


Luhan is a proclaimed tortured soul and is tired out of his mind. He informs Yixing that he needs rest and decides to go home. No words bat him down this time. Jongin and he stay and even though the objective was to practice they decide, without words, to change the course of the events. Some random music Jongin set on shuffle starts playing and they just dance. At one point it almost feels like a dance battle. They tire themselves off and when it ends they collapse on the floor. Jongin only gets up to fetch his bottle of water.

“Are you thirsty?” he asks. Yixing is still sprawled on the floor and takes a look at the boy that is getting closer to him with a bottle in his hands.

“I’m actually just really hot.” It comes out a lot more breathy than he expected. Jongin stops his tracks when hovering over the older. He uncaps the bottle and sips a bit. Yixing’s eyes are on him. He sees his adam’s apple bobbing up and down as he swallows and he thinks it’s a bad idea to stare so he diverts his gaze to the side. Suddenly he feels something wet and cool fall on his chest. He looks up and Jongin is pouring the content of his bottle on him. He gets up but Jongin doesn’t stop so he grabs his wrists.

“Stop! Are you crazy? You’re making a mess.” Jongin doesn’t even fight his hold.

“You said you were hot, I wanted to help you with that.” He shows off a smug smile and gets a bit closer. Yixing pushes him by his arms but only his arms go backwards.

“You’re an idiot.”

“I’m a cute idiot though.” His smile doesn’t fade even a bit. If anything his half-moon eyes get even more crescent. Yixing doesn’t like the distance or the lack of it between them so he let’s go taking a step back.

“We should clean this.” He looks down at the water splattered on the floor.

“Janitors will do it.” He takes two steps forward and Yixing stops him with a hand to his chest. He can feel Jongin’s heart beating fast.

“You should do it.”

“Make me.” The young boy’s gaze is stronger on him and he tries to take another step but Yixing keeps him where he is.

“Jongin…” He is more than aware of what the younger wants to do.

“I want to kiss you.” He confesses. Yixing is taken aback by his forwardness.

“You can’t.” He retreats his hand.

“Why not?” Now that nothing stops him he takes another step.

“Because I say so.” He wishes his voice would come out more assertive. Jongin grabs his wrist and pulls him which makes them stand dangerously close

“I won’t have that. Give me another reason.” Yixing can feel his breath on his face. His eyes linger on Jongin’s and something is making it hard for him to breathe. He takes a look at the young boy’s plump lips and stops his train of thought pushing Jongin away before the boy decided close the gap.

“Because I don’t want to.”

“You’re lying.” Luhan was right he is indeed persistent.

“I’m not.” He should tell Jongin about Wufan.

“I know you want.”

“I don’t. You should stop. I’m leaving. See you Monday.” But he doesn’t. He steps away and goes to the locker rooms to change. Thankfully Jongin doesn’t intercept. He washes his face with cold water to clear his mind and thinks about what he almost let happen. He curses himself because he thinks about Wufan and that he deserves better than this.

He goes home to be alone and think. When he gets there the house is empty so he takes a shower and when he finishes doesn’t even bother to dress. He just flops into his bed with only a towel around his waist. He needs to think of what Jongin means to him. He knows the younger boy doesn’t mean anything because he doesn’t make Yixing’s heart beat faster or make him stutter or even make him blush. He’s just a really good dancer that happens to be pretty handsome but that doesn’t mean Yixing has feelings for him. It’s okay to think other guys are cute. He didn’t go blind now did he? These are all the justifications he finds in his head to explain why he didn’t just tell the younger he had a boyfriend. It’s giving Jongin hope and he knows it’s wrong. He rolls around in bed and sighs in frustration into the pillow. It is bothering him a lot more than it should so he decides to stop being stupid and just be honest. Letting this get any bigger will only bring problems.

Yixing doesn’t budge from his bed just lingering there with his face on the pillow and feeling sorry for himself. Then his phone starts to vibrate in his pocket. It’s a text from Wufan and when he opens it he’s surprised. It tells him to meet the other downstairs. He looks confused at his own phone wondering why Wufan would be downstairs. It doesn’t take long until he starts strolling around his room with his heart pumping. He needs to get dressed but doesn’t want to make him wait so he texts him to come up. Meanwhile he tries to find anything to wear but only seconds pass when the bell rings. Yixing gets startled his cheeks are burning and he wants to stick his head somewhere but can’t so he ends up opening the door that way anyway. Wufan takes a good look, from head to toe, of the younger boy and he feels his whole body flush bright pink. Suddenly, even if practically , he feels incredibly hot. Wufan’s power over him will always amaze him.

“I’m not sure how to interpret this.” Yixing frowns because Wufan is making a terrible job at hiding his excited grin.

“You caught me on a bad timing. Your fault you didn’t warn me sooner.” He steps aside for the tall male to come in and grips at his towel because it seems like it might fall. “How did you get up here so fast?”

“I wasn’t really downstairs.” The grin just becomes wider and Wufan’s eyes stark on his body make Yixing even more nervous.

“Stop staring.” He smacks the other’s arm lightly. “I’m going to get dressed.” He says planning to make his way over to his room but Wufan stops him cornering Yixing between him and the wall. Yixing’s heart almost bursts.

“Wait...” He leans down and kisses him making his hands travel from the wall to the sides of Yixing’s torso. The latter shivers as his brain starts to malfunction. The butterflies attack again and stronger than ever before. Wufan stops kissing him and goes down trailing kisses on the corner of his lips to his jaw until he stops and takes a bite to his neck. Yixing grips his upper arms not able to restrain the broken moan that leaves his lips and Wufan’s hands start to go lower. Although he’s feeling amazing he prevents Wufan’s hands when he feels them grab the towel on his waist. Anxiety is starting to fill him. Wufan stops kissing his neck and takes a look at him. Yixing feels extremely warm and he’s sure his face is dark red. The tall male doesn’t say anything and just pecks his lips before pulling away completely.

“I’ll wait here.” He says calmly caressing his cheek. Yixing doesn’t stay to question, thankful that Wufan didn’t go any further and makes his way to get dressed. He usually isn’t the type of person that takes long to get ready but he finds himself looking a bit longer and more attentive at himself in the mirror since he met Wufan. He can see the red mark on his neck but doesn’t bother to try to hide it. It’s practically summer anyway, it would be stupid to wear a scarf not to mention he hates those kind of things. When he’s finally ready he goes back to the living room. Wufan is standing beside a table with a picture frame in his hands. When he notices the younger’s presence he turns to look at him.

“Are these your parents?”

“Yeah. My father isn’t here anymore though…”

“What happened?” Wufan sounds reluctant to ask.

“He left.” Yixing doesn’t show bitterness in his tone because he actually doesn’t feel it. It’s something from the past. His father wasn’t there and that never really bothered him. There isn’t really a reason to be bothered anyway. His mother is fine and he’s doing pretty well despite some minor hardships. They’re doing pretty good and there was never the need of his father to ever come back.

“Why does your mother keep his picture?” he poses the frame at its place.

“I don’t know. An immortal hope I guess.”

“Do you have hope?” Wufan emphasizes the word you.

“No. I don’t want him back.”

“You remember him?”

“I do. I even caught him fleeing and I remember all the lies he told me. I don’t really care anymore.” Yixing speaks nonchalantly and Wufan doesn’t prolong the questions.

“Have you eaten? I can take you wherever you want.” He changes the subject and smiles.

“Anywhere is good for me.” He reciprocates a soft smirk.

Sorry I'm soo lateeee....I'm like writing three stories at the same time OTL And then there's homework. I should finish the fics before I post urgh why do I never listen to my brain when he reasons out? God. Anyway...here it is...uhm...

Kai is worse than Kris. xD Kris has some decency but he doesn't at all xDD he likes it he goes for it. haha. Okay...so yeah we'll see what happens ^^

Just so you know I'm writing a Xiuhan Vampire Au if you're interested I posted 3 chapters already.

Thank you again. Your comments are always so cute and they make me smile so much :D

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so the next update probably will take a whilee...sorry


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Chapter 35: I'm glad you showed the first chapter from Wufan's perspective and even a bit of their future! And I'm glad Luhan was able to be happy and successful while still dragging Yixing everywhere ^^
Chapter 1: i'm still in love with this fic no matter how many times i re-read the whole thing <3
Chapter 35: Second time reading and I still adore this fic as much as the first time.
And can Wufan and Yixing just get married irl already?! They're so perfect together that it physically pains me to know that they're apart.
Chapter 32: Probably one of the best fanxing fics i've ever read tbh
Everything is fluffy and well plotted and i just ♡♡♡
This is such a beautiful piece tbh ;;
I'd give this fic thousands of upvotes if i could ♡
Chapter 35: omg where am i when you wrote this? why am i seeing/reading this just now. this so good and it gve me butterflies too. i miss fanxing so much. thank your for this one. :)
leolliepop #6
Chapter 35: omg im reading this all over again and gosh I still love this story a lot ;~; been with it in 2012, 2013 and reading it again in 2014 I just- im really amazed how this story entices me. I love this story and I love you <3
2439 streak #7
Chapter 35: loved it more and more specially when the story was nearing its end...
lovely KrAy! and thank you for the beautiful LayHan friendship in here too!
D_S_H_ #8
Chapter 35: This, and the SeKai spin-off, were both fantastic stories. Thank you so much for writing them!
D_S_H_ #9
Chapter 10: My favorite Exo pairs are SuChen, KrAy, and BaekTao! Lol. Just stumbled onto this story but I am enjoying the fluffiness and I'm looking forwards to the SeKai plan.