




Saturday comes roughly quickly especially because Yixing let himself sleep longer than usual. His body entering summer vacation mode and he was craving for it anyway and it felt awfully good when he got up fully rested. The house smells clean and he can see his mom rummaging up and down the living room attached to a vacuum. Yixing sighs. He starts talking and telling her there’s no need for her to be doing this but she can’t hear him over the noise of the appliance.

He gives up and goes to the kitchen to fetch some food, his stomach crying to be fed after such a long nap. He eats some bread with jam and a glass of milk nothing too refined that he would have to turn on the stove. He doesn’t feel like doing much this morning as he feels like a sleepy house cat. After some minutes the noise stops and his mother comes into the kitchen. She’s wearing a cute pink apron she never actually worn before since Yixing is the one who does the shores and she looks brightly happy showing a wide smile.

“You really don’t need to be overworking yourself over this mama.” He finally tells her.

“It’s okay Yixing, I want to. It’s the least I can do.”

“You know I don’t mind doing house work.”

“Yes, yes, that’s exactly why I’m doing it this time. You had your show yesterday you must be tired. By the way I’m sorry for not being able to go son.”

“I’ve told you, it’s okay.

“I would’ve liked to see you dance anyway…I haven’t in a while.”

“You will mama.” He sends her a smile. He knows how her work gets too overwhelming and has her missing out on some of Yixing’s most important recitals but he doesn’t blame her for it. He understands and he never demanded her to be there. Luhan was always by his side at such times anyway.

Yixing does close to nothing all day. Just lazing out and watching that tv serie he always misses out because he’s too tired. He feels bad letting his mother clean up by herself but she menacingly shooed him away waving the duster in the air if he got any closer to the vacuum.

The morning went by pretty fast and before it was time for Wufan to come Yixing decided to go grocery shopping. He knew his mother was going to cook his favorite dish so he knew what to buy. She scowled a bit but let him go since she still had things to clean. Nothing Yixing thinks that needs that much cleaning but that’s just how mothers are. When he gets to the all so familiar little store down the street he buys every component needed for their dinner and as he scans the sweets aisle he decides to buy ingredients to make Wufan a desert. Although bakery isn’t his forte he has his mother so she can help him not ruin the whole thing.

When he gets home from the shop he voices his arrival and his mother tells him that everything is more or less presentable so she can start doing dinner. She takes the shopping bags from him and as she empties them she notices the extra ingredients. Before she can inquire him he explains the reason why he bought them. She smiles and offers her help as he expected.

Some hours pass and the sun starts to lower. The bell rings. This causes Yixing to stiffen. He thought to be ready but he never fully is even if he convinces himself to be. He gets out of his room, because his mother didn’t want him stealing food, and the delicious smell of his favorite noodle dish already flies around the house. He goes by the door and before opening he cleans his clammy hands to his jeans. This is the first time in a while he felt so nervous by having to see Wufan.  He still blushes like a school girl but his heart is racing like it used to when they first met. All those feelings come rushing through him again and he really doesn’t understand why they’re acting out now. Probably fear of his mother saying something embarrassing or worse Wufan not liking his mother. That would kill him. He breathes out and hopes not to be perspiring too much.

Yixing only curses in times of frustration and extreme angriness but this time his motive isn’t either. He gulps because Wufan once more exceeded his expectations. The tall male is wearing a pair of black jeans an equally black tee that reveals just the right amount of collarbones and a green, light navy looking jacket. It molds his shoulders in a perfect way and the small silver cross he’s wearing on his neck compliments everything. His hair is slightly pushed up and fashionably disheveled in change of the bangs he usually wears and Yixing has a hard time deciding wish way he likes it best. Both, yes he settles for both. He lets out a breath he didn’t he was holding when Wufan looks at him in the eyes and smiles. When Yixing doesn’t respond he looks down at himself.

“Is something wrong?” Yixing shakes his head.

“What? No, no…all is great. Come in.” Wufan comes in and loses his shoes at the entry before traveling the rest of the hallway. He’s twiddling with his fingers. Something Yixing never saw him do before. Could he be nervous? He runs a hand on the small of Wufan’s back and tells him to sit on the couch and goes by the kitchen to notice his mother that he has arrived.

“Don’t scare him mama.” He warns whispery just in case she decides to say something weird. She has this tendency of saying things out of the blue that no one understands and he doesn’t want Wufan to get nervous about it.

“Don’t be silly Yixing.” She laughs and Yixing sighs. She makes her way to the living room and Wufan gets up in a jiffy when he sees her. She smiles and he bows which makes her laugh.

“No need for that honey.” She pats his arm and Yixing can see how awkward the smile Wufan sends is. The tall male is obviously nervous and Yixing really wants to do something to help him but somewhere inside him he finds this all too amusing and ends up making him forget about his own anxiousness. This is probably the first time Wufan has let down his cocky mask to look like an awkward puppy. “Dinner is almost done so I’ll finish that and I’ll call you when it’s ready, okay?” She tells both and Wufan bows again while Yixing agrees and smiles. His mother goes back to the kitchen and he hears Wufan letting out a small sigh so he goes over the couch and sits making Wufan sit next to him.

“Are you nervous?” he asks for conformation and Wufan lets out a snicker. A fake one Yixing can tell.

“No." He lies. "I just…she…she’s your mother…she’s nice.” He speaks a little too fast and Yixing laughs at him.

“You really don’t need to be all this worked up.” Wufan is fidgeting with his fingers again and Yixing grabs one of his hands to interlace them.

“Yeah well…it’s still your mother. I don’t want her to think I’m an idiot.” Yixing laughs and kisses his cheek. 

“You’re already an idiot so there’s no chance she won’t.” He jokes.

“What?” Wufan stiffens and his voice get's softly high pitched and this is the cherry that makes Yixing burst out laughing.

“I’m just messing with you. She’ll like you. She likes everyone.”

“I now know who you got that from.”

“I don’t like everyone.”

“Yes you do. You’re so easy. It’s like you’re incapable of hating someone.”

“I am. I just choose not to.”

“The fact that you can choose means you don’t actually hate people.” Yixing doesn’t really know how to refute that but he doesn’t believe he is that simple. It’s probably true that he seeks the best in people even if it isn’t that preeminent but he doesn’t get fooled easily either. He just chooses to judge people for their best ratter than their worse. He doesn’t hold grudges when people hurt him but he doesn’t fall for their words again either. He might be easy but he isn’t stupid.

“I probably don’t hate them but I can distinguish right from wrong. If they hurt me I don’t let them get close enough to hurt me again.” Wufan hums in response and as he squeezes Yixing’s hand he leans to kiss him. It’s an open mouth kiss but nothing too intense. Yixing can tell Wufan is restraining himself.

“Dinner’s ready.” His mother coughs lightly to get noticed. This makes Wufan pull away abruptly and he stiffens as he gets up and starts awkwardly bowing again. 

"Yes Mrs. Zhang." She laughs softly and goes inside the kitchen again. “Oh my god.” Wufan face palms and Yixing is laughing as well because his boyfriend is obviously ashamed and his face even shades a bit of pink. He goes near him and rubs a hand up and down his back. He pushes a bit so Wufan will start walking.

The table is nicely set and Wufan’s seat is next to Yixing’s and they’re both facing his mother. She serves them first and after serving herself she sets the pot back on the counter. The dinner goes ratter silently until Yixing breaks it.

“Dinner is delicious mama.”

“Thank you Yixing. Do you like it Wufan?”

“Yes ma’am, it’s delicious.” He slightly bows his head again.

“You don’t have to bow every time honey.”

“I…okay…I’ll stop.” He giggles nervously so Yixing pats his thigh but this only seems to get him more edgy so he retrieves it.

“You know…Yixing told me you were handsome but I didn’t expect you to be this handsome.” She laughs with the back of her hand over her lips.

“Oh…thank you ma’am.”

“I can see you make my son happy. It has been a while since I’ve seen him this way.” She smiles to herself while picking a piece of meat with her chopsticks.

“Your son is the best thing that happened to me and to know he’s happy with me just makes me the happiest…I don’t think I can live without him.” Yixing almost chokes on his noodles because of such words.  Wufan is staring deeply at his plate smiling at his food and doesn’t dare to look up.

“I’m glad to hear that.” She speaks. Yixing keeps looking at Wufan and almost forgets about his own food until his mother reminds him that it will get cold if he doesn’t eat it fast. Doesn’t take long until they finish their dishes and when everyone has finished his mother starts to clear the table. “Yixing made you a desert.” She says while running water over the plates. Wufan glances at Yixing.

“I didn’t know he could bake as well.”

“Well it isn’t his specialty but he’s pretty good. I only helped a little.” Yixing starts to feel his ears burning because they keep talking about him as if he isn’t there and he really doesn’t know what to even say. He just feels helpless there so he decides to get up and get the desert from the fridge himself while his mother sets the little plates to eat it. At least he won’t feel so awkward just siting. He sets the almost flawless looking strawberry cheesecake on the table.

“I made it the closest looking to the American way. I hope it tastes good.”

“I’m sure it does.” Wufan says as he smiles.

The desert is spent with his mother talking about baby Yixing’s skills and how he was always so talented since he learned to play the guitar at a very young age and quickly picked up on the piano as well. Wufan smiles during the whole conversation while Yixing only massacres his piece of cheesecake listening to his mother talking in such an entrancing manner about his childhood. It would be enough if it was only his mother speaking non-stop about this and that but Wufan asks questions. He seems roughly eighty percent less edgy than before. If Yixing didn’t know better he would say they have met before and talk regularly. He sighs and swallows his mashed cheesecake. 



How the hell did this encounter took over 2000 words? -.- and it hasn't even ended. OTL

Well okay...so yeah...Wufan met Mrs Zhang and yeah everything went well of course. He's all embarrassed and all but they get along pretty quickly and stuff yeah all is good :D I really have nothing else to say lol Btw this would be Wufan's outfit. I just think he looks stunning soo...yeah. :)

I took long to write this because I didn't have that many ideas of how the thing could go..but yeah I think this works...and I've been writing Sekai's chapters or else I would forget my original ideas. It's starts so angsty it makes me cry lol xD Anywhooo...

Hope you guys like it :D:D <3<3<3 Btw I'm a big time B2uty and today is Jun's birthday so I'm really happy hehe :P Happy bday Junie. He's my ultimate bias >u<

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so the next update probably will take a whilee...sorry


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Chapter 35: I'm glad you showed the first chapter from Wufan's perspective and even a bit of their future! And I'm glad Luhan was able to be happy and successful while still dragging Yixing everywhere ^^
Chapter 1: i'm still in love with this fic no matter how many times i re-read the whole thing <3
Chapter 35: Second time reading and I still adore this fic as much as the first time.
And can Wufan and Yixing just get married irl already?! They're so perfect together that it physically pains me to know that they're apart.
Chapter 32: Probably one of the best fanxing fics i've ever read tbh
Everything is fluffy and well plotted and i just ♡♡♡
This is such a beautiful piece tbh ;;
I'd give this fic thousands of upvotes if i could ♡
Chapter 35: omg where am i when you wrote this? why am i seeing/reading this just now. this so good and it gve me butterflies too. i miss fanxing so much. thank your for this one. :)
leolliepop #6
Chapter 35: omg im reading this all over again and gosh I still love this story a lot ;~; been with it in 2012, 2013 and reading it again in 2014 I just- im really amazed how this story entices me. I love this story and I love you <3
2439 streak #7
Chapter 35: loved it more and more specially when the story was nearing its end...
lovely KrAy! and thank you for the beautiful LayHan friendship in here too!
D_S_H_ #8
Chapter 35: This, and the SeKai spin-off, were both fantastic stories. Thank you so much for writing them!
D_S_H_ #9
Chapter 10: My favorite Exo pairs are SuChen, KrAy, and BaekTao! Lol. Just stumbled onto this story but I am enjoying the fluffiness and I'm looking forwards to the SeKai plan.