


The next morning when he gets ready to school his ankle pains him but he ignores it. Today it’s his mother day off so he tries his best not to wake her up while he rushes to catch the subway. Differently from other days Yixing walks with a pleasant grin on his face while he walks with his headphones on, soft love songs play on his ears. When he gets to the university campus Luhan is found at his usual stop in front of the gate waiting for him since he always gets there first. He greets him with a smile but Luhan seems surprised.

“Shouldn’t you be home? I thought you were forbidden to dance.” He air quotes the word forbidden.

“That doesn’t mean I should stay home.” He thinks about his ankle and how, even though he doesn’t care about pain at the moment, it actually hurts.

“Rest, in my language is staying home.”

“I’m fine. We should go we’re late.” He doesn’t wait for Luhan to refute and starts walking. For his dismay when he gets to class, before he could even go change to gym clothes, the teacher glares at him and sends him to a corner and asks a janitor to bring ice. Yixing frowns but his teacher isn’t the kind to joke around and furrows his eyebrows even more back at him to prove he’s not going to back out. Yixing recoils and obeys claiming a corner as a seat.

“I know you all too well to know for sure you even haven’t been treating your injury Zhang.” He hands him the ice pack. Yixing wonders if he’s that transparent. People seem to all be so sure of his actions it scares him at times. He sulks in the corner watching his colleagues dance wishing he could join. While he watches he starts planning steps in his head that would look interesting in the progressing choreography he’s doing. His thoughts are interrupted when he feels his pockets vibrating. He opens it and it reads a simple Good Morning. Yixing smirks to himself and sends a similar greeting adding a smiling face at the end. He likes it like this. Simple. Even though it’s early for such things he’s glad there aren’t any mushy and tacky names that would have him curling his toes. Seconds later he receives another, and for his blushing problem, candid message. I want to see you. He takes a glance at the people in front of him to see if they’re distracted enough not to see the pink in his cheeks and shy smile that doesn’t seem to leave his lips. I’ll come by the café. He’s not even sure he’ll be working today but even if not it doesn’t deny the eventual encounter. You’ll distract me. Yixing giggles. Hopefully soft enough so no one heard. He looks up from his phone again and notices the teacher is eyeing him. Not really judging him or angry that he’s texting in the middle of class but actually curious. Yixing lingers his gaze to make sure he won’t reprimand him. The teacher eventually looks away and focuses on a student that is showing difficulties. Yixing goes back to his phone. I promise I’ll be discrete ^^. Wufan replies with a smile and a promise of another date is set.

Class ends and his ankle actually feels better. He leaves but not before the teacher gives him a final scold and a warning.

“You’re one of the best Yixing. Don’t be too reckless.” He says when they are both standing in front of the door ready to head off. Yixing bows and makes his way to his next class.

When his classes are finished he rides the subway with Luhan heading downtown just like they used to but this time it’s a little different.

“I am not going to be there and incarnate a candle.”

“You’re not going to be a candle. Nothing changed, we’re just going to get you cake like always.”

“Oh, no, no, no, Zhang Yixing. Do I look stupid to you?” Yixing opened his mouth to answer but Luhan didn’t stop to listen. “You guys are going to be all over each other and I don’t want to be there to see that.”

“I just kissed his cheek Luhan. We’re not dating.” The subway makes one more stop.

“I’m not going Yixing but I’ll claim that cake you own me later.” The younger male frowns.

“I need moral support.”


“But I get all nervous.”


“You promised to be there forever Luhan.” He faintly mocks.

“Ha, no. Besides, he’ll probably want to be alone with you. He won’t like my presence. Just relax and be yourself. He likes you already, don’t worry.” The subway stops at their destination and they get off. “See you tomorrow lover boy.” Yixing doesn’t like being called that but waves it off saying goodbye. Luhan smiles and heads out to a different direction which leaves him facing his nervousness now that he has to go alone to the cake shop. He’s still wondering what he’ll do until Wufan finishes his shift.

When he gets there, takes a peek and sees that the shop is practically empty although he has still to make out if it’s a good thing or not. He goes in and detects Wufan on the other end serving pastries to a cute couple, having his back turned. He doesn’t stay there to get noticed and goes sit at his and Luhan’s usual table. It feels a bit weird being there without him so he sits quietly folding his hands in his lap. Some moments pass and Yixing feels silly just sitting there looking at nowhere so he pulls out his phone to at least look a bit busy and texts Luhan. If he wouldn’t be there physically at least he could provide help spiritually. Eventually Wufan notices him there and approaches his table.

“Hey.” Yixing looks up from his phone and shoots the tall boy a smile. Wufan sits in front of him.

“Can you do that?”

“There’s no one here, it’ll be fine.” Yixing doesn’t like the prospects of Wufan being yelled at because of him but doesn’t push him to leave either so instead he keeps smiling. “And I can’t just leave you here alone.”

“It’s your job, I understand.”

“I know you do. To be honest it isn’t a job that suits me that much.” Yixing could start to disagree.

“I think it does suit you.”

“Oh really? Do I look like a cup cake guy?” Yixing brings his hand to his mouth as he laughs shyly.

“Okay probably not but the uniform suits you.” He bites his tongue.

“Oh it does? I look good don’t I?” Wufan provokes raising his brows and fixing his collar. He looks cocky but Yixing thinks he looks funny.

“Yeah.” He nods.

“I’ll be off soon.” Suggestion is implied.

“I’ll wait. I-” he stops thinking about the proposal he’s about to make. “I want to take you somewhere.” It comes out as a promise instead and now it’s Wufan’s turn to smile.

“I’m curious.” He looks straight at Yixing who had taken a chance to glance at his hands placed in his lap and doesn’t say anything else. A couple comes in and he takes his cue to go back to work. Yixing thinks about what he should do and if he should do it. He deliberates that maybe yes, sometimes he should stop being scared to take a step forward and fall into the unknown. If he does get hurt, well, it will help him get stronger he tells himself because he wants to take this step so bad, because Wufan makes him feel this panoply of things that don’t let his heart rest and in the same, fall into an incredible warmth. So once more he lets his heart decide.

Length: 1300+

Oh I'm falling behind. Sorry. I've been a bit busy and well sometimes my imagination stops abruptly. But here it is. :) I hope you like it. :D <3<3 I'm swimming in Sekai and even Kray feelings lately oh god. OTL That picture of Kris holding Lay's hand and this fanaccount that Sehun goes to Kai's bed to sleep with him when he has trouble falling asleep OMG AAAAAAH EVEN IF IT ISN'T TRUE IT'S OKAY IM FINE JUST IMAGINING XD oh but it's so cute if it's true TuT Anyway. I hope I don't take to long to write the next chapter. Uff.

As you know already you guys are the best, precious people. ;u; <3<3

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so the next update probably will take a whilee...sorry


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Chapter 35: I'm glad you showed the first chapter from Wufan's perspective and even a bit of their future! And I'm glad Luhan was able to be happy and successful while still dragging Yixing everywhere ^^
Chapter 1: i'm still in love with this fic no matter how many times i re-read the whole thing <3
Chapter 35: Second time reading and I still adore this fic as much as the first time.
And can Wufan and Yixing just get married irl already?! They're so perfect together that it physically pains me to know that they're apart.
Chapter 32: Probably one of the best fanxing fics i've ever read tbh
Everything is fluffy and well plotted and i just ♡♡♡
This is such a beautiful piece tbh ;;
I'd give this fic thousands of upvotes if i could ♡
Chapter 35: omg where am i when you wrote this? why am i seeing/reading this just now. this so good and it gve me butterflies too. i miss fanxing so much. thank your for this one. :)
leolliepop #6
Chapter 35: omg im reading this all over again and gosh I still love this story a lot ;~; been with it in 2012, 2013 and reading it again in 2014 I just- im really amazed how this story entices me. I love this story and I love you <3
2440 streak #7
Chapter 35: loved it more and more specially when the story was nearing its end...
lovely KrAy! and thank you for the beautiful LayHan friendship in here too!
D_S_H_ #8
Chapter 35: This, and the SeKai spin-off, were both fantastic stories. Thank you so much for writing them!
D_S_H_ #9
Chapter 10: My favorite Exo pairs are SuChen, KrAy, and BaekTao! Lol. Just stumbled onto this story but I am enjoying the fluffiness and I'm looking forwards to the SeKai plan.