having to leave my room or even my apartment.
I get pulled away from my thoughts, as my arm looses the warmth of his grip. As soon as the grip with gone, a muscular arm s around my waist throwing me over his shoulder.
I didn't like it up here, it was too far away from the ground where I could lay, but as I said, I'm not complaining. 
When we finally reach the exit, we meet up with a ticked off rich boy and a stressed out looking man. 
This man with dark circles under his eyes, blew up at the man holding me.
"Really Kiseop, you took him out of his apartment against his own will!" He said calmly but you could tell there was irritation interlaced in his voice.
Kiseop...Kiseop...the man's name was Kiseop. Huh, now I remember his name. I'm really bad at that kind of stuff. 
I tuned out Kiseop's and the tired man's argument as I looked at everyone. Studying them. The rich boy had yellow eyes, the tan boy had emerald green eyes, the angel had a pearly white almost blue eyes that seemed to glow.
Biting my lip, I dared to sneak a look at Kiseop's eyes. My Kiseop's. He was wearing sunglasses, but from the angle I was at, I could see that they were a piercing orange.
I now knew what they wanted me for. They were starting a bad eye color gang. 
Smiling, I congratulated myself for figuring it out.
Resting my head on his chest, I closed my eyes, feeling blood rush to my head since I was upside down. 
"Well, lets take him back to the hotel we have some explaining to do." Someone said.
"Is he dead?" The tan boy asked worried.
I lazily opened one eye to look at them.
"Oh good." Kiseop said setting me down on the bed after he set me down, he passes the rich man and directs his eyes to the ground, purposely not looking at him. As for the rich man, he did the same. 
One of them stepped forward.
"Hello, I'm Leeteuk. This is Mir, G-Dragon, and Kiseop." He spoke gesturing to everyone as he spoke.
"Or should I say, Envy, Greed, and Gluttony. And you? You are Sloth." He said studying me.
Deadly Sins? Huh, sloth that suits me well. But what was this Leeteuk guy.
"Which are you then?" I said turned towards Leeteuk.
"I'm not like. I AM your guardian angels." He said.
What. The. Actual. .
I'll just catch on to all this as it goes along. It's too stressful to process this all.
"Ok. Can I sleep now?" I asked.
Leeteuk smiled softly and nodded, leaving the room.
Everyone else followed in a tow, except for Kiseop. Walking over to the bed, he sat on the edge and looked at me.
Not looked at him, I kept my face turned straight. Looking at him through the corner of my eye I glared. 
"What?" I said.
He chuckled lightly, ruffling my hair. Pouting, I smack his hands away flattening my hair. 
"Cute" he murmured. Standing up leaving the room.
May I restate my other statement again.
What. The. Actual. .
Kiseop's P.O.V.
I smiled lightly as I turned off the light and shut the door quietly.
"" a voice said from the room across Dongho's.
"Oh shut up" I said to Mir who was leaning against the frame of his door.
"First G-Dragon, then Dongho? Sounds like a to me." He said sounding irritated.
"A is someone who sleeps around with a bunch of different people. I have not. Therefor I am no ." I smirked getting closer to him.
"Sounds to me that you're just jealous." I stated backing him up against the hallway's wall.
He looked me dead in the eye, his emerald eyes looked unsure of what was going on.
"N-n-no" he managed to sputter out. 
Leaning even closer I whispered in his ear. "Why so nervous? I'm not lust, you judge mental jackass." I whispered moving back, away from him.
His eyes were widened as he searched for words to say.
"Goodnight Envy, who is jealous that I do not give him special attention like I do G-Dragon or Kiseop and talk with Leeteuk. Who is irritated that I spend time with everyone else but you." I said in a bored voice brushing past him into my room.
After a couple minutes, I finally heard him walking to his room and shutting the door. A sniffle could be heard.
Maybe I was a little too harsh but that kid irritates me on several levels.
My mind wandered back to Dongho and of what Mir said. Was I really going after this boy. It probably does look really bad that after I get completely rejected by G-Dragon and made is seem that I was going after the new kid.
I just don't know what it is about him, he draws me in. Like two magnets.
Okay, I should stop before this gets weird. Maybe this boy is the one for me...
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Chapter 29: How lovely! It's the most exciting part it ended there
ElizabethCruz #2
Hi new subscriber lover this fits please
ask up date very soon
JaeYong_TY #3
Chapter 29: ommo i keep reading it over n over again
can you please UPDATE
and make it more about mir since he was the first sin that was intuduced
JaeYong_TY #4
Chapter 29: I loved it
please update soon i need it
JinYaelim #5
Can't believe this is almost over :(
Chapter 29: I love this story. its really intense. How did you think of it? also the rings are a great touch. Hoping for an update soon XD
myotterprince #7
Chapter 29: Update soon~~~~~
BBC_Baby91Rap #8
Chapter 29: ....... !!!! *anticipating the out come* ^^
Can't wait for the next chapter!
MIRaclebiased #10
Chapter 29: Omg Omg Omg I hope u guys can handle him!! Good choice of rings btw, quite fitting to each sin x3 damn cliffhanger! Update soon! <3